Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
A frat boy vs a computer geek ... lol
Brother ... it is 2011 !
You will loose every- time.
Please learn when walk away.
Or get ready for a fire sale as you are asking to get burned further.



Active Member
it's too bad the charges didn't hold & u were not held completely accountable... scary u r. r u proud of urself, really? [CONT.]
Sorry - but I have to completely agree with 'thexception' because I would of said the same thing in my contex. Let's be honest here, everyone kind of had the same thought reading the OP - that this dude sounded like just as much a douchebag as the person he was seeking revenge on. He sounds like a jerkoff at a private school, from a Justin Bieber made for Disney movie. You disagree? Let's observe:

01] "Im a part of this email group"
-Email group? Gay.

02] "with my fraternity"
-Email group + fraternity? Gayer.

03] "Its basically a little information, with a bunch of BS, and conversation about current topics"
-Okay, it'd be easier next time to say; "It's an email forum"

04] "He is a coward in real life, but such a tough guy on the internet."
-That is what we refer to as a "Troll" - if he has angered you this much, one of two things has been discovered. One, you can't handle trolls & he has won as a troll - two, you have no business on the internet because trolls will always be part of the internet. You just happen to personally know this particular troll is all.

05] "Directly telling people "fuck you, bitch"
-You say it like it's the worst possible thing ever said from one person to another, how old are you?

06] "other emails that take the whole energy of the email chaion"
-Did you just say "Email Chaion" for real?

07] "Problem is, this kid is the vice prez (recently elected)"
-Did you have to add (recently elected) or was that to make you feel better? Also why does him being the Vice "Prez" create a problem? Better yet, why isn't an "Old Balls" a Vice Prez? You speak of this dude as if he isn't worthy or a vet... so why does he hold so much power?

08] "he is on a suuuuuper power trip"
-I don't know you, but I sense jealousy.

09] "I was recently charged with felony assault (later dismissed)"
-If it was dismissed that means it holds no value in court. That means, it was dropped, that means it has no record, no strike, no mark on you, so why does it matter? It's like getting pulled over for running a red light but the cop decides to let you go, it has no meaning once it's gone. What do you go to school for, dumbassology?

10] "obviously im not allowed to do anyhting physical, or even think about it haha (ive learned my lesson anyway)"
-Obviously right? Since you have a dismissed felony charge. Here's a quickie, what did you do to 'almost' get a felony, tough guy? Mature guy? Come on, make up a story that makes you sound innocent & mature all at once. You add in (ive learned my lesson anyway) like your some sort of cool cat yourself & you have to let us know. Your just as big a tool as the person you seek revenge on.

11] "Had this been 6 months ago, this young buck WOULD have lost a few teeth, seriously"
-Read #12.

12] "I have no interest in hurting this kid, hes a complete twerp."
-Read #11 again, so does he or doesn't he want to hurt this 'twerp' hm? Just because you 'cant' don't mean you don't 'want' too...

13] "But he did respect old balls (frat term for old guy) a few of us, and that simply will not fly. Im leaning towards public embarrasment"
-Don't you mean disrespected & again, why does none of your other friends help you in revenge, why is it just you? Asking for public embarrasment basically SCREAMS the IDEA that he did something to you far worse then interrupting your "email chaion."

14] "MAn, If I could get any insight on a great way to get my revenge without hurting this kid, and having it traced back to me that would be awesome."
-Anything else you'd like with that?

15] "Remember: He is in college, and very entertained by the idea of vagina...he doesnt get much but if I was going for public humiliation it would have to be infront of all of the sororities."
-Now you want this done infront of the sororities, so now it sounds like an issue that involved you getting embarassed by him in someway in public with soririty girls around. Then you say he's entertained by vagina which made me giggle but at the same time, it sounds like your just trying to put him down like a bully, especially when you add, he doesn't get much... how the fuck do you know?

Nice try on trying to go back on your word when you stated to all of us on RIU that our opinions are basically mute because were stoners & liberals. You were frustrated that nobody agreed with you in the beginning of this thread & lashed out at us, shows your lack of temper control. Nothing against you, but like stated already grow up, get over it. I just gave you 15 reasons why.


Well-Known Member
Sorry - but I have to completely agree with 'thexception' because I would of said the same thing in my contex. Let's be honest here, everyone kind of had the same thought reading the OP - that this dude sounded like just as much a douchebag as the person he was seeking revenge on. He sounds like a jerkoff at a private school, from a Justin Bieber made for Disney movie. You disagree? Let's observe:

01] "Im a part of this email group"
-Email group? Gay.

02] "with my fraternity"
-Email group + fraternity? Gayer.

03] "Its basically a little information, with a bunch of BS, and conversation about current topics"
-Okay, it'd be easier next time to say; "It's an email forum"

04] "He is a coward in real life, but such a tough guy on the internet."
-That is what we refer to as a "Troll" - if he has angered you this much, one of two things has been discovered. One, you can't handle trolls & he has won as a troll - two, you have no business on the internet because trolls will always be part of the internet. You just happen to personally know this particular troll is all.

05] "Directly telling people "fuck you, bitch"
-You say it like it's the worst possible thing ever said from one person to another, how old are you?

06] "other emails that take the whole energy of the email chaion"
-Did you just say "Email Chaion" for real?

07] "Problem is, this kid is the vice prez (recently elected)"
-Did you have to add (recently elected) or was that to make you feel better? Also why does him being the Vice "Prez" create a problem? Better yet, why isn't an "Old Balls" a Vice Prez? You speak of this dude as if he isn't worthy or a vet... so why does he hold so much power?

08] "he is on a suuuuuper power trip"
-I don't know you, but I sense jealousy.

09] "I was recently charged with felony assault (later dismissed)"
-If it was dismissed that means it holds no value in court. That means, it was dropped, that means it has no record, no strike, no mark on you, so why does it matter? It's like getting pulled over for running a red light but the cop decides to let you go, it has no meaning once it's gone. What do you go to school for, dumbassology?

10] "obviously im not allowed to do anyhting physical, or even think about it haha (ive learned my lesson anyway)"
-Obviously right? Since you have a dismissed felony charge. Here's a quickie, what did you do to 'almost' get a felony, tough guy? Mature guy? Come on, make up a story that makes you sound innocent & mature all at once. You add in (ive learned my lesson anyway) like your some sort of cool cat yourself & you have to let us know. Your just as big a tool as the person you seek revenge on.

11] "Had this been 6 months ago, this young buck WOULD have lost a few teeth, seriously"
-Read #12.

12] "I have no interest in hurting this kid, hes a complete twerp."
-Read #11 again, so does he or doesn't he want to hurt this 'twerp' hm? Just because you 'cant' don't mean you don't 'want' too...

13] "But he did respect old balls (frat term for old guy) a few of us, and that simply will not fly. Im leaning towards public embarrasment"
-Don't you mean disrespected & again, why does none of your other friends help you in revenge, why is it just you? Asking for public embarrasment basically SCREAMS the IDEA that he did something to you far worse then interrupting your "email chaion."

14] "MAn, If I could get any insight on a great way to get my revenge without hurting this kid, and having it traced back to me that would be awesome."
-Anything else you'd like with that?

15] "Remember: He is in college, and very entertained by the idea of vagina...he doesnt get much but if I was going for public humiliation it would have to be infront of all of the sororities."
-Now you want this done infront of the sororities, so now it sounds like an issue that involved you getting embarassed by him in someway in public with soririty girls around. Then you say he's entertained by vagina which made me giggle but at the same time, it sounds like your just trying to put him down like a bully, especially when you add, he doesn't get much... how the fuck do you know?

Nice try on trying to go back on your word when you stated to all of us on RIU that our opinions are basically mute because were stoners & liberals. You were frustrated that nobody agreed with you in the beginning of this thread & lashed out at us, shows your lack of temper control. Nothing against you, but like stated already grow up, get over it. I just gave you 15 reasons why.
^^^^^^^^^^^^ I was just going to say that.........you beat me to it.