How Was Weed Sold Back In The Day?


Well-Known Member
i was watching cheech and chong the 1st one and couldnt help but notice that they didnt have dime or nicks they were lookin for a lid? so now im wonderin how was weed sold back in the day dont matter how far back and also when did the 20 dimes and nicks system get started:leaf:


Glassblowing Moderator
each finger is a lid


= a three finger lid


Well-Known Member
alot of us hippies rolled our own cigs like cans of prince albert or buldrum and they had a lid on them and we didnt have scales so we use the lid to messure with.........standard lids were 3 fingers about 20 grams..........when you got a 4 finger lid that was a oz so 4 finger lid was getting a bargin for the 3 finger price..........most thought below an ounce not concidered dealing felony but a misdermenor...................thats the way we did it and thats in Southern Cal in San Diego and La......same in Frisco when i was up at Haight Ashbury
you could hold a baggie up and place 3 or 4 fingers on it and that was cool.......3 being 20 grams and 4 being 28 grams. we didnt use scales back then so you could get a little short or little over but hell at 8 buck a 4 finger lid what the hell.


Well-Known Member
Pony, wasn't a lid how much herb fit in a shoebox lid? thats what my uncles always told me the term came from... and the whole "quarter, dime, nickel" scheme showed up like late 70s early 80s. hell does anybody else here remember when hydro was 30$ a quarter? when reg was 25? it was like that for YEARS in Tx till california fucked it all up. I shit on myself 1st time somebody told me 100 for a quarter of weed!!! I'm still mad about that shit....


Well-Known Member
only thnk I remember a mesurement was a matchbox...........and we use the lid of a tobaco can to help messure..........everyone has a differant story it seems..............but I think the matchbox was the dime thing..........later on.......but I rember it vagley.


Well-Known Member
I do know the 3 finger was 20 grams more or less and 4 fingers was a full oz......that I know is fact............the lid we used held about like 8 grams if I remeber right.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
I think the first actual "lid" that I bought was four fingers in 1976 so while I am a little long-in-the-tooth, I have a ways to go to catch up to StonedPony. As I recall it went for the ridiculously inflated price of (gasp) $30 but then again it wasn't nearly the quality or potency of today's weed. I never saw less than a 1/2 oz. sold until about 1980 as it was just plain silly to deal in such tiny amounts. I do remember when it went up to $35-$40/oz. and I thought "there has to be a better/cheaper way." That was the genesis of my first outdoor guerilla grow.


Well-Known Member
When I first found weed a bag was 4 fingers, and good weed cost $15.00 per 4 finger bag - $40 per quarter pound.
People would sometimes sell a joint for $1.00, but never saw quarters, eights, or grams sold until the last 10 years.


Well-Known Member
Yea by 1978 everything was going 1968 i was paying 28 cents a gallon for back from Nam and it had jumped to 35 cents on base............and cigs stateside were 2.50 a carton on base. I was pissed LOL........


Well-Known Member
think the old JAZZ men of the time used a matchbox for messuring something......cant quite remember for sure but I do remember something about matchboxes....shrug what the hell those days are gone..............its 400 an oz on a good day Texas that is


Well-Known Member
used to go along the river and creeks in Oklahome back in the day and gather up weed.......seeds and all that was just part of was free............LOL


Well-Known Member
so nobody remembers the 30 dollar hydro quarter days? my friend's mom used to get her child support from his dad in weed; high grade indoor shit that smelled & tasted just like peaches (and I've never been able to find a strain with this same smell and flavor, it was awesome!) and she sold it for 30 a sack in like 88 89. a year later it was 100 a sack everywhere. weak.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Back in the day a "lid" was $10, good Columbian was $25 and there was no "sinsemilla" to speak of as everything was outdoor mexican sativa.

A good lid was 4 fingers and considered an OZ.

We used thes to weigh.

If you were big time you had wone of these:
