Florida Growers Thread

youth felonies on your adult record? WTF? Ive applied everywhere, you name it? denied. I even begged and pleaded with a guy to hire me and he said its the state not the company that have made it this way. Its not surprising seeing the prison system in the U.S. is the biggest money maker in America. But we do have some gain in legalizing weed. eventually you wont be able to lock everyone up. so I say everyone start growing everywhere. Save your bad seed and throw them out the window as you drive. spread the love lol.
The whole youth thing is...when they feel the juvenile justice system has failed you in FL, they charge you as an adult (you go to adult jail, and Dept of Corr.), but classify you as a "youth offender". I was charged that way at 16 years old, given 5 years prison, and now i'm screwed for life because it's on my adult record, oh yeah, and in FLA when you violate probation, thats a whole new felony on top of your original charges. So instead of my 9 original felonies when I was still a kid, I violated probation on them, and now my background checks show up as 18 felonies! Yay! I love Florida, hate the system though.
Heres my morning transplant to their final pots. If they live through this I should be good to go for flowering in a few weeks. They really have gone through hell in this shitty potting soil but Im stuck using it. So hopefully they pull through. I have lost a few leaves from nute burn or nute lock, something. Cant check PH so i wont know the true culprit but basically im using Schultz potting soil and tap water thats not suitable for human consumption due to high levels of nitrates. Not sure if this can be filtered or not. But heres the latest pic.Photo0015.jpg
Do you think that might be because the University of Florida is housed there? :roll: LOL.... It's a college town, great place to set up a garden and grow if you are looking for clients. :)

I like gainsville/clear water not a major city, cause there's still not shit to do, but it's over crowded lol
Do I understand this correct? You have no PH meter, you are using water that not even you would drink, you overfed your plants and burned the roots and some leaf tips and you are going to blame Shultz potting soil? LOL

That's brilliant... ;)

Heres my morning transplant to their final pots. If they live through this I should be good to go for flowering in a few weeks. They really have gone through hell in this shitty potting soil but Im stuck using it. So hopefully they pull through. I have lost a few leaves from nute burn or nute lock, something. Cant check PH so i wont know the true culprit but basically im using Schultz potting soil and tap water thats not suitable for human consumption due to high levels of nitrates. Not sure if this can be filtered or not. But heres the latest pic.View attachment 1465140
A while ago there was a protest of sorts against the court, i believe it was in florida and i think it was a large amount or all of the DUI attorneys and their clients, the attny's agreed to take all their cases to trial instead of making or taking plea bargains, because almost 90% of cases and convictions are from plea deals. They did this to overthrow the power of the courts in a way, by overwhelming the manpower of employees and time the courts had. This is similar to something we as the people of the united States of America are responsible for doing. When the people as a majority believe that the govt is out of place we are are supposed to reserve and exercise our rights. Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. We shall take back our govt and be the self proclaimed most free country in the world and live at liberty instead of sacrificing it, those who would trade in their liberty for their protection deserve neither. One way we can do this is for as many marijuana enthusiasts to go outdoors somewhere and grow seeds or at least sow them. Because if this is one of the things that makes us happy, its written in the fabric of this nation that we have right to it, so stand for your rights openly and loudly dont sit idly back and cower and grow complacent in having to hide what make us happy.

Its apparent that the "messed up system" and what it and its charges/ abilities can do to our lives. The only way to retrieve "our country" is in the masses and an orderly fashion. The government now is seeming to be partly/mostly a system of greed and tyranny, at times it seems like their goal is to consume us. There are conspiracies/theories of how far and how the government intervenes, but until this country as a whole falls out of their state of ignorant consumerism, the people who run our country may very well consume us. Why are so many becoming complacently ignorant and sedentary?
Do I understand this correct? You have no PH meter, you are using water that not even you would drink, you overfed your plants and burned the roots and some leaf tips and you are going to blame Shultz potting soil? LOL

That's brilliant... ;)
Im not adding any fertilizers. its just the potting soil and water. We have no clean water in our area for miles.. Its terrible. All the water here is contaminated for drinking from the nitrates in it. We have to drink it sometimes because we cant afford to buy water all the time. Isnt a damn thing we can do about it either.
Its apparent that the "messed up system" and what it and its charges/ abilities can do to our lives. The only way to retrieve "our country" is in the masses and an orderly fashion. The government now is seeming to be partly/mostly a system of greed and tyranny, at times it seems like their goal is to consume us. There are conspiracies/theories of how far and how the government intervenes, but until this country as a whole falls out of their state of ignorant consumerism, the people who run our country may very well consume us. Why are so many becoming complacently ignorant and sedentary?:leaf:
The roxies are everywhere. they have gotten crazy outta control.
HAHHAHAHAAH dont come down to south west florida all you will see is fucking ppl hooked on roxies but deffinatly get a forclosure book and look in golden gate estates houses going for 50 thousand and cheaper with nice land and aint noooo one going to fuck with you..... TTTTrust me
Yo. anybody got any input on this....my girl just got a rental through a property management company, the owners live in NY, and its a major real estate company handling the property. Do you think the mofo's will really be trying to come in and check the house out randomly and shit to make sure you aren't fucking it up??? I mean, I dress like a nerd to draw less suspicion to myself, and she is a fucking preschool teacher, and I plan on keeping the outside property maintained, no people rolling through all the time and all that. I know they gotta give her 24 hours notice, but damn if you are in the middle of flowering, it's not as easy to just pack it up and move it till they check shit out. Anybody got experience dealing with major real estate/property management rentals??
HAHHAHAHAAH dont come down to south west florida all you will see is fucking ppl hooked on roxies but deffinatly get a forclosure book and look in golden gate estates houses going for 50 thousand and cheaper with nice land and aint noooo one going to fuck with you..... TTTTrust me

wow thats funny.... from south west FL and i know EXACTLY what ur talkin bout lol fuckin junkies man
Florida pill mills..... and the new Gov wants to do away with the drug database that will shut them down.... Rick Scott, huge ties to pharmaceuticals and insurance industries.... He doesn't want the pill mills shut down, because it means more sales for Pfizer ;p
It's coming. We need to create a large network of activists, or simply partner with NORML and become active activists rather than posting about it. I think Florida will be last... We have the largest smoking population, and we are the nation's pain pill store, yet our Attorney General has sworn that he will fight hard to prevent Florida from ever accepting medical weed. He claims it's simply a guise to legalize a dangerous drug with no medicinal value...

Anybody have thoughts on a cultural and marijuana revolution lmao?
Yo. anybody got any input on this....my girl just got a rental through a property management company, the owners live in NY, and its a major real estate company handling the property. Do you think the mofo's will really be trying to come in and check the house out randomly and shit to make sure you aren't fucking it up??? I mean, I dress like a nerd to draw less suspicion to myself, and she is a fucking preschool teacher, and I plan on keeping the outside property maintained, no people rolling through all the time and all that. I know they gotta give her 24 hours notice, but damn if you are in the middle of flowering, it's not as easy to just pack it up and move it till they check shit out. Anybody got experience dealing with major real estate/property management rentals??
When you rent an apartment from a Florida landlord, you receive a right to privacy granted by restricting the landlord's right of entry. The landlord has to inform you in advance if he needs to come into your home for repairs, maintenance or inspection. If the landlord shows up at your home without advance written notice, you can deny him entry. As he does not have legal possession of the rental unit while a lease agreement exists, he cannot force you to let him into the apartment. Im growing in a rental. Just put a deadbolt on the grow room. it will by you some time in case you need to tear down. Its also a good idea to start an outside garden to deter nosey people. Thats what im doing. Everything im using for my grow is gonna get me some tomatoes and potatoes etc. Im gonna grow right where my exhaust is coming out. I had a similar issue with a landord that thought he could just take stuff off he property cause he owned it, like fencing, the shed, deck etc and we called the police. he was escorted of the property. Im not telling you to ever call the police, its an example of the rights you have. I believe Florida is a 12 hour notice not sure. Needless to say no landlord is gonna know these laws by heart so I would change the locks and play stupid. Pretty much stay on top of your rent and dont let the outside go you should never have a problem. Just keep your girlfriend happy at all times if its her rental cause ill tell you that women will throw you under the bus. No disrespect to any females on here but I say this even regarding my own mother. Good luck
When you rent an apartment from a Florida landlord, you receive a right to privacy granted by restricting the landlord's right of entry. The landlord has to inform you in advance if he needs to come into your home for repairs, maintenance or inspection. If the landlord shows up at your home without advance written notice, you can deny him entry. As he does not have legal possession of the rental unit while a lease agreement exists, he cannot force you to let him into the apartment. Im growing in a rental. Just put a deadbolt on the grow room. it will by you some time in case you need to tear down. Its also a good idea to start an outside garden to deter nosey people. Thats what im doing. Everything im using for my grow is gonna get me some tomatoes and potatoes etc. Im gonna grow right where my exhaust is coming out. I had a similar issue with a landord that thought he could just take stuff off he property cause he owned it, like fencing, the shed, deck etc and we called the police. he was escorted of the property. Im not telling you to ever call the police, its an example of the rights you have. I believe Florida is a 12 hour notice not sure. Needless to say no landlord is gonna know these laws by heart so I would change the locks and play stupid. Pretty much stay on top of your rent and dont let the outside go you should never have a problem. Just keep your girlfriend happy at all times if its her rental cause ill tell you that women will throw you under the bus. No disrespect to any females on here but I say this even regarding my own mother. Good luck

Thanks bud for all the faith. You'd let your old lady raise your kids and shit but not deal with your plants or know about them? Seems wack.
guys i know this is random for your conversation but...its grow time! i have like 65 sprouts (bagseed) going and its awesome so anyone else planting soon? or allrady planted? i libe 2 hours down tampa by sarasota :)