help fast! $1,500 to spend


Active Member
Tonight I'm checking out my amps. Went to the local hydro store like someone suggested and talked to one of the dudes that seemed to know whats up. He said he could cut me a deal on shit... We talked about stuff and I came to the conclusion, so far, that I might go with these things here. I am going to look into everything else everyone has suggested too real quick.

I'm thinking I might go with:

- Turbogarden hydro unit (nice and compact for this grow)

- a badass HPS bulb like a Hortilux 1000 watt if the breaker can handle it

- not sure about which reflector or ballast yet... any suggestions?

- I'm going to try to get a full regimen of House & Garden hydro nutes (f'n expensive...) if anyone used these and other nutes and can compare for me let me know.

- probably going to make myself a lil tent out of lighting 97% unless I can get a deal on a prefab one

Then all the other little shit like pH, EC, fans, blah blah

I know I'll be using a CO2 supplement. I really don't have the money for a dope system... Anyone know how that CO2 bucket performs?

Seeds... mmm probably a pack of RP Sour Kush and DNA Cannalope Haze. Figured it would be a good opportunity to see what a diesel, kush, and haze are like.

Will get back to you guys with what I choose and a grow journal.
With your budget don't bother with CO2 until after your first grow so you can sell and make some cash.

Since you already have cloning equipment you can boost your budget selling clones and pay for equipment that way.

The best way to go on a budget is to make sure that you have the simple stupid shit first. You NEED nutes, EC, pH, fans for any setup and these are usually the *cheapest* (still kinda costly) expense to grow. Buy all this shit, once you have all the basics, see how much money you have left and let that dictate what lights you buy. Also going to a cheap DIY hydro will save you some bucks or just use some old 5 gal buckets or buy them new, theyre like $15 for 5 at home depot around here.

You can always water buy hand until you have enough money for a legit hydro setup if thats what you want to go with in the long term.

Things to also remember: You need enough money laying around at the end of the day to pay your electric water and other basic expenses. Make sure you have enough cash lying around to float yourself for the first grow until you have some product to make your money back on.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
id go soilless, in 3 gallon pots. sunshine mix #4 mixed with 2 bags fox farm light seed warrior. 10 plants to a 1000 watt. or 16 to 2 600 watts. 50 bucks for soil. get used gear for now. 200 bucks light set up 1000 watt, 100 bucks 6 inch fan, 100 bucks carbon filter, exaust room through carbon filter through lights then out side. 200 bucks cheap AC. nute line house and garden soil A and B small bottles of every thing. then water every other day with 12 gallons. 8 weeks latter monster crop.


Nah you have to supplement CO2. It's a limiting factor... (light + water + CO2 = sugar) without one of those you don't get sugar (energy) and then you don't have the energy to create huge buds.

But yeah I'll have the $ to make it to the end.

Hopefully this hydroshop actually hooks me up.


id go soilless, in 3 gallon pots. sunshine mix #4 mixed with 2 bags fox farm light seed warrior. 10 plants to a 1000 watt. or 16 to 2 600 watts. 50 bucks for soil. get used gear for now. 200 bucks light set up 1000 watt, 100 bucks 6 inch fan, 100 bucks carbon filter, exaust room through carbon filter through lights then out side. 200 bucks cheap AC. nute line house and garden soil A and B small bottles of every thing. then water every other day with 12 gallons. 8 weeks latter monster crop.
Actually this sounds alright. If I do it like this I might want to try for about 26 plants. What you recommend for that many plants and where am i getting this used gear from? Craigslist?

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
26 plants 2 1000 watts is pushing it but fuck it .do it . u can get used gear from some hydro shops, just ask them go to a few. and ya craigslist some times has good deals. thats where u should get carbon filter from, and fan.
one more thing u should get is sweet. start adding it in week 2 till finish max amount. dont worry about sugers and fat buds. with sweet and house and garden shooting powder you will flip over when u see the buds.
the biggest thing if u plan on selling medical is make sure u grow something popular on the market. not just a so called big yeilder. u will have a big yeild with this system i sware.


What's sweet? And do you mean week 2 veg or flower? lol why does everyone think you don't need CO2... oh well I'm doing it. And yeah I'm doin that sour kush and cannalope haze (or some other nice haze).

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
i have co2, its great but i thaught we were working on a budget. co2 cost me and my girlfriend almost 2 grand and its not as easy as just add co2 and your done u have to worry about alot of things. alot of sleepless nights woring about not fucking up a 12k watt grow. i did see a gen 1 E on craigslist for 180 though. sweet is from botanicare its a carbohydrate dense nugs bro. week 2 of flower
Duke you can get a complete set up tent,400 watt light,fans,timer,bulbs,nutes for all under 500 or the complete setup with a 600 watt light for 649..
Take a look at htg supply you will find mostly everything you need there and guarenteed you will not spend 1000 oh and you can tell them since you spending this much you hope for a discount or some free stuff and you will get it...
Tell your hydroshop to match that i bet he will tell you to go with them because he cant lmao thats what mine said.


New Member
Duke you can get a complete set up tent,400 watt light,fans,timer,bulbs,nutes for all under 500 or the complete setup with a 600 watt light for 649..
Take a look at htg supply you will find mostly everything you need there and guarenteed you will not spend 1000 oh and you can tell them since you spending this much you hope for a discount or some free stuff and you will get it...
Tell your hydroshop to match that i bet he will tell you to go with them because he cant lmao thats what mine said.
Check it out:

Cant beat this in used equipment but this is brand new...and talk to them they will knock off money quick and this setup even includes the soil and H & G nutes... Best customer service and prices...there are more there as well...hel you could setup perpetual for under 1500



That site is dope! :D it's like Christmas! And no this is supposed to be computer money LOL oh well.


have you grown anything before? not hatin' just wonderin.
Yeah, 8 GHS White Widow in two 5 gallon pots under four 42 watt CFLs and no real nutes just pH balanced water... didn't pay attention to the EC. All inside of an enclosed closet with no fan and only vented when I'd check on them.

Things are going to be different this time. Very different.