20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

So I get this PM from a guy in here who is pitching me to build a website for me. I don't know why, but it kind of pissed me off. Why do I want a website? He even offered to take care of the photography. WTF? Am I supposed to have this dude come by the op and take pictures? Am I out of line to be pissed off over this?

Maybe he's just naive and trying to be helpful...maybe, but then we know he's kind of stupid so no matter how you look at it RUN RUN RUN.


Maybe he's just naive and trying to be helpful...maybe, but then we know he's kind of stupid so no matter how you look at it RUN RUN RUN.


Running...like the wind. I ignored his friend request. He's probably innocent. My mind just tends to go to the worst place. Also, I hate sales pitches....especially here. This place is supposed to be something so different than that kind of shit. Even if he's just trying to drum up some business (which, I'm pretty sure is all he's doing), this doesn't seem like the right place to do it. Hell, pay the site for an add, eh?

While I'm here, I'll try and clarify something: We're a private collective association. We are not advertising for new members. We have nothing to sell. We are a group of medical marijuana patients who have decided to pitch in our resources and grow our own medicine. We may accept new members if referred by an existing member. The only soliciting we do is to reach out into the community for terminal and/or gravely ill patients who cannot afford their medication so that we can provide it to them free of charge.
Running...like the wind. I ignored his friend request. He's probably innocent. My mind just tends to go to the worst place. Also, I hate sales pitches....especially here. This place is supposed to be something so different than that kind of shit. Even if he's just trying to drum up some business (which, I'm pretty sure is all he's doing), this doesn't seem like the right place to do it. Hell, pay the site for an add, eh?

I agree--I think it was probably just enthusiasm, but still...

I actually had a question for you-- What is the most important qualities to look for in a good warehouse? Electicity, space? I was curious what you've learned over the years in terms of picking a good location--

Thanks for sharing this information--it's really informative! I'm just growing for myself, but it's always fascinating to read about other styles of growing :)
Pictures of your set-up ..that in it's self sounds like the dude is casing the place. Or even if not it sounds like the kind of loose lips that would sink ships ya know. Call me old school but I would never let ANYBODY know what I am doing where I am doing and show them details online. Criminals nature to do criminal shit seems to ring clear in my mind. I am a little unclear are you setting up just a grow co-op to supply a dispensary or is this in conjunction with a dispensary? A dispensary may need a site and I believe it could greatly benefit from having an online menu but if you are just growing for the co-op then chase that dude away with a freaking ball bat!! lol IMO
U buy equipment at Stop-n-Grow?
na man I got alot of nosey neighbors so I have found all my stuff online at Amazon mostly..the tent I have was only $115.00 where everywhere else want upwards of $500.00, I also found a digital ballast/ air-cooltube light with Bat wing 600 watt for like $225 comes with both bulbs...I checked all around locally and these folks have that Santa Barbara mark up the same set up was over $400.00 .If you know of a reasonable local place I will for sure check it out. I like to spend local if at all possible.
Why don't u get some guard dogs. Guns are great if your there, alarms are great if you want cops to come. Keep up the good work man.
I agree--I think it was probably just enthusiasm, but still...

I actually had a question for you-- What is the most important qualities to look for in a good warehouse? Electicity, space? I was curious what you've learned over the years in terms of picking a good location--

Thanks for sharing this information--it's really informative! I'm just growing for myself, but it's always fascinating to read about other styles of growing :)

That is a really great question. Choosing the right location can greatly improve our chances of a successful grow. Also, once we've commited to a location, we're in for the long haul. While moving is possible, it's expensive, dangerous, stresses the crop, and is an overall buzz kill. BUT, you always have to be ready and willing to move...and fast...if your gut says "it's not safe here". We also have a moving procedure. If an event requires a move your mind is probably going a million mph. You won't be thinking clearly. Therefore, having the procedure written down in steps makes moving a no brainer. Just follow the steps. Step #1 Rent 2 big fuck-all moving trucks...veg truck and bloom truck...

So, how pick a location. I start with a light count. We will be using 20 - 1000 watt lights. Then I figure 16 sq ft/light. I will require 320 sq ft for canopy. I then just double that for walk ways, water storage, etc...So, I will need at least 640 sq ft. Our current room is 672.

The next step is to calc how much of the total warehouse space do you want to use for growing. I like 50%. This way, if the door needs to be opened, you don't see a wall 12" inside the roll up door. Also, I like to be able to drive a large truck into the warehouse and shut the door behind it. This is for deliveries and the above mentioned emergency evacuation. With this info, I would like about 1300 sq ft. Our current warehouse is around 1500 sq ft.

My light count also gives me my electrical needs. I will need 200 amps for lights and around 100 amps for cooling, pumps, dehumidifiers, etc...I will need at least a 300amp panel.

Once I have these needs we can go shopping. I always prefer a deep, narrow space. I want to get the plants as far away from the roll up door as possible. Most spaces are built this way. When I look at property I just go with my gut. I must have a good gut, cause there are at least 2 other grow ops in the area. One is a friend, and one I discovered while looking at the property and talking to the neighbors. A neighbor told me "the guys on the end are medical marijuana growers". I asked him what he thought about that, and he told me he was all for it. Bingo. That's my new next door neighbor. I can't emphasize enough to go with your gut. Look at alot of places. Go there during the week and during the weekend. You don't want too much traffic, but you don't want to be all alone and vulnerable to rip off or robbery.

While it would be best to build your grow op to code, it's veyr hard. If you put in a ceiling, you need fire sprinklers. To do that you'll need a permit and to shut down the fire service while you tie in. This draws alot of attention. I prefer to grow fast and quite. I have a feeling that the next space will be much larger and fully permitted. We are ready for full legalization and prepared to pay whatever is necessary for large scale commercial growing permits. We would probably stay a medical provider, but much much bigger.

The fire marshall will want to see the property at some point. You should throw some tools and stuff in there and call him to inspect. Once that is done, you start the build. I did not do this this time cause the plants were on the way. So, I don't pull a business license (thats how they find you), and we are quite wityh coming and going. If the marshall sees us go in, we're fucked. We keep the doors closed and locked always. The marshal drives around and looks for open units. As long as the unit looks unoccupied, he won't mess with you.

I put a time line on every grow. We'll be here no more than 24 months. The more time the more risk. It costs money to move, but with some planning, your crop will not miss a beat. Our grow room is 100% screwed together. We can take it down in 2 days or so. Another few days to clean the unit, and we're off to the next space. I always have my eye out for that next perfect space.

I hope this helps.
Pictures of your set-up ..that in it's self sounds like the dude is casing the place. Or even if not it sounds like the kind of loose lips that would sink ships ya know. Call me old school but I would never let ANYBODY know what I am doing where I am doing and show them details online. Criminals nature to do criminal shit seems to ring clear in my mind. I am a little unclear are you setting up just a grow co-op to supply a dispensary or is this in conjunction with a dispensary? A dispensary may need a site and I believe it could greatly benefit from having an online menu but if you are just growing for the co-op then chase that dude away with a freaking ball bat!! lol IMO

We're just growing to supply our members. In the event we grow too much, I can legally sell the overage to a dispensary. There are 3 dispensarys who will always buy whatever we have.

No...this guy needs to go away. He's innocent enough...just another sales call at 9pm. RIU is a place to share experiences, knowledge, and pictures...not a platform for sales pitches. My experience here has always been that if someone is looking for something, they ask the forum. Sales pitches have no place here and should be banned.
Why don't u get some guard dogs. Guns are great if your there, alarms are great if you want cops to come. Keep up the good work man.

We thought about dogs. It's just if someone every poisened them, or killed them however to get in, I would never forgive myself. I just love dogs way too much to put them in harms way. My alarm guy is setting up this deal where we will be texted if an alarm is tripped. No cops. Unfortunately, my lawyer says that it pisses the cops off big time if you're broken into and they are not called. My fantasy is still to have the place rigged to trap them inside. "Put the fucking lotion on your skin!"
That's cool that you're thinking about the dogs--maybe just an automatic taser gun to go off if anyone trips the alarm. Stun gun them on the spot--

Thanks for sharing--it's very informative. What do you do about exhaust? (Are there windows?)

I'm really glad it's working out good :)