Starting to wonder if I'm wasting time and money.


Well-Known Member
Well.... These plants are 4 weeks old 5 weeks in 3 days, and they just don't look healthy.... I have no idea what i'm doing wrong. Bout ready to just say fuck it and continue buying :(.



Well-Known Member
um.. they look fine to me. what makes you think they are unhealthy? how far are the lights? and what kind of light?

what nutes are you using? whats your feeding schedule ?


Well-Known Member
the plants look really healthy to me. what lights are you using ?? if you dont think they are getting big enough maybe your light isn't strong enough for the amout of plants should be aiming for 5500 lumens per sq ft...

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Yeah man. They look good. A bit on the small side for their age. That could be fixed by adding more light. Ya get what ya put in.


Well-Known Member
The reason i think they're unhealthy, is because the big 1 has like light green spots forming on every leaf and all the new growth, and some of the leaves are like dark green and crusty feeling. The little 1 that isn't lst'd has nute burn i think... the leaves are cupped. The little 1 that i lst'd looks pretty okay to me, just growing ever so slowly...

I'm using 10 23w daylight cfls 5000k


Well-Known Member
they look fine and healthy what size room you got them in and how close do you have your lights just remember your plants will double to triple in size when you induce flowering. also you want cool white cfl's for veg and warm white for flower just remember they aint never going to be as big as plants grown under hid lights. hope this helps peace


Well-Known Member
They appear to be nice & healthy looking as I agree with all of the aforementioned posts before me. My only curiosity is what soil are you using, is it PH balanced, what nutrients do you have your plants on, & is there holes in the bottom of your buckets so the soil is "free draining"?


Well-Known Member
They appear to be nice & healthy looking as I agree with all of the aforementioned posts before me. My only curiosity is what soil are you using, is it PH balanced, what nutrients do you have your plants on, & is there holes in the bottom of your buckets so the soil is "free draining"?
The big 1 is in MG Moisture control potting soil, the other 2 little ones are in some random soil i bought, don't remember the name, the nutes i'm using are MG All purpose plant food 12-4-8 for veg, then MG Bloom booster flower food 15-30-15 for flowering, and yes the buckets have plenty of holes on the bottom.


Well-Known Member
ouch, your gonna hear alot of people about to bash MG. your lights determine how fast they are growing. spots usually mean zinc def.


Well-Known Member
MG isn't bad if you know how to deal with it. if you don't you can burn your plants

try flushing the soil? .. there may be buildup. or adding some nutes but at a very low dosage whats the ratio on the mG?


Well-Known Member
MG isn't bad if you know how to deal with it. if you don't you can burn your plants

try flushing the soil? .. there may be buildup. or adding some nutes but at a very low dosage whats the ratio on the mG?
thats what people dont like about it. if your plant uses more potassium like mine, mg will burn it or it dies from def.


Active Member
The reason i think they're unhealthy, is because the big 1 has like light green spots forming on every leaf and all the new growth, and some of the leaves are like dark green and crusty feeling. The little 1 that isn't lst'd has nute burn i think... the leaves are cupped. The little 1 that i lst'd looks pretty okay to me, just growing ever so slowly...

I'm using 10 23w daylight cfls 5000k
um you shouldnt be using 5000k it has a very little spectrum that the plant uses you want 6500k for veg and 2700k for flowering i think once you switch the lights they will grow alot faster and probly brighten up do to the clorepill being able to prosses more light


Well-Known Member
ill agree with skunk, if your usin cfl's use those bulbs. and those plants look fine. Watch the green spots, it could be a deficiency or a pest. Get a scop if you dont have one.


Well-Known Member
yeah, get a scope. And move those lights abit closer, and have a fan blowing across the top of your canopy(which should also be kept level or close). This will help to prevent light burn which will only occur if you let the plant grow INTO the light...

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
Bro, they look great. Rome wasn't built in a day. I can tell you have decent light. Your plants are at the age where alot of their energy is being used to devlope a root system. I know it can be frustrating with not much rapid growth up top. Just be patient. When they take off (and they will very soon), you'll be stgoked to be growing. more talk of going back to buying. People will be here for you if things go bad for you.


Well-Known Member
Bro, they look great. Rome wasn't built in a day. I can tell you have decent light. Your plants are at the age where alot of their energy is being used to devlope a root system. I know it can be frustrating with not much rapid growth up top. Just be patient. When they take off (and they will very soon), you'll be stgoked to be growing. more talk of going back to buying. People will be here for you if things go bad for you.
I agree with you on just about everything cept that hes using decenet lighting.

"I'm using 10 23w daylight cfls 5000k" op post page 1

Try getting stronger light i perfer t5 low heat great lumen output MH are awesome to just more heat to deal with. I been using T5s for about 2 and a half years now for vegging and never been happier.

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
I agree with you on just about everything cept that hes using decenet lighting.

"I'm using 10 23w daylight cfls 5000k" op post page 1

Try getting stronger light i perfer t5 low heat great lumen output MH are awesome to just more heat to deal with. I been using T5s for about 2 and a half years now for vegging and never been happier.
I should clarify. Given their current size, he's ok. Yes, they will need more light very soon. I like T-5's, but I'm just an old school 1000 watt MH guy. We grow pretty big plants in our veg room so we run 6 of em. I've found I get better penetratioin with the halides vs the T-5's. If I we're growing SOG or SCROG, I'd probably use T-5's.

I checked out your grow...very healthy plants. We're going to grow 2 DWC plants next to our 10 gallon soiless to see some real time differences.


Well-Known Member
Looks good, tight nodes little stretch.

I use an love MG soil an Nutes also grower.
I get yellow spots on my Ladies an about 1 month I give em 1 tbl spoon of epsom salts in the water.

CFL are ok if they are close enough. But more in flower would be alot better.