Frequency of use

On the run-up to Christmas and New Year I was tripping once, sometimes twice a week. I usualy avoid tripping more than once a fortnight to keep tolerance low and I definitely noticed my tolerence increasing. How often do you like to trip? Do you notice tolerence affecting you or can you trip as often as you want?
Back in the day when LSD was really LSD I would trip for 3 days at a time. I would be afraid to try any of the stuff that has been circulating the last 20 years. I don't think I ever developed a tolerance to the real stuff.
Back in the day when LSD was really LSD I would trip for 3 days at a time. I would be afraid to try any of the stuff that has been circulating the last 20 years. I don't think I ever developed a tolerance to the real stuff.

I don't think I could take LSD 3 days in a row without increasing the dosage exponentialy. I have takin 2 tabs at once 1 night and taken 6 of the same tabs at once the night after and I tripped alot harder on the first night.
I think its much age related and also changes as the experience enriches over time. I'm doing good these days if I do 5 hard trips a year. And even then I don't have enough time to process all I learn.
I'm doing good these days if I do 5 hard trips a year. And even then I don't have enough time to process all I learn.

Thank you.


There is no sense in tripping if you are not fully comprehending your trips, and I doubt that is happening within two weeks. I trip a couple times a year.
If you are tripping more often change up your trips to effect different receptors. I trip once a month some times more or sometimes less. My collection has been running a tad low with high hopes of replenishing and expanding my arsenal.
I don't think I could take LSD 3 days in a row without increasing the dosage exponentialy. I have takin 2 tabs at once 1 night and taken 6 of the same tabs at once the night after and I tripped alot harder on the first night.

I am talking about tripping for 3 days straight - no sleep. 1 drop of LSD 25 in the corner of your eye as needed.
what kind of substance?
I don't have enough L to trip that much...
shit, I wish I did!!!

but with mushrooms.
those fuckers and their tolerance suck!

I remember when I had NO tolerance to mushrooms and I cropped out on my first little batch of Golden Teacher cubensis on my first mushroom grow.
i remember eating a 4.6 gram fresh mushroom (0.4 grams dried)
I was laughing my ass off all night and had slight visuals.

then me and my buddy went on a mushrooms chomping spree and we had to eat at least a gram and a half to even feel effects.

so I'd say no tripping for at least a week to two.
if you wait longer, the experience will be a lot more profound.

does anyone have any information on toxicity when tripping too much?
or is this even apparent?

like, if I tripped L one day, tripped mushrooms the next, and maybe rolled on mdma a few days after.
would this put holes in anyones brain?

anyways, I dont think anyone should be tripping as much as 4-5 times a month.
Thank you.


There is no sense in tripping if you are not fully comprehending your trips, and I doubt that is happening within two weeks. I trip a couple times a year.

SJ I love you like a brother ... but I must point out that ....what comprehension means to YOU
might differ to another. You comprehend things according to 'your thought process'
For others this might be different .... so it is very relative.

In terms of dosage.
I would have to agree with tommybobbin.
The initial dosage as per my experience
seems to be the strongest ... the additional
and consecutive re dosing only stretches
the duration of the trip. Once stopped, a break
must be taken to be able to get to the same level as before.

I have tested this in ranges +/- 1000 ug
I think its much age related and also changes as the experience enriches over time. I'm doing good these days if I do 5 hard trips a year. And even then I don't have enough time to process all I learn.

fuck that mate rinse out grams of B and piles of ketamine and bottles of cid all the time!!!!!!!!!!
There is no sense in tripping if you are not fully comprehending your trips, and I doubt that is happening within two weeks. I trip a couple times a year.

Ok, I understand where your coming from but I'm kinda talking about recreational trips here. I'm sure I've read here that you don't agree with using psychedelics for recreational use (if this is not true I'm very sorry my memory isn't
100%) but I think there is nothing wrong with having a trippy night in with friends. I am building up to my next spiritual/introspective experience and when I'm ready I will detox for a while before to get the effect from the substance and give myself time to integrate the experience.
In terms of dosage.
I would have to agree with tommybobbin.
The initial dosage as per my experience
seems to be the strongest ... the additional
and consecutive re dosing only stretches
the duration of the trip. Once stopped, a break
must be taken to be able to get to the same level as before.

In my experience with LSD the amount I take untill the first hour of effect is over (where I usually reach my peak) determines the intensity where anything after that determines duration.
I trip around 4 times a year. (LSD) When i endulge I take one maybe two. (I have quality.) I enjoy tripping, but I have noticed with alot of my friends that are still either caught in a wild streak, or just dumb, that tripping several times a week inevitably makes them less tolerable to be around, it seems to make them more anxious. I attribute these traits to overuse of the drug. (Maybe it isn't the L tho.) I used to take LSD everyday of the week in my younger days. I would double the doses daily. I honestly dont know what I was thinking then. I realized that my brain felt like it would roll out my ears at one point. My advice is less is more, keep that in mind while experimenting. I am an older guy.
around 4 times a year... I think It makes it much more meaningful when you havent tripped for 4months and then you dose. But what do I know...
In my experience with LSD the amount I take untill the first hour of effect is over (where I usually reach my peak) determines the intensity where anything after that determines duration.

This is 100 % how it works with me.

Are we talking about the frequency of use to obtain the same effect or are we talking about .... the effects of the compound on the social environment of the user ?
Or are we talking about the ability of the user at hand to 'interpret the experience' according to some universal model ?
As all these variables matter.
I personally know some terminal cancer folks stage 4, who trip every week (older folks) they have been doing this for some time now.
They appear very sane .... and seem aligned ... and more 'alive' and down to earth than ever.
Just my 2 cents.

Well i did get alittle hectick with it, from the end of september till the middle of october i ate dose 1-2 times a week... IT WAS EPIC!!!! As of more recently though ive been meditating 1-3 times a day and thus not felt the desire to trip as much as i was...