Jesus, last time anyone gives you advice! Lol... you sound like your coming down as we speak. Nah, I'm just fucking with you, messing around, but seriously mellow out dude, pop another one of them pills, I don't think Pony was trying to tell you how to take pills when he said don't drink with em & I don't think Neo was trying to tell you to stop doing Oxy, just suggestions, you know? It's all good in the hood! But, as for drinking & pilling out, whether your familiar with pills or not, doesn't make it smart.
I think they're just looking out for your well-being, health, no reason to call them kids or anything... they're intentions seemed good.
Do you really think overdoses are 'always' victims trying to kill themselves? Do you think overdoses are 'always' victims that know nothing about the drug they overdosed on? No. Most overdose victims did it on accident, in fact, most knew the drug they overdosed on very well, but took it a notch to far, unintentionally. So, I don't care how well or how long you been doing it, doesn't mean you grew yourself a nuttsack of immunity my friend, still have to take caution & be careful, that's all. Or just stick with the weed, nobody ever dies on that shit, lol, more power to you though!