Post the history of your own drug use....

I gotta say, I won't go and seek it out but if it falls in my lap I won't reject to take a bump or two, or three, or maybe two for each nostril....Nah, better take it slow, just one.

One thing I do want to try, because methamphetamine has so much bad news and seems to be awful or awesome, is 4-methyl-aminorex. More commonly known as ice; and the synthesis is fairly simple as well. ;) It is apparently a smart drug, which is likely less neurotoxic than MDMA, which seems to be extremely safe in responsible quantities.

I gotta say, I won't go and seek it out but if it falls in my lap I won't reject to take a bump or two, or three, or maybe two for each nostril....Nah, better take it slow, just one.

One thing I do want to try, because methamphetamine has so much bad news and seems to be awful or awesome, is 4-methyl-aminorex. More commonly known as ice; and the synthesis is fairly simple as well. ;) It is apparently a smart drug, which is likely less neurotoxic than MDMA, which seems to be extremely safe in responsible quantities.


Sounds like good stuff but I thought MDMA was quite safe.

Is this "Ice" legal?
I always thought ice was just freebased meth.... I could be wrong but ive heard that from more than one source....
Started with weed when I was young
maybe 8 or 9 I took a few hits and got high but I didn't really start smoking until I was 13 or 14.
Around 14 a place would sell me 40's so I would drink and smoke everyday.
pills,E,percs,xanax etc and wet followed closely after.
I think around 15 I tried coke and heroin.I tried most of the mainstream hallucinogens around 15 to.
I tried 2 in a half hits of acid first then I got a hold of a quarter of some fresh shrooms and fell in love with them.I always liked shrooms more then acid.
i started drinking when i was 12 till now im 23
and i started smoking weed since 13 and started smoking everyday at 14 till now
Lol like anyones going to read this:

Okay so it all started out in grade 8 when I realized that my parents/ cousin all smoked, and after I started doing research because I was so god damn sure that weed was more harmful than alcohol yet only adults told me that and all stoners said weed was healthy so I just looked it up to see, then I got drunk, smoked a couple cigarettes and figured wtf might as well try weed, its not as bad anyways.. So I do, and it literally took me 10 times of smoking to get high for my first time.. No idea why.. then I did xanax for my first time and figured pills are stupid(I learned better later :p ) so I stay in the weed zone for awhile finding fiendish ways to smokd and picking up smoked cig butts on the ground ya know? The middle school shit.. Then I get to high school and realize there is literally a hookup for everything and I have barely scraped the drug world so I'm gonna go looking around for people. Started buying weed form black people got skeeted a few times.. Then I met my first real drug dealer who I am still in touch with. He quit dealing in highschool becasue he got busted with a whole hp :/ I love that dude.. Anyways, then later on, still only doing stupid shit (benadryl tripping, robotripping, WHICH ISNT STUPID :D, hughed some stuff.. Terrible..) I met the dude who I share an apartment with now and we've been friends with the same group of 5 people since highschool, its like that 70's show or something its awesome! But in highschool and still my friend david (Its his first name I dont really know if that matters? lol) he is a drug dealer and was, I remember I met them by telling david about dxm and how awesome it was and I sat next to him in class, he was VERY interested in lsd by then I hadn't tried it yet but he did, and one day I hung out with him and shared a few delysm bottles, he loved dxm too lol, the dxm fire burned out for him, it did for me on and off for years, but I'm back into it right now :p yummy stuff haha. But it was nice started getting rides to and from school smoking, re uping, having fun times going to the zoo on mushrooms. First legit drugs I ever did were with them! GREAT highschool after sophomore year, lol kinda dropped all my friends for them, but I didn't really like any of them too much if I remember correctly. Ended up doing acid with them one day and we decided then our friend anthony who was 18 was going to buy an apartment and we were going to hang out everyday. So we did, and now I live there :D

Been doing crazy shit ever since

Btw great post OP
Attempted first DMT extraction at 14 (E-peen erection)... it starts getting fuzzy after that...
I failed miserable got emulsions, pulled a lot of fats and oils from the bark, and produced little product that I ended up drenching with sudsy non-janitorial strength ammonia. Not saying that it was all for not but the final product was definitely below the line of a first time quality extraction. Though I'm older and more intelligent now on what I put in my body. Don't get me wrong I'm still young (old enough to use this site mind you) but my wide variety and excessive drug use during adolescent years has definitely thrust me into a social mind set and thought pattern not deemed "normal" by standard 1st world country social living. Not necessarily insane or psychotic but...odd. Thanks for the compliment though :)
Ill make it easy for everyone.......................
Booze.......................... Y
special k......................n
e not pure....................y
pills etc.......................y
feel free to elaborate:

and like the second poster kedamine

too much to even describe... i dont even want to get into too much but bad shit happends with and around drugs imo

i got jumped and beat with metal pipes while on shrooms trying to sell a zip of shrooms.

just in general i find the drugs themselves to not be as bad as people make them out too be but the people that surround the drugs to be just as bad if not worse.....
i got jumped and beat with metal pipes while on shrooms trying to sell a zip of shrooms.

just in general i find the drugs themselves to not be as bad as people make them out too be but the people that surround the drugs to be just as bad if not worse.....

Wow man, bad times there!!! I avoid people as much as possible while on psychedelics, nobody gets the chance to mess my trip up! I know if someone fucks with me I`m either going to get very violent or very depressed about people so best not be around.

Some people just don`t have ethics, lol I can`t imagine having a good trip with the mushrooms I just beat out of a fellow psychonaught with a metal pipe.... thats insane.... I mean what do people like that do with mushrooms, trip about peace love or enlightenment?? lol

One of my friends was telling me a story about going to a house party where a lot of people were on psychedelics. My friend was on 2 nice blotters along with a friend of his on lsd too and some shit started being stirred up between a group of 30 od year olds. He said they were hardcore, slapping each other, shouting etc while on acid. As time passed one of the girls in the group thwacked a man on the nose and said she did it because he talked or something similar with no or ridiculas reasoning. As the nose was bleeding quite badly and my friend was trying to talk them into taking the guy to hospital a slap was delivered to the girl which came to the party with him. He said he quite enjoyed the bit where he ran away from these people through the forest with his friend whilist tripping and hitchiked back to town, lol

The way the people sounded it seemed like there would be murder any second, lol I couldn`t bear with that. Propably do something stupid lol
I think the problem with me is I have never associated with people who like psyches as much as me, a couple shroom trips with friends, a few acid trips, smoke a ton of weed with them, but they are never really interested plus I don't want to have to deal with bad times so I never push it. Mainly I would think if I try a drug I myself am so neurotic that I wouldn't want to get something that impure, so I generally need to have extreme trust, reliable reviews, and even reagent tests, because of this it is likely most of my drug use will come from making my own substances, DMT, mescaline, mushrooms(psilocybin), I guess peyote is legal in Canada too, ect. lots of cool opiates are fairly easy to make as well.

I think the problem with me is I have never associated with people who like psyches as much as me, a couple shroom trips with friends, a few acid trips, smoke a ton of weed with them, but they are never really interested plus I don't want to have to deal with bad times so I never push it. Mainly I would think if I try a drug I myself am so neurotic that I wouldn't want to get something that impure, so I generally need to have extreme trust, reliable reviews, and even reagent tests, because of this it is likely most of my drug use will come from making my own substances, DMT, mescaline, mushrooms(psilocybin), I guess peyote is legal in Canada too, ect. lots of cool opiates are fairly easy to make as well.


Yeh sounds similar to me but I don`t tend to worry about impurities in LSD but everything else I will.

The unfair element about psychedelics is that the more you try and protect yourself from danger the more likely you are to have a bad trip. I have this problem. It is said that people who want to stay in control are most likely to have bad trips.

Imaginary scenario:

Me: Wants to stay in control of his trip and thinks 100 times about what he is taking, buys some form of psychedelic and uses it which is pure&good, so in his head about impurity gets a bad vibe and closely avoids a bad or has a bad even (never happned as I monitor dosage hehe, yet).

Example person: Doesn`t give a fuck, buys the drug off the dodgy guy, doesn`t think twice and takes it (impure drug) but still has a good trip because he doesn`t give a fuck and hasn`t worried and more importantly, will not worry!

Point is, the fine line between being paranoid and conciderate, lol However, I would still be myself though and not take any psychedelics if necessary... If it ever comes down to that anyway!

Ur getting a PM about that last sentence mister ;)
True man, I like to say "I'm, not superstitious, just cautious.".

And bad trips are implicit in taking the drug, its just a matter of your mindset. If you worry excessively this will be amplified by the chemical and you may worry more.

Regardless, I would call myself a light weight, while still being very comfortable and accustom to the terrain, I certainly can't take the massive doses some people I read about taking. Except maybe with some of the classic and natural psyches.

Like ANC's godly doses of mushrooms. Didn't he gulp down like ~100g fresh?
