12/12 from seed question


Well-Known Member
hey guys, ive done quite a bit of research on this topic but wanted some more feedback. if anyone has done 12/12 from seed how long did it take for your plants to show there sex?

the reason i ask is because the only seeds i have came from a male plant that my buddy grew, he planted 12 seeds and got 1 female out of it. right now i have 11 seeds that sprouted roughly a week ago and am just going to weed them out as they show sex...any feed back is awesome. thanks


Well-Known Member
hey guys, ive done quite a bit of research on this topic but wanted some more feedback. if anyone has done 12/12 from seed how long did it take for your plants to show there sex?

the reason i ask is because the only seeds i have came from a male plant that my buddy grew, he planted 12 seeds and got 1 female out of it. right now i have 11 seeds that sprouted roughly a week ago and am just going to weed them out as they show sex...any feed back is awesome. thanks
According to "The Cannabis Grow Bible", plants started on 12/12 will show their sex at around the same time as plants that are put into vegetative state. You are also going to stunt & stress the plants which could cause unwanted hermaphrodite conditions. Why not read up on how to enduce more females in your grow rather than going straight to 12/12 from seed? It could be a big risk with not as good of rewards going that route. Just a thought, sir. :)


Well-Known Member
3 to 4 week after the plant goes on 12/12 off.But there is a few things you can look out for males tend to grow that little bit bigger,than females do.All i can say is make sure that you keep a very close eye on the plants when they get to about week 2 onwards,i realy mean a close eye on them if the plant is not watched then the male will get to any females rip out any males...........tyke