
Well-Known Member
ive recently acquired some racemic k. its possible that im sensitive to it but i havent had an issue with hitting a khole with nasal applications. i have/had lol zero tolerance, if i bump 25 then wait 10-15 min and hit another 50 ill khole every time without fail. i might add these are my first experiences with k so this could also have an impact.
I'm the same way never had a problem


Active Member
Nice Miller !
U build up a tolerance with repeated use over a short time ... so use it sparingly and let your brain recup bwn trips .... u can also go further this way.
Is the texture of your toys ... in small rectangular crystals or fine powder ... ?

Yum !

its a mix of fine brilliant white powder and crystal. while i wont use it to frequently i do prefer to have some tolerance. i find i am able to pull more from an experience with some tolerance as opposed to zero tolerance and being completely overwhelmed by the experience. so far im finding it be very enthralling


Well-Known Member
ive recently acquired some racemic k. its possible that im sensitive to it but i havent had an issue with hitting a khole with nasal applications. i have/had lol zero tolerance, if i bump 25 then wait 10-15 min and hit another 50 ill khole every time without fail. i might add these are my first experiences with k so this could also have an impact.
Definitely, if you don't have a tolerance 75mg's within a 10 minute limit can put your "resource of mind" into other places. I bet you got some good racemic stuff too... I remember when I had 4 grams handy... that was a 2 month period full of "brain movies" ;)


Well-Known Member
Def doesn't take half a gram of k nasally to be in put in a k-hole it's crazy trying to grab something off your coffee table but the only thing working is your brain lmfao


Well-Known Member
This is one substance I've never touched. Not that I wouldn't if offered, but just has never made me too interested. Maybe someday...


Well-Known Member
Def doesn't take half a gram of k nasally to be in put in a k-hole it's crazy trying to grab something off your coffee table but the only thing working is your brain lmfao
My wrong... interpretation of words can sometimes lead to false accusations.... hmm, so I should say orally would take a far larger dose to go HI-FI DIGITAL ;)


Active Member
same here.I doubt anybody would even know what I was talking about if I mentioned it.
I want to try some.
yeah thats crazy! why is there none of it in the usa???

theres so much where I live... cheaper and easier to get than weed sometimes hahaa...


Active Member
Definitely, if you don't have a tolerance 75mg's within a 10 minute limit can put your "resource of mind" into other places. I bet you got some good racemic stuff too... I remember when I had 4 grams handy... that was a 2 month period full of "brain movies" ;)
lol people over here rinse 4gs in a night its disgusting...

but i love the drug :P

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Dave ... you can't get higher on insuflating 4 gm vs 2 gm .... in one night.
You are just going to fuck up your body .... and get raped somewhere in a dark corner.
This stuff works wonders in the right dosage .... take it 2 much and ...
it gets pointless and dangerous.


Active Member
Dave ... you can't get higher on insuflating 4 gm vs 2 gm .... in one night.
You are just going to fuck up your body .... and get raped somewhere in a dark corner.
This stuff works wonders in the right dosage .... take it 2 much and ...
it gets pointless and dangerous.
I dident say you could get more wrecked, or that I was doing it haha I said I know people who take 4gs in a night, and thats obviousily because of there tolerance...

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Dave as you are young allow me to explain .... at that dosage .... you are going to blow out your liver in no time.
But at your age you are thinking 'fuck it' .... lol

Anyone with the know how does not play the tolerance game with K .... at certain fixed dosage it just does not work ... during repeated dossing.


Well-Known Member
Very much true with all substances, especially that of mdma. I can say for certain why some people consume 1 gram of molly in a nights end, is beyond my comprehension...


Active Member
Dave as you are young allow me to explain .... at that dosage .... you are going to blow out your liver in no time.
But at your age you are thinking 'fuck it' .... lol

Anyone with the know how does not play the tolerance game with K .... at certain fixed dosage it just does not work ... during repeated dossing.
I said I DONT DO IT! I said I know people that do it and obviousily its bad for you! But its cheap and fun and you gain a mega tolerance...

But what ndanj said is more my style :) its all about rinsing a G of mud ina night... 4 quater bombs through the night and your set maaaaaate


Well-Known Member
A gram of good molly can surely wreck the night ;)

But you better have that 5-htp and pre-dosed on those antioxidants! You don't want the label of "E-tard" to haunt you :lol:


Well-Known Member
Put the k in the oven And scrape up the powder baby shit fucks you up ao bad you want yo get
off the couch and try with all your mite but nothing moves lmao I guess I did to much again! I love special k till you go in to that trance
Ahh the infamous K-hole haha its been a long long time but I shall never forget that place haha


Well-Known Member
I really don't like the term K-Hole sounds a bit dirty and stupid lols... Anyone who has truly been in such a space will know its like having a cup of tea with God :D