Crazytrain's Pc Case Perpetual Autos


Well-Known Member
looks like it could be mag/cal related. The serrated edges of the leaves are standing a little. I had that problem, and a little of the rust, and the only thing I could really pin it too was moisture stress in Uncle Ben's moisture stress thread. Best thing to do that I could pull out of that thread is let the plants dry out all the way, like really dried dry out. I think the extra moisture in the root zone locks out certain things and this happens. then just give them small amounts of plain water. no nutes or anything. It could be too much in the soil along with the additives your giving it and it is just starting to show itself. it is somewhat misleading I know, cause they all still look good for the most part.

are you able to just tip your pots and see the root zone? I cant in the perlite/vermi mix real well, maybe when I get thicker roots :) If you can look at how moist it is in the center :weed:

I hope this helps


Well-Known Member
by tip do you mean to take them out of the pot to look at the roots? i have been watering about every 2 days. been doing the finger in the soil test might start to wait 3 days

Teyo Green

Active Member
water every three days and see how they react.
ive learned to just try different things, trial and error
mag/cal def is usually just when using RO water.... is that true?
i dont know much about def. except nitrogen as well
learning experience!


Well-Known Member
no idea on the water teyo i just use gallon jogs of distilled water and buy one jug a week. mix up batches as i need them.


Well-Known Member
water every three days and see how they react.
ive learned to just try different things, trial and error
mag/cal def is usually just when using RO water.... is that true?
i dont know much about def. except nitrogen as well
learning experience!
I wouldnt go by days on when to water. I would try and stay around the house, and water them when the leaves droop. Then you know they are DRY. mag/cal def can occur by always feeding them Reverse Osmosis water. But the soil should almost always retain some trace elements in it. I wrote this reply thinking you was CT Teyo, HAHA :lol:

But still applies. When I think this happened, with my last lemon skunk that hermied, there was hardly any documents on the serrated edges being up with the rusty spotted leaves. Uncle Bens thread didnt really have a ton of info on it either, only to let dry, dont water much, and only give water.

could be temps slowing absorption of micro and macro elements.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info gum. i will wait til they droop a tad and water with nothing but plain water for 2 waterings and see what happens.

i am starting to germ a purple mazar auto tonight!!


Well-Known Member
Dang dude nice looking autos, hows the smell?
honestly the smell isnt bad at all. i barely even notice it. it smells more when we smoke. i mean the smell is just super faint. we'll see if it gets stronger. the rr has 2-3 weeks and the bm has 4-5 probably if not a lil less so it may get worse



Well-Known Member
watered alot today with nothing but distilled waer. yellowing has gotten worse on both plants will water with 1/4 strength grow nutes next watering to help with the yellow. this a good idea?


Well-Known Member
dont know. if it is moisture stress then it is bad. if it is cal and or mag, then it may not hurt. it could be to wet, which could cause yellowing starving the roots. are the leaves edges still raised to the sky? Not the leaves, just the serrated edges.


Well-Known Member
not sure that its moisture stress. i let them dry out for 3 days and they were wilty. they popped back up. the edges arent popping up like you asked. in a few days ill try 1/4 strength grow hopefully tht will get them some green again.


Well-Known Member
they sucked up all the water overnight soil was bone dry again. i went ahead and watered with 1/4 strength grow. leaves are kinda crispy and curling up on the rr. i will also move then down a dvd.

EDIT: watered the blue mystic with the grow. normal water for the rr


Well-Known Member
DAY 44/38
Plant Stage: flower
Light Cycle: 18/6
Lights: 1 125w 2700k 1 23w 6500k
Medium: ffof with seabird guano added
Strain: Dinafem roadrunner auto, nirvana auto blue mystic fem

hey everyone

been 6 days so figure its time for an update. buds are looking real nice on both plants. looking forward to the last 2 weeks for the rr. ready for her to plump up. i have a new seedling which you will see in a minute but to start it off here is a group pic


alright now onto the roadrunner. she is on day 44. have been having some issues with her leaves. might have been heat but itll be ok because she has tons of other healthy dark green leaves. i last wwatered her with 5ml of snow storm ultra or max, its one of those two words lol. she has a super fruity smell to her. its now super strong though, i only notice it if i have my nose on her. i think she will be done in 2-3 weeks at the most. what do yall think? here's some bud porn of her.

now for the blue mystic. she is on day 38. she is looking a tad rough but she will pull through. i watered her after waiting 3 days like i said i would. when i watered her she was real droopy. onver the next 24hrs she soaked up everything and was wilty again. so i gave her a 1/4 strength dose of grow nutes to help the yellowing. i wil give a 1/4 strength bloom in a few days.

this is a non fem seed so we'll see what it turns into. its 2 days old now. planted it near the side so when i transplant i will ahve mote room to pull it over for lst.

smoke on