smoke without dry?


i wanna taste just like a gram of my plant, would it be ok to smoke before dry and cure? i dont wanna wait, if i have to ill just wait for it to finish, If i smoke it, Will it still get me high?


Well-Known Member
Are their resin heads on the buds yet? if you can see them, yeah, it'll probably get you high. How far into flowering are you?

lvl i k e y

Active Member
Gross. I would wait personally but you could attempt to "quick dry" it instead of smoking it wet right off the plant. Idk that it would even burn? How old is your plant?


Shes day 45 flowering, and they buds are almost done, its frosty, id say 30% 60%cloudy and 10% amber, I might attempt at a quick dry method.


Well-Known Member
Cut you a g off and stick it in the oven on warm and leave the door open. It'll be smokeable in about 45-60 minutes.

lvl i k e y

Active Member
you will get high:bigjoint:. I heard the oven is the best way to quick dry but I've never attempted to quick dry. Just google it there are tons of ways.


Well-Known Member
I just searched this exact question. I was wondering. I tried quick dry and all that. But the past 2 days I've been picking little buds off my plant and didn't feel like quick drying. I'm plenty high right now and watching americas next top model.


So i smoked a cool fat blunt worth of my plant, quick dried in oven at 100 degrees or so for 45 minutes. It could have been dried a little longer, blunt tasted like grass, but wasnt harsh on the throat. The high was very relaxing, and calm. Overall I dont think ill be picking anymore grams off my plants until theyre ready(:


Active Member
lol yeah i got antsy like that when i was gettin close to the end of my first grow..ide just pick off the lil' popcorn buds on the bottom that were just a bowl-pack and set them in a tray under my desk lamp..theyd be dry in like 15 minutes and tasted just like the finished product! not quite as heavy a buzz tho..being unfinished.


Another Half gram i did not quick dry, but let dry over night just sitting on my desk, smoked better, and a tad heavier


Well-Known Member
I quick dry on top of my ballast for a half a day...but it works and the smoke isn't to harsh or grassy tasting. If you trimmed all the little nugs off the bottom of the plant you could use them for canna butter.


My friend wanted to make some edibles, So we harvest about a half oz of buds that should be ready for harvest in about a week. No Dry, No Cure, Just made some brownies. Gonna see how they turn out !