20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
I've been promising to share this experience...so here goes:

Myself and some other patients decided to start our own collective. I had been retired from growing for several years, but a visit to a friends grow room sparked the fire back in me. I had grown for about 20 years, indoor and out, hydro and organic, commercial and personal. The only way I was going to do this was the right way...both legal and technical.

I pitched the idea to a friend and patient who agreed to loan the money to the collective in order to get us on our feet. After a month or so of getting my head back in the game I came up with a plan and a budget of $60,000. He said yes, and away we went.

The first step was a visit to a cannabis attorney. After a 2 hour consultation we decided that a "Collective Association" was the right vehicle for what we wanted. The cost to form said association was $3,000. We also decided not to grow more than 99 plants. There were 2 reasons for this: I have a doctor's recommendation for up to 99 plants, meaning that even without using the collective's total plant numbers, I was still a legal grow. The other reason is that under 99 plants keeps us safe from the Fed's 5 year prison sentence.

Once the legal was complete, we found a location. It is a warehouse in an industrial park. The unit measures 24 feet wide x 65 feet deep. It has a small office in front and the all necessary bathroom. We decided to utilize the back half for our grow op...30 feet x 24 feet. The front half and office is used by my business.

I was able to utilize the 2 side walls and the back wall. All that needed to be built was the front wall and the partition between the veg and flower rooms. We made the ceilings 10 feet and sheeted the entire room with 1/2" OSB (similar to plywood). I had built enough rooms to know that attaching all that cool growing stuff to drywall SUCKS. Once the sheeting was done, we busted out the brand new airless and shot 2 coats of primer and 2 coats of white paint on everything.

Room Framed.jpg

Flower Room Wiring.jpgThe electrical in the shop is a growers dream: A 400 amp panel. We pulled 4 - 20 amp 120v circuits and spotted outlets 4 feet and 8 feet high all the way around both rooms. We then put in 3 sub panels for the lights, and a future 50 amp 220v circuit for the split air conditioner coming later. Rather than trying to place outlets in specific places, we just put a bunch in all over the place.

It was just about this time that I got a phone call: My buddy had 30 - 12" Bubba Kush plants that he didn't have room for and wanted to donate them to the cause. The only condition was we had to take them in 20 minutes. Now, my original plan was to complete the room 100%, including atmoshpere testing prior to bringing in the first clones. That plan just got shot to shit. I grabbed a couple light settups I had from a previous grow, talked him into just bringing 20 until the next day, and we were growing.
20 Bubba Kush.jpg

It was great to have this head start, but completing the room was going to be much harder now. Oh well...we were GROWING!

Over the next few days we transplanted, did some bending, and worked on the venting. For now, we're holding off on the CO2. I want to have a ductless split AC before installing CO2, and that won't happen for a few months. There are 2 1500cfm exhaust fans installed in the roof. We use one to exhaust the rooms and the other to route the light cooling ducts into.


For lighting we currently have 2 - 1000 watt Hortilux Daylight Blues in Adjustawing reflectors lighting up a 4 x 8 table in the veg room. We have 2 - 1000 watt Sun Pulse Pulse Start 6.4k Metal Halides in Block Buster reflectors lighting up plants on the floor in the veg room. The flower room has 2 - 1000 watt Digilux HPS in C.A.P reflectors. For clones we have a single 4' T-8 4100k flouro. There is also a 4' T-5 with 4 bulbs for hardening off clones prior to goin g onto the 1000 watt table. We have just been adding lights as the plants need them while we complete the rest of the room.
Clones and Veg.jpg
This will be the main vegatation area.

Veg Table.jpg
The table will contain small plants prior to going into large containers

Both Rooms.jpg
Looking into the flower room from the veg room

Bloom Room.jpg
11 of the Bubba Kush in the flower room

Top View.jpg
Bubba after to bending and super cropping

Empty Flower Room.jpg
The flower room will have 12 - 1000 watt lights when complete.

Once completed, the flower room will have 12 lights and the veg room will have 8. I have skipped many details, but will be happy to answer questions. I'll keep posting as we progress.
LOL....why oh crap???
rec letter.jpg
Here's my rec

We could grow over 1000 with all of our members, but we're trying to play it real safe. Problem is, I'm going to have to learn to grow some serious trees. I've always grown SOG, and have little experience with the big girls. We'll be trying several methods. Including: topping and bending to get a plant about 3 feet around and 2-3 feet tall, and growing 5-6 foot plants and using bare bulb side lighting. Over the next few months we'll all find out together whats works best first hand! My goal is 1.5lbs/light. That's a tall order with Bubba and the other high end strains we'll be growing.
If I owned hell and Cali, I'd rent out Cali and live in hell. lol :) Seriously though, can't stand the place. Aside from the pretty girls and good weed laws I find nothing else redeeming about the state. I usually don't bring it up for obvious reasons lol

Anyway, I'll just kinda piece out here for a little while or this whole thread will get jacked by people mad that I don't like Cali :)

PS: Oh yeah, good wine too!
Not much to post today...no new fancy gear pics. I did get 8 clones from Clonville on Ventura in the Valley. Honestly, the clones look pretty bad. I'm guessing 50% wll survive even though they are rooted. I usually don't buy clones from un-tested plants, buy heard good things about this place and need a sativa or 2 to round out the stable.

Put in a 10,000btu portable air conditioner into the veg room (300 bucks). It dropped the temp from 82 to 77 in about 10 minutes. 30 minutes it was at 75. The veg room is the hottest due to the 2 Adjust-a-Wings not being air cooled. Furthermore, the air flow goes into the veg room, to the flower room, and out the exhaust.

Treated the plants with Spectracide today to prevent any fungus/mold problems. My buddy has a grow op right down the street and has had problems even with humidity under 55%. There are many working fields in the area that may be causing the problem. Our humidity has been between 40% and 60% without much effort. We use a portable evaporative cooler to keep the humidity up during the dry winds that pass through our area, and a small humidifier to do the same at night.

We're totally sold on Cutting Edge nutrients. They were recomended to us from another large med grow op. We just use the Micro/Grow/Bloom and add a little Plant Amp for some extra Mag and Sulfur. We add enough nutes to bring our RO water to 1000ppm and the PH ends up at 5.5 every time. Good Stuff! Plants look great and have roots showing at the drain holes of the 5 gallon pots they were put into just a week ago. After 20 years in this game I still see no reason to go out and buy a dozen bottles of "Bud Pump 2000" and "Super Secret Sammie Sauce" and whatever else the nute companies are pimping these days. You just end up pouring so many different things onto the plants you have no idea what is working, what is hurting, and what isn't doing anything. For my money, General Hydro Flora and Cutting Edge are the best products on the market.

I'll have some pics tomorrow. We'll be setting up and area in the bloom room to try out some hanging bare bulbs on tall plants.
GOD DAMN YOU. Im in So CAL and its the Shyt. Best Bud on the Planet... Your thread had been Officially Jacked By Cali.
your room seems kinda small for 12x 1000w. but hey more is merrier aye?

The flower room is 16' x 24'. We'll be covering an 8' x 24' strip with the 12 lights. That's 62.5 watts/sq ft. Hell, if I can keep it all cool, I may add another 5 or 6 free hanging bulbs in an unlit corner for some serious tree growing!

Thanks for all the comments. It helps make the work fun!

Be safe, guys
nvm then. Sounds great :D 8x24. I cant wait to see this. my perpetual is just taking off.. 12/12 switch today. but not nearly on your scale.
damn man a warehouse at your disposal can only imagine what it would be like to take a walk in your shoes I hope I achieve resources like this and fast! subbed and +rep
If I owned hell and Cali, I'd rent out Cali and live in hell. lol :) Seriously though, can't stand the place. Aside from the pretty girls and good weed laws I find nothing else redeeming about the state. I usually don't bring it up for obvious reasons lol

Anyway, I'll just kinda piece out here for a little while or this whole thread will get jacked by people mad that I don't like Cali :)

PS: Oh yeah, good wine too!
Best comment I've heard on this forum, thanks FREAK!...........STAY AWAY, we don't want you here.....

Amazing plans my friend, looks like your going to be busy for awhile. I know your prescription is for 99 plants and 4lbs, don't you think you'll be WAY over the dried product numbers just using your prescription?
I'm sure your lawyer has you going in the right direction, but I hear of growers under/or at the limit of their prescription plant numbers, but WAY over the dried product numbers. I'm guessing that's where the Co-op comes in.
Good Luck, I'll be watching...
Were can I get my state card? I have my rec and all but i am in socal as well and would like my state card. Or do I become apart of the collective?
Best comment I've heard on this forum, thanks FREAK!...........STAY AWAY, we don't want you here.....

With people like you, who'd want to live there? And in case you're not smart enough to figure it out, that's what we call a rhetorical question. Now shut up and watch the grow.