Wisconsin Revolt

Who do you support in the Wisconsin Revolt?

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Well-Known Member
You mean it takes work to be successful!?
Nope, the NWO and the greedy men in the room took me into the secret chamber where i pledged my oath to them and sold my soul to Satan. It has been easy street ever since. No real grit, sacrifice or work involved...


Well-Known Member
Unions to independent business owners: "Show public support for us or else!"


man first thing that link did was give me a pop up for palins "america by heart" book that is a very thinly veiled very biased news source

EDIT: seriously your now denying the "buying power of commercialism" out of union hand because of why??? one of the tenants of free market is people will vote with their feet if what you market is viable....


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking of buying a Dollar Store they are eating up
market share from Wal-Mart like crazy . . .
Probably not the greatest of ideas. In fact, Id suggest selling dollar store stock if you have it. Why? Wal-Mart is in testing phases for a dollar store sized Wal-Mart. Prices will be much cheaper and it will be small like the dollar store.


Well-Known Member
man first thing that link did was give me a pop up for palins "america by heart" book that is a very thinly veiled very biased news source

EDIT: seriously your now denying the "buying power of commercialism" out of union hand because of why??? one of the tenants of free market is people will vote with their feet if what you market is viable....
Townhall.com. Accept or don't. I could give a shit.

I am perfectly content with customers voting with their dollar.

What I do not accept is thinly-veiled intimidation from union goons. "Display this poster demonstrating your support of unions if you know what's good for you."


Well-Known Member
Probably not the greatest of ideas. In fact, Id suggest selling dollar store stock if you have it. Why? Wal-Mart is in testing phases for a dollar store sized Wal-Mart. Prices will be much cheaper and it will be small like the dollar store.
Damn, that sucks some of those places were grossing $1M a year.


Well-Known Member
Townhall.com. Accept or don't. I could give a shit.

I am perfectly content with customers voting with their dollar.

What I do not accept is thinly-veiled intimidation from union goons. "Display this poster demonstrating your support of unions if you know what's good for you."

at end of the day the market will win through whatever the threats? in this sense the unions are (and always will be) toothless in that sense.......?
dollars = buisness?


Well-Known Member
Wisconsin State Supreme Court to Rule on Anti-Union Bill Challenge

http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=250&winname=addthis&pub=demnow&source=tbx-250&lng=en-US&s=facebook&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.democracynow.org%2F2011%2F3%2F25%2Fheadlines%2Fwisconsin_state_supreme_court_to_rule_on_anti_union_bill_challenge&title=Wisconsin%20State%20Supreme%20Court%20to%20Rule%20on%20Anti-Union%20Bill%20Challenge&ate=AT-demnow/-/-/4d8ce0bed6bce8e6/21&uid=4d8ce0be80b68b2a&CXNID=2000001.5215456080540439074NXC&pre=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.democracynow.org%2F&tt=0 http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=250&winname=addthis&pub=demnow&source=tbx-250&lng=en-US&s=twitter&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.democracynow.org%2F2011%2F3%2F25%2Fheadlines%2Fwisconsin_state_supreme_court_to_rule_on_anti_union_bill_challenge&title=Wisconsin%20State%20Supreme%20Court%20to%20Rule%20on%20Anti-Union%20Bill%20Challenge&ate=AT-demnow/-/-/4d8ce0bed6bce8e6/22&uid=4d8ce0be6669b5c9&shortener=bitly&bitly.username=demnow&bitly.apiKey=demnow2007&template=%7B%7Btitle%7D%7D%20%7B%7Burl%7D%7D%20%40democracynow&CXNID=2000001.5215456080540439074NXC&pre=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.democracynow.org%2F&tt=0

Wisconsin’s anti-union bill is headed to the state Supreme Court after a lower appeals court declined to weigh in. The state has appealed last week’s decision by a Wisconsin state judge to issue a temporary restraining order blocking the measure’s implementation. The judge ruled that Republican lawmakers were likely in violation of the state open meeting laws when it pushed through the legislation earlier this month.


Well-Known Member
It just occurred to me that if union members are voting using their feet - then why would the unions be surprised/upset that businesses would be doing the same by moving to China or somewhere in the 3rd world when union burdens become too heavy?

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
Public employees should NEVER have the option of holding the tax payers over the barrel through collective bargaining. The Unions donate to the campaigns of the legislators. The legislators in turn pass laws that benefit the unions. So, when collective bargaining takes place, the tax payer is missing from the negotiation table. Its the union bosses sitting on the same side of the table with the legislators, both plotting on how to screw the producer in the private sector.


Well-Known Member
why are so many people doing the name change...WTF...who the hell joins a cannabis forum only to post in the politics section ...good grief..keep it real

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I suspect there are some members here that troll several politics forums on Cannabis websites. I've been seeing identical posts and even shared sigs and avatars. So in answer to your question, people with an agenda, that's who.


Well-Known Member
You dudes do realize you are bitching about the very same tactics employed by Leftists, too.

You understand that.



In fact my best virtual friend from the Left in this forum is a retread. It's possible he's even a three-tread. I suspect he is, but I've never really cared enough about it to ask him.