Nute burn or heat stress or ...? *pics*


Well-Known Member
These are 5 hashberry and 1 bagseed. They were under six, 26 watt cfls til this past weekend when the 400w hps replaced the CFLs. They are 3+ weeks into veg and were about to be started on 12/12 'til this happened. Probably best to get this under control before switching the lights. The bottom leaves were starting to get a little crispy but it has gotten worse since its been under the HPS. Also, temps have been up to 90 F and humidity dropped to 30% after the HPS came in. Since then a humidifier and another fan have been added and that seemed to help. It has been hard to keep the ph down, too.

Roots were black today but went back to normal looking after hydrogen peroxide was added.

home-made bubbleponics system
50% Fox Farm nutes
2 airstones
20/4 400w hps Agromax

Pics look yellow because lights were on. In reality, the plants look pretty green but for the bottom leaves which are brown and yellow from the tips and crunchy/dry.
Please help! Thanks! :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Sounds like you may be burning your babes.....To be can flush for 24 hours with plain ph'd water.

Then refill res with lower nute strength. Start there...Cause thats the worse case scenario.

Follow up on this thread in a couple days to see if it helped.

Leaves wont heal that are already damaged...look for improvement in the new growth.


Well-Known Member
Definately looks like that HPS my be burning your plants. Doesn't really look much like nute burn, but you can always flush just to be on the safe side.


Well-Known Member
yeh heat stress,raise ya light to 10-12" and get a fan blowing inbetween the light and the top of ya plant.give um a little misting too.but after youve misted have the light abit higher up than that untill the water evaperates.


New Member
hummmm. tricky. nutrient burn starts at the tips of ALL the leaves, not just those at the bottom of the plabt. and then it spreads inward, from tips to the stem of each leaf. this doesn't look like nute burn. but i can't tell unless you get a picture in normal light, without the HPS on.

also, heat stress would begin at the top of the plant, whatever is closest to the light. it doesn't look like heat stress to me.

it could be some sort of deficiency and you'll need to post a picture in regular light for us to tell. good luck.


Well-Known Member
Looks like fert burn to me, it always starts at the bottom with me and seeing as the top leaves are fine can't be heat stress. try flushing with water as mentioned or you can put sugar into the grow medium this will start working after 24 hour and will bring your Nitrogen levels down.


Well-Known Member
I'll take some more pics tonight when the lights go out at midnight. I have attached some pics taken a few minutes ago with lights on.

But things seem to be looking up. I didn't have a chance to flush yet but I did add a gallon of plain distilled water last night to dilute the solution (at least that much had evaporated). Also, I added a fan, raised the lights a bit, and put a "freezer pak" in the reservoir.

When I came home today, the plants looked a lot better and had actually grown an inch. They hadn't grown at all since I put the HPS in on Sunday.

So, it looks like the problem may be solved. Tonight I removed the leaves that were 3/4 dead or more. That will probably help with the air circulation too. Ph has stayed more steady in the last day or two as well.

Fingers crossed :)

One question: assuming things stay up, how long should I wait to start flowering given the shock my plants have suffered. I was planning on starting this week but have postponed it due to the issues.


Active Member
hey man, how are these doing? that looks like PH fluctuation to me. i've seen that spotty 'rust' before when the PH was way too low. just my opinion. now that your PH is good it should be fine. but like someone said before, the damage that is done will stay. if a leaf is more than 50% damaged, remove it or the plant may spend too much energy into keeping that one leaf healthy. again, just my opion. looks good so far! mind if i ask how much you spent on supplies?


Active Member
i have that same problem ,,, before they got that burned did u notice a lil greyish color in the leafs??? i did in mine ,, then 2 days later they were burned ,, not too bad tho ... so i investigated my problem & discovered that during lights off is was gettin cold about 55-60 F & the leafs were pointing almost straight up , sooooo when it was lights ON the leavs were touching teh bulbs for about 15-20 mins until they lowered into their normal position ,, so i just move my lights up a lil & been fine every since


Well-Known Member
man i dont kno whats going on with your leafs bro. is that bubbleponics or hydro?

lol bubbleponics is hydro...

but anyway, that is definatly nute burn, have you been flushing like the other guy said? if you haven't, you should be. with pure ph'd water (NO NUTES AT ALL!!!) for at least a week.


New Member
i was asking cuz that doesnt look like a drip system. more like bubbleponics. but you kno what i found out on this website. most people are helpfull but most people put there words like there fuckin assholes. but watever. peace and have a fun time growin.


Well-Known Member
its bubbleponics and I spent about $90 on the system, $120 on the lights. I think you could build the system for less but I overbought my supplies so I would have enough for next time. As for the plants, they are two weeks into flower and looking pretty good now in my opinion.

I think the problem was heat stress but I did flush so it could have been some nute burn too.

I removed 2 males last weekend. The others haven't shown any hairs yet but I am hopeful they are females because I think they would have shown balls by now if they were male.

Thanks for the replys!


Well-Known Member
in the first pics it was heat stress,the light was too close,in other pics some leaves looked burned,maybe too much nutes,,,,,in that latest picture everything looks ok.