Movies To Watch When on Drugs...


Well-Known Member
Scott Pilgram vs. the World

This is a must see when tripping.



Active Member
Anything, shrooms, pills, don't matter, what movies are much better under the influence? I'll start with a must see whether your high on some bomb, or taking shrooms [preferably for this flick]


Best part of the trailer is from 2:10 on. One of the best movies I ever seen. I'm no fan of musicals, not even Grease really, but this movie is fucking great. Must see for Beatles fans. Movies don't have to relate to drugs at all either, I would even say 'The Grinch Who Stole Xmas' is better on drugs. Lol.

I like that movie it was pretty damn good but then again i like The Beatles


Active Member
IMHO, that movie sucks some major balls.
Agreed. I really dislike that movie. But like you said... we all have our own opinions... my cousin on the other hand finds it to be one of the best movies ever [& he's a stoner too...] so yeah. But, it just seemed so fucking stupid & gay, maybe the style of it or something, I don't know. Wasn't a fan of the main actor either, hate that dude & chick pretty much, so that didn't help.


Well-Known Member
I gotta see Scott Pilgrim again, I was too sleepy the first time I saw it but I remember laughing out loud a few times..

Jurassic Park!! Dinosaurs!? What?! You believe there still hasn't been a dino movie that tops Jurassic Park yet?!

Back to the Future! McFly sucka! Shit is hilarious and visual appealing for it's time! Probably one of my favs, it's got pretty much everything you'd want from a movie.

The Matrix trilogy. Straight up awesome

Star Wars trilogy. Also straight up awesome

Star Trek (2010)

The Jackass Movies are hilarious too, especially on something, damn! Saw that last one with my dad stoned as hell haha!

And if you want a thriller/scary type movie, check the Saw series!! Holy hell!! Amazing!


Well-Known Member
I spewed watching Jackass where they jacked off the horse and the guy drank the cum........................way more than I could handle LOL........oops excuse me on way to batheroom to spew....just thinking aobut it aaaacccckkkkk


Active Member
Yeah nothing has topped Jurassic Park in that genre, agreed. I thought about that a few weeks ago myself... odd really, I don't think anyone wants to attempt to be better.


Well-Known Member
I spewed watching Jackass where they jacked off the horse and the guy drank the cum........................way more than I could handle LOL........oops excuse me on way to batheroom to spew....just thinking aobut it aaaacccckkkkk
Yeah it's tough to watch that shit... another one that comes to mind was in this most recent one.. That FAT ASS motherfucker walks on a treadmill for a while while he builds up some sweat, then they collect it all into a cup and SteveO drinks it! FUUCK!

That shit with the portapottie on the bungee cables was EPIC though! damn!!! haha!

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
jackass 3d is funny but yes fucked up sick things never stop xD

remember romper stomper man i felt sry for those asians i seen this when i was 14
im not saying watch this movie its wrong

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Blade Runner. That shit gave us a twisted glimpse into the future a long time ago. Blade Runner... Also Blue Velvet or any other David Lynch movie.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Romper Stomper is old school violent punk, or more like misguided white power kinda thing. Gritty independent film that was surprising good (young russsell crow), but not sure I could get into all the violence, tragedy and discrimination more than once. peace mofos:leaf:

Again, Blade Runner.


Well-Known Member
Shrooms. Very intense and scary lol I mean I haven't watched it in years! But I remember me and a friend one of the first times I smoked watched that and we had to stay up all night with the lights on! We were scared shitless