Tafbang Ceiling Light Grow Part 2

Isn't the point of this place to share knowledge? I understand why you gave an infraction, but this is toe-ing the line of being too PC. I'd hate to be a newbie who wandered into this thread and didn't know any better than to follow some of the "methods" discussed here...

it is up to the reader to use his best judgment on what advice to follow. it is NOT up to other users to "correct them".

this is tafbangs grow thread, if you don't like it simply BACK OUT. hit "new posts". don't reply, just go away. :)
lol This grow is ridiculous.
I believe it's a compliment, at least knowing the possibilities and limits to being able to grow marijuana out of pretty much nothing.

I personally would like to see a "Recent" picture, not something that is 2 months old at the beginning of a thread.
1 month old picture.. you can see the size and some buds. and yes, recent pictures would be nice. but I don't own a camera. but lets not flame about not having a camera, because pictures are my 1st priority at all times

No, I mean "away" I go... Like, I'm not coming back to this thread.

One other thing though regarding name calling; you might want to hold taf to the same standard, his go to reply is to call people "faggots" or "idiots" or some other colorful adjectives. Anyway, I'm outta here.

I asked you to leave before, I'm glad you finally decided to. you provided a lot of love here, much appreciation
I didn't insult his grow? I've never seen anything like that. lol

Fdd I've never had any problems here so why make one?

i am here as a moderator trying to get people on this thread to behave. can you not see that?

sorry if your comment got caught up in the mix. do you not see how it could have been taken negatively?

if you would all treat each other with kindness and respect you would never see me posting these posts. i'd be posting pictures of glass instead. ;)
well, the plant is just stacked on about 3 books right now from the ground and I keep my door locked 24/7

I am more worried about someone seeing the plant as it's all you see if my door is cracked open. it takes up a great percentage of the room because it's right in the middle.
well, the plant is just stacked on about 3 books right now from the ground and I keep my door locked 24/7

I am more worried about someone seeing the plant as it's all you see if my door is cracked open. it takes up a great percentage of the room because it's right in the middle.

Might want to change it up if you don't want to get caught. Maybe make a grow cabinet? Alot less inconspicuous than what u got now.
The funds and the utilities were a problem. I'm just working with what I had. I'm going to move it to the closet after I harvest this and start generation 2. I'm just thinking if I should not worry about the height control and try to provide more lights, or top and lst to try and keep them under 5ft.
I just got a message from a dealer who said he wants to give me some samples of some stuff he says is some of the greatest bud he's had, he always hooks me up and comes with some really good quality, I got my seed collection from him throughout the years, never finding more than 1 seed in a bag and only about 1/9 bags have a seed in them.

besides that rambling, he says he has a camera. I'll be back on tomorrow to answer anymore questions and to get these pictures up. 99% chance of pictures tomorrow.
you aren't allowed to insult people. pretty easy. :)

in·sult (
)v. in·sult·ed, in·sult·ing, in·sults
v.tr.1. a. To treat with gross insensitivity, insolence, or contemptuous rudeness. See Synonyms at offend.
b. To affront or demean: an absurd speech that insulted the intelligence of the audience.

I offer the above as an honest observation, and with NO malice, I suggest that the "b" part of the definition will bring about part "a".......BB
in·sult (
)v. in·sult·ed, in·sult·ing, in·sults
v.tr.1. a. To treat with gross insensitivity, insolence, or contemptuous rudeness. See Synonyms at offend.
b. To affront or demean: an absurd speech that insulted the intelligence of the audience.

I offer the above as an honest observation, and with NO malice, I suggest that the "b" part of the definition will bring about part "a".......BB

i'll make the decisions on this one. thanks. ;)
At least your having fun tafbang, Thats all that matters.

lol...you make me miss the old thread, it was some really funny stuff. that wore out after 2000 post in a month though. lets keep this thread in the right direction. and I don't know about fun, but it's definitely a good time and a great experience, but it's just as scary as it is beneficial
the biggest thing is he did it, everyone on the other thread thought it was a joke as well as most here, well, he did it, thats all that matters. way to go taf!!!

Yeah, I came into this game with 0 Experience and really tested the limits of this plants using all the knowledge and information I've gained through research and reading grow stories and watching others. I just took every bit of information with proper reasoning and pulled it off. I now know of plenty of tricks to grow with and I'm glad to have turned this into a hobby. This plant is pretty simple and many people put growing on a pedestal, but I kept it pretty simple because it was the best I could do. I see good things in the future and I'm glad to have inspired other people who feel they need 1000+ watts and nutrients to grow "anything". I'm going to give my generation 2 sativa x indica plant it's own lights and it's time to get these new girls as fat as possible while with my other sativas I'm just going to top and experiment with clipping the branches to keep everything the 2-4 main colas on a couple just to see the range of how fat the 7 footers can get. It's going to be more than survival in the future grows
The reason equatorial sativas, and any true sativa and most crosses that are predominantly sativa have longer flowering periods is a combination of two things .One, their leaves contain less chlorophyll than indicas. Have you ever noticed how they are closer to being a lime green, a light green? And the leaves themselves have less overall area, they are long and skinny/narrow and they catch/gather less light than a dark green (higher in chlorophyll) very wide paddle-like indica leaf. It makes for a slower, longer, overall process.

This is a great post.
I never thought of it like that always assuming it was purely enviromental.
Really makes sense especially when dealing with polymutihybrids.
Thank you brick.
I'm going to move it to the closet after I harvest this and start generation 2. I'm just thinking if I should not worry about the height control and try to provide more lights, or top and lst to try and keep them under 5ft.

This is a good idea!

Really, more lights alone should keep them under 5 ft.

Oh, and keeping the light contained in a reflective environment will help you as well.

LST and topping are not needed if you use enough light.

Looking forward to seeing those photos! Hope you find a seed or two to use for the next generation in those buds you'll be getting!