smoking Last joint - totally depressed

cheeze me

Well-Known Member
So I'm toking on my last joint of my stash as I type this. My crop won't be ready for at least 3/4 weeks minimum (no rushy rushy- they have to be perfect) and it doesn't look like i'l be able to get anything else inbetween due to simply nothing available worth smoking here.

I'm totally depressed, this is so shit. This is my medicine but I do not live in a country where it is recognised as a medicine, infact its more seen as a hardcore drug/gateway drug.

I hardly drink alcahol, have never stepped foot on the wrong side of the law if you take my 'medicine' out of the equation.

So what do you guys do who basically have no access to bud/hash other than your own produce and have a time void with no stash left?

I know I know I should plan better but a recent house move left me with no choice.


Well-Known Member
exercise helps me take my mind off of it. it helps alot bc its the only other thing that will make you hungry.. when you stop smokeing weed. imo


Active Member
im with you bro.... i live in New Zealand, our wanker goverment still hasn't seen the light.

my grow has only just popped out of the ground.... so i got 10+ weeks. till then i spend what little i can afford to line the underworlds pockets coz my goverment is a bunch of cunts.

Im drinking alot of coffee, smoking lots of cigarettes catching up on jobs around the home... reading books... biting my nails....

But beleive me, once my grow gets underway, i will never go dry again..... so i look at this time as a non-voluntary period of punishment for not planning ahead.

MORAL of the story is...... Grow grow grow...and then when you harvest,..... GROW SOME MORE!......

now im going to get back to biting my nails, as i havent completely chewed my thumb and my pinky has a bit to offer aswell.

PS: Can you smoke finger nails?


Active Member
Dude no joke I just ran out of my last bowl about 2 hours ago and I went and cut off one of the shitty bottom branches of one of my LSD plants and quick dried it "threw the buds in an envelope and then in the microwave for 15 secs and then i set it on my heater vent for about an hour and just took my first toke and am high as shit. Good thing harvest is tomorrow.


Active Member
Dude no joke I just ran out of my last bowl about 2 hours ago and I went and cut off one of the shitty bottom branches of one of my LSD plants and quick dried it "threw the buds in an envelope and then in the microwave for 15 secs and then i set it on my heater vent for about an hour and just took my first toke and am high as shit. Good thing harvest is tomorrow.
you wanker..... im sooooo jealous :p!!!


Well-Known Member
when I run out of weed I tend to drink bleach to.
The high is really similiar to weed.You could probably dip a cigarette in it and get the same effect.


Active Member
You could always take a trip to venus