See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

my country, America, is going down the tubes for good because education is suppressed and the media dictates who people vote for. the same media who is owned by the rich elite in America. the only way to continue what our forefathers started is to topple the current regime and start over. start educating people to think about the good of society and not the digits in their bank account which continually diminish due to the governments system of federal reserve banking and its inflation machine. i vote for a stoned militia! unite!
makes me sick to my stomach to see things unfold in front of your eyes, and seem so helpless...the world is being enslaved by a hand full of people..the Bankers(controllers)...
and people the likes of Bush/Cheney are laughing to the bank...those mother fuckers..
I agree with all of you, money does seem to be one of those things that can ensare anyone no matter how noble they are, then again that is the problem when a whole word is run through/by money. :(
it'll only change when a stoner gets into government, all these fancy pants knob jockeys , who have more money than sense. I fucking hate so called democracy, they should just put me in charge !! FUCK!
the rich get richer and the poor get poorer!always was always will be.For example: why in the hell would ''the gov""and i mean ALL govs! spend BILLONS to see if the was water on MARS??? WHEN ARE PEOPLE ARE DYING IN THE SRTEETS.And the mentaly ill are in jails?insted of getting the help they need.put more money in to re-abs?I had a big drug proplem,[mostly cocain]i lost my wife,and my little girl,any how that was then, but jail,then re-ab changed my life.But i never stoped smoking herb,what i'm saying is there's a lot of sick people out thiere !ALCHOOL IS MAN MADE MARIJUANA IS GOD MADE !:peace:
i vote dont get me wrong, its just a fuckn waste tho all u end up doin is shitn out a different asshole
I am sure everyone agrees that the shit should be legal. But the government is full of politicians who are afraid to jolt the system. You cant count on them for shit. All they want is to stay where there at not speak their minds. Im willing to bet there are at least 80% of politicians who have smoked and at least 50% would nt give two shits if it was made legal. They just dont want to be the first to say something. You know who says something, the guy on the outside looking in. they will say anything if it helps get them through the door, and then they will be pussies like everyone else once their in.

To the guy who said we should not be spending money to go to mars I disagree. It is human nature to explore if we dont we die. Some day this earth will be gone and if we are not moving on we disappear. then there wont be anyone left to grow and smoke some sweet shit. I rest my case
I suppose this should be in the political board but whatever.First off to medicinaluseonly, I've been thinking about that same thing that you quoted yourself on. This planet has too many people to ever hope to reform. I feel the only way this world will ever be better is a fresh start to say i.e. mass extinction lol. Imagine the lives of humans if we slowly started shutting down the regions (power plants, manufacturing plants, waste process plants, etc.) of the world and people stopped having children, until only about 500 million were left. Imagine what glorious lives these people could live. Everyone having been super educated in a certain field and every so many years have to dedicate their lives to it (power plants, manufacturing plants, waste process plants, etc.). So everyone does their part... ahhh it'd be nice, of course it'd never work out that way.

Secondly I think one reason they don't legalize bud is because, like stated earlier, they can't control it. Also if its legalized many kids would try and even possibly start to smoke, that normally would never in the first place, and you have to admit it, there are people who shouldn't smoke. Just like there are people that shouldn't drink. Hell no one should drink, that shit just fucks you up. Favorite quote from this board, "What is the difference between a drunk driver and a stoned driver? A drunk will go right through a stop sign, and a pothead will stop and wait for it to turn green."

I think that the only reason that they don't legalize pot is that the war on drugs is big money for a lot of the red necks. One cops 2 lawyers & judges 3 prisons & 1/2 way houses.
Plus you have alcohol companys with lobbyists pushing for are gov to keep it illegal.
It really is sad, when you have the surgeon general saying we should legalize it
and nobody listens
Also you now have alot of states making it illegal to even somoke cigs in public
places, for are own good.Ba humbug. It just makes me Mad as hell!!!!!:evil:
keep on growing and smoking peps :peace:peace man:peace:
i vote dont get me wrong, its just a fuckn waste tho all u end up doin is shitn out a different asshole

Ya it sucks what we hav eto chose from when voting, but if you don't vote you can't bitch!!!
Maybe some day we will get someone to vote for that has are interests at heart! Till then smoke alot of dope and fuck em!!!

:peace:peace man:peace:
makes me sick to my stomach to see things unfold in front of your eyes, and seem so helpless...the world is being enslaved by a hand full of people..the Bankers(controllers)...
and people the likes of Bush/Cheney are laughing to the bank...those mother fuckers..

I agree turkster! Man your avatar had me laughing my ass off!!!
:peace:peace man:peace:
i traveled many places and it seems that the USA has the most money, but the most f--ked up people, practices, and government . This is the only place i've seen where theres no respect for the elderly(thats crazy to me).........the government doesn't really care about the people that make them there money...and need i say George W. Bush! We need a REVOLUTION! This country used to be the its just shit! i don't no anyone is isn't struggling now!..........Fuck.......Gas is 3.25 a gallon and it isn't even close to summer yet!..............and people ask me why i smoke!
The way I see it is why vote when there is not one decent person in the running. Obama aint' worth a shit and we already know what its like to have a clinton in office and to hell with that moron mc'cain like anyone wants a military dictator in office. face it we are all screwed no matter who gets elected no one cares about freedom at least politicians don't care. toke up and watch the world go up in flames.
America spends 4.3 million dollars a year on FRUIT FLY RESAERCH!!! And those things have a average lifespan of only 3 days!