"Auto-Flower's MORTAL COMBAT" - let the game begin.


Active Member
Yup, I your doing a grand job so far.... lol

Thought super cropping was to remove branches? lol oh you sarcastic get! lol But i think your right the leaves have pulled a "white-y" gutted...

Heres a picture!
Break a leg eh?


Well-Known Member
By-the-way -
Yesterday when the Second Surprise was about to be sprung I was procrastinating on the fairness of going ahead with it because I felt that it could put Teflondummy at a disadvantage.
I explained (generally) what I was proposing to do. Not knowing how the reaction would go, I was very pleasantly surprised by the response. Basicly it was a, Go for it! Sounds like fun.

I'd like to offer a pat on the back for showing great sportsmanship on this and a great attitude about playing the game.
Things of this nature make me feel really warm and fuzzy about having started this.
Thank you Teflon for being a good player & a great sportsman. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: :joint:


Well-Known Member
I am just happy to see people growing their own. They can't stop us all.
Thanks again.

I hope you're still going to continue and show us how the pollenation turns out? I think it could go along as part of your grow. Totally your call, but I'm interested in how it turns out for you.


Well-Known Member
Here is week 4 (day 30) update....

Lights: 2-26w (2700K) CFLs, 150w HPS, 1-24w 6400K
Nutrients: Flowering nutes 1/4 recommended amount & making it rain
Soil: Ocean Forest Fox Farm


Pics taken 1-31-11:

I'm making it rain with Joni and she needs watering everyday. The LST I did on her looks like I'm going to get several colas.



Well-Known Member
Auto Short Ryder
Pictures taken 1/31/11
Light: 600w Hps dimmed to 75%
Ebb&flow Hydroponics setup
General Hydroponics Nutrients Bloom, Dutch Master Zone and SM-90
750 ppm flooded 4 times daily
Style of growing LSB (low stress break) or super cropping
Name: Lois Lane because she needs saving


Well-Known Member
Chief -
You had me going for a minute there. LOL
Looks like 2 pots. But remembered and went back to look at your earlier ones. :clap: clever! :clap:


Well-Known Member
Auto Short Ryder
Pictures taken 1/31/11
Light: 600w Hps dimmed to 75%
Ebb&flow Hydroponics setup
General Hydroponics Nutrients Bloom, Dutch Master Zone and SM-90
750 ppm flooded 4 times daily
Style of growing LSB (low stress break) or super cropping
Name: Lois Lane because she needs saving
View attachment 1416756View attachment 1416757
Nice! You should of entered the challenge.
Maybe you'd be interested in the next one (if there is one)?


Well-Known Member
Hey Canon, everyone talks about Joni's pot:) She's in the same pot as I entered her in, she's just growing fast and basically covering the pot almost.
Chief -
You had me going for a minute there. LOL
Looks like 2 pots. But remembered and went back to look at your earlier ones. :clap: clever! :clap:


Well-Known Member
She's looking good there Chief. I sorta follow along on your other thead a little.

Did you catch the Reefer-ee's Memo a couple pages back? If you missed it you should check it out. Couldbe pertinant.

PS; I know it's not Holloween, but if you want to see some ugly, check out my new "test grow" in the Journal below. It's a Freak Show Extrodinaire! - LOL


Well-Known Member
she is getting so dad gum bushy! the LST is working out great and i am seeing white hairs now. addes some Co2, took out the warm mist humidifier and put in a second cool mist humidifier. temps and humidity and Co2 are Perfect right now.

we got 18 in of snow. yes i am snowed in. time to go play in the snow!!!!!!!



Active Member
Good looking grow there Barbie. Watching this thread is giving me a serious desire to try a few of these little auto plants! Might have to go back on to the "Tude and start looking at what they have over there.... or I guess I could wait for a couple of weeks and see which of these strains I like the look of the most... decisions, decisions!!