Hello Stelthy - just thought I should say thankyou for stopping me from going bed for the last 2 hours.... was meant to get an early night tonight and then I happened upon your thread and have been simply spellbound at your incredible cab................ jesus mate, you have gone to TOWN! I love it!!! I especially love the CCTV, though the MUSIC is simply inspired... I'd love to see to a controlled side-by-side grow to see if music helped.... in fact, imagine an experiment to see which TYPE of music worked best too!!!
I've been considering adding some non-weed plants to my grow. I was in our local poundshop last week and noticed they have got a whole range of stuff already in pots, so I might get a load of them and see how they go (you can't beat poundshops!!!).
Although the toms and soil grow is looking lovely I can't wait to see your cab properly in action with just DWC weed - when do you reckon you'll be starting that? Consider me 'pre-subbed' on that!