A Well Researched 'Newbies' Grow Tent

yea i see ya can order clones from the shrommery, whadda ya think the shit put a tweekin on on ya or what? i mean if fuggin miley cirrus is wolfin it down....but then again shes got that far off look in her eyes.....
i dunno, sounds like a ordinary trip thru the local wal-mart around here,now theres a freak show!

peace out
exactly....dont get me started on the goverment!
hey BB im reading a great book at the moment by Daniel Pinchbeck very interesting,,,, maybe we all should hook up and go to the next 'Burning Man' ;)
and heres two by A + A. Shulgin
View attachment 1500745
sorry that was a bit blury but its breaking open the head-a psychedelic journey into the heart of contempory shamanism

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Would love to read them tricka and dont know why i haven't actually,think ill download em.....

There's an interesting interview with Daniel Pinchbeck and Joe Rogan on joes' website http://www.joerogan.net/ ............u gotta listen to his podcast if ur not already a fan,i saw him in Rooty Hill last month.

Not just a comedian but a prominent marijuana and psychedelic adventurer & activist.
exactly....dont get me started on the goverment!
hey BB im reading a great book at the moment by Daniel Pinchbeck very interesting,,,, maybe we all should hook up and go to the next 'Burning Man' ;)
and heres two by A + A. Shulgin
View attachment 1500745
sorry that was a bit blury but its breaking open the head-a psychedelic journey into the heart of contempory shamanism

View attachment 1500744

I love that man...if ever I see Shulgin I will hug and kiss that man...what an awesome being


man dpt and 2 ce...amongst a million others...what a being
I heard the World Health Organization is trying to come up with a way to ban supplemental products like vitamin C and fish oil from over-the-counter sales. While that's pretty fucked up, I'm a true skeptic and have a tough time believing something like that would actually happen.

I heard the World Health Organization is trying to come up with a way to ban supplemental products like vitamin C and fish oil from over-the-counter sales. While that's pretty fucked up, I'm a true skeptic and have a tough time believing something like that would actually happen.

Hahahah alright, here's some WW that im somking, and some homegrown from another mate....thats all i got Keep's lol

P3180019.jpgP2200001.jpgP2200003 (2).jpgP2160004.jpg
Thats some nice porn there buddy!
Thanks mate, juz wish it was still attached to a growing plant in my tent lol :P
Hows it going tricka, got any of those new seeds sprouting yet??
..........YEP! got 3 so far, dont know why but 2 stretched liked 3" lol dunno why, but im not worried ive grown weirder looking sprouts than a simple long stemmer...update will be tomoz, im too buggered and couldnt think of goods word to write with right now ;)

That homegrown looks like the Skunk from my first grow. Hairy like a crotch in a 1970's adult film.
Damn yeah boy! now thats a thought.... not!
The HG' was a lovely quick buzz then a slow taper off, high wasnt overly strong tho, the taste wasnt too bad either but a bit earthy' for me

Peace all!!
Hey there my fellow peeps, trendsetter's or just down right stoners. i have a little update for ya's all with of course lots of useless and similar photo's... hahaha lol

Here we are after my first FAILED attemp at trying to grow indoors, the skunk1 x cali oranges are no longer and i have moved on to these two for now.
Mango and Cristal Limit, these were planted 3 days ago on the full moon faze--thanks Med's and Terrance, they were not germed only a slight scuff with the Mrs's nail file thing.
Mango is said to be a Stabilized Hybrid (100% Indica crossbreed x H#1 KC33 x Afghani), mmmmm should be interesting
Temps are at a constant 25 degrees inside the crib, with the RH now at max! can adjust if i wish, i probed the RW with a temp gauge and they showed up 29.4 so they are not boiling themselves which is good.

I have all 3 Mango's up and about, followed by one eager as fuck Cristal L that stretched like a teenage dick watching his first porno, so mmmmmmm me thinks thats no good ya little cunt (presuming its female) so i wrapped/coiled the stem down sorta like a piglets tail and placed some hydraton over the top, hopefully the stems will harden the fuck up and stay like that :P

I transplanted last night into 3" RW cubes, as from day 2 their tiny little tap roots were already an inch past the bottom of the 1" cube bottom. speedy little fucks!!
They should take to their new home well, and start fattening up those first sets of leaves,

Anyways....here, Knock ya-selves out!
P.s...the last shot shows how much i got them coiled down :P


Peace Fuckers.....
beauty mon , now put that cfl right down almost touchin' dem ,dem gon be fat as shit in no time mon,let da light of i jah breath him life into dem mon, dem gonna be irie
looking good man
but personally i would ditch the foil u get a hot spot with that foil and its gunna burn the crap out of those little girls replace the foil with panda plastic or mylar and yeah i agree get that light as close as ya can
Good start on the seedlings. Keep us posted, buddy
thanks mate, if they end up like your mango then i will be pleased.

beauty mon , now put that cfl right down almost touchin' dem ,dem gon be fat as shit in no time mon,let da light of i jah breath him life into dem mon, dem gonna be irie
sup Big fella, how are ya, yeah i just moved the light then, will show ya in a photograph

looking good man
but personally i would ditch the foil u get a hot spot with that foil and its gunna burn the crap out of those little girls replace the foil with panda plastic or mylar and yeah i agree get that light as close as ya can
Cheers Od's, my mylar film is on its way for my new cab, so in light of your suggestion i added blankets for them, red ones for now ;) the light is now 3" from the tops, the stretched happend in the first 12 hrs from when they sprouted, i was at work and they were unlit from 12am-through to 7pm next day, i never knew they popped up, theres one mango now that is 'normal i guess, just the CL stretched heaps as it was first out and searching for light, miss timed it i guess?
Thats great seeing those seeds popping up. How many hours of light a day will you give them.
im giving them 18hrs, was thinking about 24 but then i would have to change back again, the bulb is a 24W (75W equil) 6500K

P.s.....i just seen the bit where you can add the desciption of the photograph's, move your curser over the photo and words will appear, oooooool- Tricky tricky
just gott remeber to do it on all of em'

Peace fucker's :leaf:
DSCF2912 aero garden keeps on poppin.jpg if ya can get your hands on a aero garden,nothin' works better!(i believe they use 45w aswell,hmmm ill have a look) yea 42w dual spec
securedownload 4 headed freak.jpghey trick,check this 4 headed freak that popped out,i split her chromos with an ethylene induction before germ,still got er',my madussa queen,a real breeder!
View attachment 1509696hey trick,check this 4 headed freak that popped out,i split her chromos with an ethylene induction before germ,still got er',my madussa queen,a real breeder!

Wow that must be the craziest thing i've seen in awhile! What did you do? I see you said you split her chromos with an induction.. What exactly does that mean lol? Thats nuts man!
yea,crazy shit for sure,basically spliting chromosomes with the use of chems and gase's in pre germination,i wont blow his thread up with the gory details, i will forward the info to trick and he can post it on here if he wants chk your pm
Weird but cool plant med4u, be interesting to see how it turns out.

Tricka are the red blakets for warmth? Just wandering if you could put those seedlings in your tent, the guy who sold me my light says he has his seedlings on the floor with the light up at the roof, and gradually bring it down over a few weeks.
I dont know if this works, I was going to do it because I was told too, however nobody on here seems to do that, so im not sure now.