can you leave autoflowers longer than 60days?


New Member
well ive been told that autoflowers have a very short life compared to normal strains, so does that mean as soon as it hits 60 i must harvest or can i leave it another week or so?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
As with every cannabis strain you take the advertised flowering time as a rough guide. you harvest the plant when it is ready to be harvested, this could be weeks off what the breeder states depending on the phenotype and your grow


Active Member
ive seen people harvest autos at day 80. it all depends on conditions and how the plant looks. if it doesn't look ready then it probley isn't...


Well-Known Member
Umm this is kinda off the topic question but im going to be using autos for my next grow and i am kinda confused about the lighting time.. Can i just do 12/12 from seed or should i do 18/6 for like 3 weeks then change to 12/12. Need some recommendations.


Well-Known Member
18/6 is good for autos....that being said, I use 12/12 under 550w hps (for economic reasons) on ALL my autos after a month of 24/0 under T5-HO . I also grow in 4" auto yeilds are in the high range of advertised rates.
Having grown autos perpetually for 4 years, and experienced all the timing mumbo-jumbo, there is NO set time for a successful auto grow; only patience, ventilation and proper nutes at the proper time. If you're growing under floros, cfl, or something other than a high wattage hps, then I'd definitely use at least 20/4 if not 24/0.......Until I went to hps, I ALWAYS used 24/0....
I harvest my autos close to their reccommended times....but I don't use "time" as my guide....I use swelling of bud, colr of hairs and trics as my's usually within 10% of a calendar time......


Well-Known Member
I would just go 20/4 all the way through the grow it seems to work nicely with autos


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice, i just bought short stuff onyx seeds and i was hoping not to have to do an 18/6 or anything above those hours.... So its okay i got other strains i can grow.. but i think i will grow those autos then on my balcony since they need so many hours of light and they grow short. I have a stealth box and it kinda heats up to about 90 degrees max on 18/6 so i dunno know if that is good temps for autos. I only use a 90 watt ufo tri band led grow light so im just doing this for fun and experiments =). Im not really expecting much on yeild but if i will go 18/6 with autos then i guess i will also add some regular seeds and just lst and do a scrog grow. After the autos will finish flowering i guess i will then set the remaining plants to 12/12. btw my box doesnt even reach my hips and im about 5'9. Im using a full tower computer box lol from the case i bought for my pc... BTW i dont havea carbon filter, i could try to build a cheap on or i was thinknig about getting some ONA gel or w/e but i have not read any reviews about that gel.


New Member
Thanks for the advice, i just bought short stuff onyx seeds and i was hoping not to have to do an 18/6 or anything above those hours.... So its okay i got other strains i can grow.. but i think i will grow those autos then on my balcony since they need so many hours of light and they grow short. I have a stealth box and it kinda heats up to about 90 degrees max on 18/6 so i dunno know if that is good temps for autos. I only use a 90 watt ufo tri band led grow light so im just doing this for fun and experiments =). Im not really expecting much on yeild but if i will go 18/6 with autos then i guess i will also add some regular seeds and just lst and do a scrog grow. After the autos will finish flowering i guess i will then set the remaining plants to 12/12. btw my box doesnt even reach my hips and im about 5'9. Im using a full tower computer box lol from the case i bought for my pc... BTW i dont havea carbon filter, i could try to build a cheap on or i was thinknig about getting some ONA gel or w/e but i have not read any reviews about that gel.
not trying to be rude but i would of appresiated if you would of done your own thread


Active Member
i see you may have tried using my user name ;) haha.
yeh man 18/6 - 20/4 is the light schedule you want to be using.
Also dont go too heavy on the nutes as autos are sensitive to them


New Member
i see you may have tried using my user name ;) haha.
yeh man 18/6 - 20/4 is the light schedule you want to be using.
Also dont go too heavy on the nutes as autos are sensitive to them
haha nooo not at all =/ woow never knew! xD but what a great classic it was, eh?
yh okay thanks but my plant is at 56 days and has only developed at the top and the bottom is pretty naked is that all that plant will give me? or can i wait longer? i checked the tricomes on a microscope and some are already cloudy, wth do i do cut it with that little bud? =/