Club 600


Well-Known Member
<<<< wannabe chef. but i am a good cook. GF wants me to go to Culinary Arts school. what kina tortilla chips are those? or are they doritos? lol


Well-Known Member
They look like sun chips lol

How often do you cook TGSS?
nice banner.

oh and no im not actually a chef but love to cook hot fiya.


Well-Known Member
Speakin of my GF, anybody that has a lady who hates the smell of weed. but doesnt mind incense, u should try they hae a whole bunch of smelly stuff, even a smoke eliminator incense lol.


Well-Known Member
lol @ the sandwich conversation XD
but I think what you did is torture to everyone in the 6 lol god damn that sandwich looks gooooooood!
What did it have on it? roast beef, turkey, munster cheese haha now you done made chef gordon whodat ramsay all jealous and wanting to cook some hot fiya.
Do we have any chefs or wannabe chefs in the 600? we should have a cook off! :-D and post pics of all the delicious food we make lol
base was:bakeing house bread
with my (mayo)base spicey mustard spread
meats:pastrami,lean chicken,roast beef,bacon
two fried eggs

no chef here,jus like to make what i like to eat.
but i do got some yrs cookin for folks,"plus what my mama told me"


Well-Known Member
would it be sweet or savoury whodat?

base was:bakeing house bread
with my (mayo)base spicey mustard spread
meats:pastrami,lean chicken,roast beef,bacon
two fried eggs

no chef here,jus like to make what i like to eat.
but i do got some yrs cookin for folks,"plus what my mama told me"
Wow, nice sarmie G! I was just showing my wife and telling her about a place back home that I use to buy huge subs like that, with all the different meats and cheeses, aweseom munchie food. That place was Californian something or other, they also done the best chocolate milkshake I have ever had...still trying to match it.

I love to cook!!! Written a recipe book with my wife as a present for her Dad when he retired (he is a cheese on plain bread - if you are lucky - type guy), now eveyone in the family has them and he experiments with the dishes. Dead easy stuff but tasty and no hard to get freaking ingredients.

I guess if the 600 had a party there would be a fine selection of food brought along.




Well-Known Member
I also do the majority of the cooking in our house. Partly because my wife isn't good at making very many things but also because she doesn't get home in time to make anything. The kids would be eating and going straight yo bed if I left it up to her and that's not cool so either I cook something or she picks something up on her way home.

I do allright in the kitchen for a dumbass with no formal training.


Well-Known Member
cross-posting from my journal on the 600. 3 NLxSkunk down on day 60. What an easy trim job they were. 8 white russians are going to come down in ten days or so. Then there's a ton of Chronic in the pipeline; I've been out of that since October. I miss my Chronic.



Well-Known Member
would it be sweet or savoury whodat?

Wow, nice sarmie G! I was just showing my wife and telling her about a place back home that I use to buy huge subs like that, with all the different meats and cheeses, aweseom munchie food. That place was Californian something or other, they also done the best chocolate milkshake I have ever had...still trying to match it.

I love to cook!!! Written a recipe book with my wife as a present for her Dad when he retired (he is a cheese on plain bread - if you are lucky - type guy), now eveyone in the family has them and he experiments with the dishes. Dead easy stuff but tasty and no hard to get freaking ingredients.

I guess if the 600 had a party there would be a fine selection of food brought along.


lol both! Im looking up canna milk right now, I know sounds gross! but just discovered it and you can use it to make pancakes and ice creme and what ever ells calls for milk/cream lol.

Im thinking pasta with some vegies, and maybe some bratwurst since I havent had any meat in a while.

or if im gonna go meat crazy I might make these lol

no not gonna make this, just thought Id share for the wtf value.


Well-Known Member
thks whodat! I'm thinking about that dog but it's -2 right now. And the grill is buried under 3 feet of snow . . . .


Well-Known Member
I just made 2 pounds of the best butter I've ever done. Used 1 lb to make 6 dozen molasses cookies. They have no herbal taste and plain lay you out. If I can make that much butter every 6 weeks, whoa, I'm a bakerman! ten dollars for ingredients and I can get $25/dozen. I have no idea what edibles go for in places where they are sold, but this margin seems great to me. Who can tell me recent prices for cookies n stuff?


Well-Known Member

@ shnkrmn......The tall 1's my fave, but i'd like to ask you bud if i can take 1 of your girls out there beautiful??? lol
Good job there mate how do they smell?



Well-Known Member
I know mine too! lol I don give a F!@# tho Give me some brewskies and a couple pair socks and I rock the grill in the snow :-)
Me too, usually, but this winter defeated me. I usually move the grill close to my kitchen door but I got caught by a surprise 18 inches of snow and there's no way I can move that bad boy once that happens (I've got a big stainless steel Weber).


Well-Known Member
Sure, but you have to have her back by ten . . . .

They smell great. But that tallest one didn't really yield any more good bud than the little ones. Just some side branches down there that are going in the butter bin. The middle one was solid bud all the way down to the clay.

@ shnkrmn......The tall 1's my fave, but i'd like to ask you bud if i can take 1 of your girls out there beautiful??? lol
Good job there mate how do they smell?



Well-Known Member
Cookies go for about $5 each around me and brownies are usually $10 unless they're 'double strength' which are $15-20. I give edibles to other patients I know and they will usually hook me up with $5 each or $20 for 5. I don't do it for the money though, just like edibles and so do they.


Well-Known Member
Cookies go for about $5 each around me and brownies are usually $10 unless they're 'double strength' which are $15-20. I give edibles to other patients I know and they will usually hook me up with $5 each or $20 for 5. I don't do it for the money though, just like edibles and so do they.
Yeah I love my medables too. Just ran out but I got leftover butter to work with :-)

Got a super easy fudge recipe that I'll share, very very tasty, and the vid is kinda funny too.
just replace the butter with canna butter, Iv made it a few times and want more!