Water Cooled HPS light


Well-Known Member
Alright the purpose of this topic isnt just about water cooling your HPS light but being as how I am a first time grower who acts like a professional >.> I decided to start a thread about the benefits of water cooling your HPS light because I have not seen many people talk about it.

Okay first things first I need some input about my little grow setup here, I have a 56x56x78 grow tent in my 2nd bedroom in my apartment ( I live on the 3rd floor which is the top floor and im facing a huge field which is facing the interstate which is my exit strategy in case the cops come knockin lol just chuck them bitches off of the balcony nobody will see ) I chose this location to do exactly what im doing lol. I just have my vegetation tent setup because I dont have a 2nd hydroponic system setup and I dont have a 2nd tent setup either. I have 4 different strains goin (AK-48, Aurora, Black-Jack, and Ice which is a medical strain) Im creating mother plants for each strain and I got 2 of each strain goin right now just to be safe from hermies, and my big question is this. I know my plants are flourishing and looking perfect but I see other people post pics of their plants at 2 and 3 weeks old and they look like 3x bigger than mine lol. I have a T5 4 bulb 4ft 20k luman flourscent over my 2x2 ebb&flow system and its I know the light is close enough to the tops of the plants. I have spoken with some other growers and asked them a similar question which is will my plants get big enough to flower at this rate, when I put them under my 600w hps light for 2 months will they ultimately grow to the size they need to be to make them big buds while flowering ? Im so new at this I want to make sure im doing it right because I cant see these plants getting big enough to flower in the next month which is how long people say they veg their plants. Should I veg them longer than a month sense im startin from seeds and not clones ( I plan to keep some for cloning purposes and flower the rest ).

Anyways, has anybody looked into watercooling their HPS lights for obvious reasons? sure the fixtures are like 250 bucks not including shipping but if you want to do something right why not do it perfect? Imagine having no problems with heat in your grow enviromentl... Imagine being able to put your HPS light within inches of the tops of your plants lol!!! and it can be done.. Ive already tested this setup and its perfect.. After hours of being turned on my HPS light is cool to the touch!!! I plan to run the hoses out of the fixture, out of 1 of the exhaust holes in my tent to a radiator I have in setup tight and covered in my window which is 1000w radiator from koolance.com. Its a radiator for water cooled computers but does exactly what I need it to do (cool water lol) I water cool my computer which is what gave me this idea. I put 3 120m fans on this radiator blowing air from my room which is at 70 degress and out through the window which obv leads outside and this gets rid of like 90% of the heat from my HPS light and out of my room so my air conditioner doesnt have to cool my room and doesnt leak odor or anything like that either. I got a 120v submersible pump moving the water from my 20 gallon res to tent into the fixture, out of the fixture back to the radiator and then back to the res, theres no pressure on my pump because its over qualified for the job ( dont use a whimpy pump ) because that will ultimatly give out if its a long ways from your HPS light to your window (its all about head pressure) doing your cooling like this has more benefits than you could imagine if done right. Im not the sharpest tool in the shed and I can pull this off so for professional growers Im sure they can do something more exotic but my setup definitely makes me proud.

Anyways Can anybody offer some input on my little question about my plants growing slow.. They are about 2 weeks old and like an eefin inch tall. They are on their 3rd set of leaves and although the leaves are getting bigger the plants are still so short >.< I havent added nutes to my res yet but some of the plants are a little behind the others so I am waiting another week to add a weak solution of nutes which is just the fox farm trio, I got the flora nova duo nutes as well, Ive changed the water twice in the last couple weeks and I keep the pH around 5.5 because it raises to 5.8 and 6.0 every 2 to 6 days (I think its because of the hydroton) because before I added hydroton to my system the pH level in my water never changed until I changed the res >.<


Well-Known Member
I acually just found a post for water cooling HPS lights, the post was refering to how dangerous it can be if not done right. People were talking about how your bulb can explode if water hits it which could be true but pretty much means theres a leak in the fixture of some sort or if there is no water flo to the fixture it and bubbles form it can explode... anybody that experiences these problems should probably stick to air cooling until they do their research before entering into the world of water cooling. I personaly dont believe that hype because the bulb in a system that has water flo wont be hot enough to explode if water hits it but it would have to completely fill with water to preset any real danger ( in my opinion ) I mean when you have your HPS light hanging above your plants, does it explode if a drop of water hits the bulb when its really hot? I've never herd of such a thing. People used to say something similar when I told them I water cool my computer haha they said my computer would explode or short circuit if anything leaks, All those kind of speculations are from people that have no Idea what they are talking about and are to scared to try something that sounds to extreme for them to comprehend ^.^

Everybody that posted on that thread also dont have a radiator running on their system, they just run it to a huge reservoir, this is what not to do.


Well-Known Member
Water + light (especially a H.I.D.) is a hazard in my opinion. That's probably the reason why not many people use them.

As for your seeds, i would sex them 1st. Then grow out some clones of each female plant & after that you can mother out the best ones.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the hazard is definitely there but walking across the street is a hazard or driving around on a friday night with a bunch of drunk people on the road, fact is these fixtures are getting more popular acually and being able to put your HPS light up close and personal to your plants is worth the hazard in my opinion


Well-Known Member
water will absorb some of the light energy. Plus you need a bunch of hardware to run them and you can do about the same damn thing with a good fan and ducting. Think about it, there is a reason you don't see many of them.....


Well-Known Member
water will absorb some of the light energy. Plus you need a bunch of hardware to run them and you can do about the same damn thing with a good fan and ducting. Think about it, there is a reason you don't see many of them.....
Lol I imagine the reason you dont see many people using this method is for the same reasons people dont water cool their computers..which is lack of understanding, motive, and balls... First of all, the amount of energy that is consumed by the water is up to 10% that much I have found out and you do know that the lumen increase from putting your light within inches of your plants far outweighs the energy consumed by the liquid, that study has been confimed. Second of all, you cannot do the same thing with a good fan and some ducting lol the fact you even suggested that shows your lack of understanding on the subject. Water cooling is by far a more effective method of cooling hardware that generally gets hot. Think of car engines, you think airflow is enough to cool an engine? no thats why cars have radiators that cool the engine using? you guessed it water..

Secondly what hardware do you need to run a water cooled fixture besides the fixture itself and a pump? o and a tub of water lol..... The only added piece of hardware to my setup is the radiator and small 120m fans which in all is 80 bucks.. Using a fan with some duct will only deliver similar results if that duct leads outside but in which case you still cant get your light closer to your plants and it definitely doesnt keep the inside of your room as cool as a liquid cooled system does.

Water cooling computers is similar.. you think a CPU operates better with a block of water sucking the heat right out of the processor or a heatsink with a fan on it? the differences are there and any1 with a firm understanding could see that, but you shouldnt even have to have a firm understanding, it should be thrown in there with common sense >.>

For anybody that wants the best results in their garden will definitely do their research and find that reducing the heat in their garden and increasing the light your plants receive can be achieved by doing it this way.. Thats why all the pros do it this way and the people that want to do just the barebone minimum end up harvesting some work (25 50) rather than some Super nug (30 60)


Well-Known Member
Well it sounds like you have it ALL figured out already so go fucking buy it then. Shit man, buy a dozen cause if the cops come, you can just chuck it all out the window. Problem solved.

Seems funny that you already know what "the pros" do yet by your own admission your plants are 3x smaller then everyone elses. I'm POSITIVE its cause they have water cooled lights. BTW, heat is not the only issue to deal with when lowering your bulb, your plant can only take so many ...you know what, fuck it.


Well-Known Member
Well it sounds like you have it ALL figured out already so go fucking buy it then. Shit man, buy a dozen cause if the cops come, you can just chuck it all out the window. Problem solved.

Seems funny that you already know what "the pros" do yet by your own admission your plants are 3x smaller then everyone elses. I'm POSITIVE its cause they have water cooled lights. BTW, heat is not the only issue to deal with when lowering your bulb, your plant can only take so many ...you know what, fuck it.
Who throws equiptment out the window because their sketch, throwing some plants off my balcony into a field where they blend in and throwing a tent, hydro system, lights, etc off the balcony seem to be 2 different scenarios to me, last time I checked having the equiptment isnt illegal..... and it seems like your just flustered because you dont get enough pussy.

Lol you definitely seem like you may resemble your avatar a little to much... getting so worked up over a thread seems a little odd.... you should relax and smoke 1 cause you seem to have some issues with somebody that dissagrees with your opinion.... you know what ... fuck it.. LOL


Well-Known Member
I'm not quite certain as to why you were soliciting advice. I should have just ignored you like the other 96 viewers of the thread but I thought maybe he doesn't know that they are expensive, cumbersome, and unnecessary.
In short they, water cooled lights are simply gay. I'm in no way worked up dude and for the record, I got a wake up BJ from the wife this morning. Now that I think of it, having a water cooled light system in your apartment (with the ingenious throw it out the window system) would have another advantage. If you have a fellow grower over to your apartment that you think might be gay, he will see your set-up and know that you are gay as well. Then you two can spend the afternoon caressing your poorly growing plants and making little pools of santorum.


Well-Known Member
Fuck that man, I am already lightyears beyond you. Water cooled lights dont work half as good as what I did, I moved my operation to the moon. I am not surprised no one talks about this since I am one of the smartest people in the world, but let me tell you something. You are doing it wrong, if you want cool lights do what I do I grow in space. I spent millions of dollars getting my grow lights and my plants into space(dont ask me how I did it, me and Neil Degrase Tyson are like this[you cant see this because im on the moon but my fingers are crossed, so make sure you in-vision that when you read it. Fuck you better just go back and read the sentence again I should have told you I had them crossed ahead of time what in gods name was I thinking]) and now my lights are officially cool.

My buddy has the same setup as you and another uses fans to cool it they both work the same(one method is about 15x as expensive and actually consumes more electricity in the process, but I digress or do I?), but I was like fuck that I want to be a show off, I want people to know I was picked on all my life so i have to act really smart in order to attempt to gain respect. I invested millions into this job and its working, you see the moon is -153c at night so I can run 5,000watts of lighting 1in above the plant its science bro deal with it. My last grow I got 2ounces off of 25 plants try to beat that mother fucker.

You think your unnecessary use of electricity to cool your lights is ineffective I got you beat brother. You probably spent thousands of dollars to cool one light, most people use a fan and pump it throughout their house to be efficient and warm their house during colder months. But I went beyond all of that because I am pure genius I took it to the moon mother fuckers now I can officially say I am a innovator no one on this site ever talks about this.

Im growing on the moon mother fuckers!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm not quite certain as to why you were soliciting advice. I should have just ignored you like the other 96 viewers of the thread but I thought maybe he doesn't know that they are expensive, cumbersome, and unnecessary.
In short they, water cooled lights are simply gay. I'm in no way worked up dude and for the record, I got a wake up BJ from the wife this morning. Now that I think of it, having a water cooled light system in your apartment (with the ingenious throw it out the window system) would have another advantage. If you have a fellow grower over to your apartment that you think might be gay, he will see your set-up and know that you are gay as well. Then you two can spend the afternoon caressing your poorly growing plants and making little pools of santorum.
Yea you may have had a BJ this morning, but have you ever had a BJ on the moon?

While on weed?


Active Member
LMFAO.. thats some funny shit JIMBZZ.. But sorry BRO, , I have to ONE up boff' of you mofos'... I was able to layer a liquefied mass around the far side of the sun (so the cops cant see it) this creates a blockage of the heat and allows my grow op to be within 100 centimeters of the surface... I am in the process of actually tunneling Through the sun and planting inside of the tube,, its cooled by liquid of course... Piss, apparently being the most economical liquid , i use this because the cost of the sun grow system is astronomical. and I need to skimp somewhere........ SHIT,, sorry, had to duck, you aliens just passed me heading to your moon op...
Well it sounds like you have it ALL figured out already so go fucking buy it then. Shit man, buy a dozen cause if the cops come, you can just chuck it all out the window. Problem solved.

Seems funny that you already know what "the pros" do yet by your own admission your plants are 3x smaller then everyone elses. I'm POSITIVE its cause they have water cooled lights. BTW, heat is not the only issue to deal with when lowering your bulb, your plant can only take so many ...you know what, fuck it.



Well-Known Member
LMFAO.. thats some funny shit JIMBZZ.. But sorry BRO, , I have to ONE up boff' of you mofos'... I was able to layer a liquefied mass around the far side of the sun (so the cops cant see it) this creates a blockage of the heat and allows my grow op to be within 100 centimeters of the surface... I am in the process of actually tunneling Through the sun and planting inside of the tube,, its cooled by liquid of course... Piss, apparently being the most economical liquid , i use this because the cost of the sun grow system is astronomical. and I need to skimp somewhere........ SHIT,, sorry, had to duck, you aliens just passed me heading to your moon op...
Dude get those mother fuckers, they are going to pass by the sun on their way back, ill hook you up with a clone while we are there.

I'm getting in my ship now bro, ill see you at the sun got my SPF 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.99


Well-Known Member
Not worth the hassle unless you running just ONE trust me i HAD 4 1000watts liquid lumens had to scratch the operation bout 6 months in due to non stop problems with the lights :-D Been back to air cooled for a few years now gonna stay that while again for a while.


Well-Known Member
Not worth the hassle unless you running just ONE trust me i HAD 4 1000watts liquid lumens had to scratch the operation bout 6 months in due to non stop problems with the lights :-D Been back to air cooled for a few years now gonna stay that while again for a while.
How could you possibly de-evolve and go to air cooling? Are your lights now like 10 feet away from the plants? I'm not if you realized, but the "pros" ALL use water cooled lights. So while you were once a pro, your now down in the farm leagues with the rest of us.


Well-Known Member
How could you possibly de-evolve and go to air cooling? Are your lights now like 10 feet away from the plants? I'm not if you realized, but the "pros" ALL use water cooled lights. So while you were once a pro, your now down in the farm leagues with the rest of us.
Why dont you guys quit fucking around and join the big leagues. Get $35,000,000,000 get yourself a space ship and grow like a pro.

I just got 4 ounces off of 57 plants its totally worth it. You are all waisting time and money growing on earth why is this so hard to get.

I hate how dumb the world is here I am super smart waisting lots of time and energy to grow, and you guys are sticking to the old "if it aint broke dont fix it"

Please you guys are probably a bunch of liberals too, while I am a progressive republican you should get your news from an openly conservative network like Fox news they only cover stuff that aids republicans so they are FAIR AND BALANCED only a idiot would see it any other way.


Active Member
Which moon? Earth's? If so, that is so last year. I am growing on the moons of Neptune, and venting everything into the orbit of Pluto (I got a long hose).


Well-Known Member
Which moon? Earth's? If so, that is so last year. I am growing on the moons of Neptune, and venting everything into the orbit of Pluto (I got a long hose).
Fuck, well thats it Im moveing my operation, im going really big this time.

Im going to the Andromeda galaxy, fuck the milky way. Ill be there in 2.5light years I hope my clones make it.