What is wrong with this place???


Well-Known Member
Ok well I guess by posting this I will probably offend a few people but does it really matter when I can't seem to get any interaction with anyone anyway??

I take a good bit of my time to make a thread, thank people for thier time and effort in post threads that gave me a lot of good ideas. I go into detail and show pictures of my setup and explain how i built things and what I am doing.

The thread gets over 40 views and not one single response.....

What gives?

Is this the norm for this place?

Did i do something wrong for trying to interact with this community?

Screw it im deleting my journal and the taking the stuff out of my thread.

This thread is dead, don't even bother responding to this. I will still try to share what I have learned in he hopes of giving back to the community. My journal and thread are there. I will not let the many crappy people on this site discourage me from sharing. Theres a lot of really nice, helpfull people on this site and there is a lot of assholes, for a lack of a better word. I guess I just got to see the assholes first. You can see a fine example of those people here in the thread, people who would rather insult someone then help them with a very simple question, you will also see the people who care about this community and are kind to others who want to be a part of it.

One thing I don't understand is that these "assholes" seem to like being here, they seem to like to take from this community, however if everyone here treated others as they treat people asking "stupid" question this community would'nt exist. It exists because a lot of nice people took the time and effort to help others.
Some people dont post until asked a question or until they see things they like i for 1 will post whenever i see a journal looking for a response
Screw it im deleting my journal and the taking the stuff out of my thread.
were you an only child of older parents?

take a look and see how many threads have been started since I started this response 30 seconds ago......73.
you arent the only one here...relax and have a hit.

ps. you get the most responses with naked pictures or saying how much you love/hate Miracl-Gro!!


Well-Known Member
were you an only child of older parents?

take a look and see how many threads have been started since I started this response 30 seconds ago......73.
you arent the only one here...relax and have a hit.

ps. you get the most responses with naked pictures or saying how much you love/hate Miracl-Gro!!

so you feel the need to throw a jab at me? no i was not a only child.......

I ask questions, ask for feedback and get no response......

funny i get more responses to this then when i take the time to thank people and share what i am doing.


Well-Known Member
what kind of response were you looking for?
I guess I'm not expecting anything now. I deleted my content because why bother sharing and asking for feedback if no even bothers. Hey maybe it is just that there is soooooo many new posts that mine are just simply overlooked.... oh no wait thats not it, shit my journal had like 50 some views no response, comment, nothing. Hell my thread i just made a few hours ago had like 30 views and not a peep.

Oh well, is what it is. Ill just lower my expectations.


Well-Known Member
I liked you thread and even gave you +rep.

now lets play nice ;-)
Thanks for the rep I suppose but thats not what I was after.

My whole point was I was dissappointed that I took the time to post in my journal and make a thread sharing what I have done and I took the time to thank everyone for the information they have provided at this site. I gave credit to the poeple I took ideas from the most and I got not one single response.

Can you not understand that? Guess Ill just drop it and as I said just lower my expectations.

Maybe I'll decide to repost all the information and pictures maybe I won't. I don't think anyone really will care anyway.

Have a nice night man.
ya it sucks but its the internet. when I made my first journal I was hurt that noone said shit to me about my hard work, we all have been there, now i am 10+ journals that I got sick of making htem and have a nice long one going forever.
dont be discouraged this get sbetter with time and the mroe you ask the mroe you will get.

People will come to your journal as you put up pictures of your grow and someone finds it interesting and it goes from there.
time to reload my vap..


im sorry you had such a poor experience here at rollitup thus far aboslute0...i hope you can find better luck in future posts. here are a few tips to posting that might even help you a little bit. 1. make you subject catchy or appealing...in other words. make it so someone will want to look at it, be creative 2. post pictures...everyone loves pics. esp if its of big big buds :D. 3. be very informative...make sure you tell everyone exactly whats going on, be specific, ph, nutes, lights, medium, again pics, strain, yield anticipated etc etc you get the idea 4. ask questions and try to help others IF you know what your talking or you can...anyways i hope this helps and i would love to view your journal man, again im sorry you had such a poor experience thus far and would like to be your first friend here and riu and make your experiencea more enjoyable one in doing so...in my opinion we need more new members interacting here as it only builds our community, i dunno ... .peace :peace:


Well-Known Member
im sorry you had such a poor experience here at rollitup thus far aboslute0...i hope you can find better luck in future posts. here are a few tips to posting that might even help you a little bit. 1. make you subject catchy or appealing...in other words. make it so someone will want to look at it, be creative 2. post pictures...everyone loves pics. esp if its of big big buds :D. 3. be very informative...make sure you tell everyone exactly whats going on, be specific, ph, nutes, lights, medium, again pics, strain, yield anticipated etc etc you get the idea 4. ask questions and try to help others IF you know what your talking or you can...anyways i hope this helps and i would love to view your journal man, again im sorry you had such a poor experience thus far and would like to be your first friend here and riu and make your experiencea more enjoyable one in doing so...in my opinion we need more new members interacting here as it only builds our community, i dunno ... .peace :peace:
Thanks man, I appreciate your response. That encourages me to maybe take the time to repost all the information I had in my journal and grow thread. I did it in the first place to thank everyone for the info that they had put on this site and I was hoping maybe by me sharing all that I had done maybe I could give back a little.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I guess I'm not expecting anything now. I deleted my content because why bother sharing and asking for feedback if no even bothers. Hey maybe it is just that there is soooooo many new posts that mine are just simply overlooked.... oh no wait thats not it, shit my journal had like 50 some views no response, comment, nothing. Hell my thread i just made a few hours ago had like 30 views and not a peep.

Oh well, is what it is. Ill just lower my expectations.
you should be happy you're getting any views at all.

there are alot of reasons people won't respond. maybe they don't know the answer, maybe they won't respond because someone might grill thier response. who knows.


Well-Known Member
...and some of us are stoned and slow to respond to changes...perhaps you hail from a more busy land and expect quicker results...i know not

i always thought no response was a good sign you didn't do anything wrong yet

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
It could also be that we really don't give a shit about your thread - looked at it and found it to have been a waste of a few seconds of time, lacked anything remotely interesting or worthy of a comment - good or bad.

Welcome to RIU, stay and contribute or shut up and piss off, no one gives a shit really.


Well-Known Member
Hey grump what is that mezmerizing little green ball you have as an avatar? I noticed i was chonged out and have been staring at it for like five minutes LOL