How can i stop smoking everyday ...............please help.....=)


Active Member
ok , something a few years ago happened to me and my family, that causes me really bad nightmares that really stop me sleeping, when i smoke weed, i dont have these nightmares, plus when i dont smoke , i wake up covered in sweat from head to toe, i dont know if this is relative to the nightmares or not , i have tried my doc , who gave me sleepers that didnt work , any ideas welcomed , i was not going to post this , so please no piss taking but help would be welcomed ty....:idea:


Wow man that's tough. I usually drink tea before bed or some warm milk (seriously) to help me sleep. It really sounds like your problems are deeper though, and I hate to sound like a dick but maybe you need a therapist or at least someone to talk to about the whole thing? It sounds like you're traumatized by what ever happened and if you get to the root of the problem then you wont need sleeping pills. That's just my 2 cents.


Active Member
Wow man that's tough. I usually drink tea before bed or some warm milk (seriously) to help me sleep. It really sounds like your problems are deeper though, and I hate to sound like a dick but maybe you need a therapist or at least someone to talk to about the whole thing? It sounds like you're traumatized by what ever happened and if you get to the root of the problem then you wont need sleeping pills. That's just my 2 cents.
No lost dove i dont think your a dick @ all, and yeah was pretty traumatic, the root of the problem wont go away thats the issue, thing is its not fair on my familly that i am stoned alot , and not much company always , i have really tried , in the daytime its no problem at all , plus its no help that i have never used alcohol, i have tried tea , tomoz night i will try warm milk , thanks again....


Well-Known Member
I wake up with sweats depending on the type of bed sheeting I use and how cold it is in my room. If you feel bad about smoking everyday or its using up too much herb, get a vaporizer! Vaporizers deliver 3-4 times as much THC from the same material compared to smoking it, and its also much cleaner. So if you did that it would put less crap in your body, and you would need less herb to help you get to sleep.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
If you're truly concerned about "being stoned all the time," then only smoke before you go to bed. Treat Cannabis like any other medical treatment. Use only as directed. I don't understand the necessity of quitting if it helps and all you have to do is refrain from using it during the day. I have PTSD. It sounds like you're struggling with something similar. I only use Cannabis to help me sleep at night and when I'm having issues with panic/anxiety attacks.

You really need to seek professional help with your issues. This kind of problem doesn't go away on it's own. It only gets worse.

Good luck. It just sounds like you need to show a little self-constraint. That's all. :)


Active Member
If you're truly concerned about "being stoned all the time," then only smoke before you go to bed. Treat Cannabis like any other medical treatment. Use only as directed. I don't understand the necessity of quitting if it helps and all you have to do is refrain from using it during the day. I have PTSD. It sounds like you're struggling with something similar. I only use Cannabis to help me sleep at night and when I'm having issues with panic/anxiety attacks.

You really need to seek professional help with your issues. This kind of problem doesn't go away on it's own. It only gets worse.

Good luck. It just sounds like you need to show a little self-constraint. That's all. :)
i only smoke before bed and no its not lack of self constraint , read up .......... and how is that my only concern ...did you read or just type ??


Active Member
I wake up with sweats depending on the type of bed sheeting I use and how cold it is in my room. If you feel bad about smoking everyday or its using up too much herb, get a vaporizer! Vaporizers deliver 3-4 times as much THC from the same material compared to smoking it, and its also much cleaner. So if you did that it would put less crap in your body, and you would need less herb to help you get to sleep.
nice idea , i will get 1 from the market ....thanks for the idea , will let you no if it helps :)


Active Member
I think pot suppresses your dreams, I find I dont dream or cant remember my dreams if I smoke pot before bed. sounds like your dreams are attacking you.
pot may hide the symptoms but not fix the problem, but some problems cant be fixed. That is up to you to decide.


Well-Known Member
once you get past the first day its all downhill from just need to snap out of your eveyday routine..i have to quit smoking weed every for probation drug tests, so ive become a pro at quitting.


Well-Known Member
whats the problem with smoking every day? just smoke something heavy last thing at night as a knock out, thats what i used it for in the early days..........


Well-Known Member
I think pot suppresses your dreams, I find I dont dream or cant remember my dreams if I smoke pot before bed. sounds like your dreams are attacking you.
pot may hide the symptoms but not fix the problem, but some problems cant be fixed. That is up to you to decide.
haha..The same thing happens to me..after a few days of no pot i look forward to going to sleep because i have the craziest dreams ever.


Active Member
once you get past the first day its all downhill from just need to snap out of your eveyday routine..i have to quit smoking weed every for probation drug tests, so ive become a pro at quitting.
its more nightmares than dreams , i cant have the nightmares , quitting until i find summit else is not an option...............

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
i only smoke before bed and no its not lack of self constraint , read up .......... and how is that my only concern ...did you read or just type ??
No need to get snippy. You are treating my words as antagonistic, which they weren't. If they came across that way, then I apologize.

You said, "thing is its not fair on my familly that i am stoned alot." This was the reference I was going by. If you're only smoking at night, how can you be stoned "a lot?" By the time you wake up the effects of the Cannabis should be worn off.

And to be fair, I did state that you need to seek the help of a professional to deal with the psychological issues. Sorry you took my advice the wrong way. I should have worded it better. :)


Active Member
whats the problem with smoking every day? just smoke something heavy last thing at night as a knock out, thats what i used it for in the early days..........
yes i no but i need a way to supress my nightmares i dont have an issue knocking my self out girlfriend however has a different stance , as a non toker....


Well-Known Member
wow thats strange...most stoners i know(myself included)dont dream when we smoke daily..if its a recurring nightmare, you might need to talk to a professional to get whatever is buggin you out..or maybe try meditation before bed to clear your mind...


Active Member
No need to get snippy. You are treating my words as antagonistic, which they weren't. If they came across that way, then I apologize.

You said, "thing is its not fair on my familly that i am stoned alot." This was the reference I was going by. If you're only smoking at night, how can you be stoned "a lot?" By the time you wake up the effects of the Cannabis should be worn off.

And to be fair, I did state that you need to seek the help of a professional to deal with the psychological issues. Sorry you took my advice the wrong way. I should have worded it better. :)
im sorry also , basicly i cant have the horrific nightmares that i do have if i dont smoke , i really cant have them, its horrific , as a non alcohol user im struggling from about 9-12 at night , my gf may aswell be alone with my son , she understands the problem, she understands the circumbstances are horrific, and she does not have an issue , i have consented my doc on 3 occassions and only been given sleepers that do not work, i want to make her evenings better and be in control of it , as i am i have to smoke , ps, i have never been called snippy lol


Well-Known Member
Make yourself a tincture. I take a few drops orally before bed and dont wake up for 8+ hours no matter if there is a house being built right next door (fucking assholes get to work at 6am)


Active Member
yeah im with canibud, i dnt remember my dreams as much as when i dnt smoke so i guess u smoking before sleep is making your dreams seem less real. I think smoking weed will hide your problem and not fix it. You might have to see a therapist or something to solve the problem.

Good luck with it bruh.


Active Member
wow thats strange...most stoners i know(myself included)dont dream when we smoke daily..if its a recurring nightmare, you might need to talk to a professional to get whatever is buggin you out..or maybe try meditation before bed to clear your mind...
repeat ...........i dont have them when i smoke ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and yeah its a family trauma thing , it never goes away unless i go a kip wasted ...


Well-Known Member
Face your nightmares. They are only dreams. You're asking for help from a website full of unqualified stoners, and then you get snippy when someone states the obvious. You're not the only one who hides from their problems with drugs/alcohol. The problem will never go away until you face it. Does this make me a dick? Don't really care. You'll never get better if you hide from your problems. And suppressing your dreams is a really bad thing to do to yourself. Your brain and body needs to dream.