what would you do if aliens existed?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
do aliens exist? im not sure, but with all this talk about it... gov. conspiracies hiding alien existence from us. planet neburu, planet size circular objects stationary (not orbiting) our sun. so called pyramid remnants on mars, the fabled face on mars. retired astronauts telling us that they personally believe aliens exist, and have experienced something that they cannot explain. i personally think they exist, but after you make that deduction you gotta really start thinking.

if they do exist, why haven't they (the aliens) shown themselves?
ive thought about this a lot, and there are a few different theorys i have on this.

many people think that aliens genetically engineered humans from our great ancestor homoerectus 200,000 years ago, why? no one knows. do i believe this? im not sure, i just think that something is weird about humans. think about it, say we were created as an evolved species like everything else on the planet at the same time, don't you think that there would be at least one animal on the planet that has the ability to have conscious thought like us? how is it that humans are SOOOOO much more intelligent than any living creature on the planet if we evolved with every other living creature on the planet? how is it that our dna is 98% identical to apes, could it be that our genomes were genetically engineered? for what purpose? why would aliens do this?

first you have to try contemplate reasonably how an aliens mind works. IF aliens do exist, im a firm believer that the only way any race could acquire technology at that massive scale would be to have a near perfect society. for me its reasonable to say that with technology like that, without a bases for a perfect society it would destroy itself. so then you ask yourself, how is it possible for a perfect society to exist? im not sure, maybe they have the ability to block out emotions, maybe they've evolved past the point where emotions are of no use to them anymore.

so why would aliens make a race of intelligent beings? don't know, maybe we were originally created as slaves.. as time passed maybe the aliens saw that we had acquired some of their ability to think. maybe they tried to help us, (would explain hieroglyphs of light bulbs found in pyramids, the fucking pyramids themselves, your telling me humans created that without any help?) maybe after trying to help us they saw how we really were. that we hate, murder and steal. trying give us guidelines they gave us laws to abide by to try to help us even more (maybe how religion came about) as a mother soon finds out that she cant change her offspring, but must let them flourish and learn for themselves they left our planet.. and have been watching us and keeping us safe. until one day we either become as intelligent as them, or become a threat to them.

maybe we are slaves, have been slaves and always will be.

maybe we are just an experiment, like how a scientist would view cellular reproduction through a microscope

why would the government or higher ups hide the existence of aliens to the mass populace?
i have a few theory's for this one too, maybe they are all intertwined together somehow. the first i think is very simple, mass hysteria. there are so many people in the world so set by their beliefs that when you put a red block in front their eyes, the only thing they see or ever will see is a blue sphere. people are bliss in their ignorance, choosing ignorance instead of truth. there are too many people in the world like this, they wouldn't be able to understand or be able to accept it.

say your a nasa scientist, all your life you are the best of the best. you HAD to be the smartest to get to where you are, you are the smartest. no one has as much intelligence as you do, but one day your looking through your telescope and you see something in space looking back at you. maybe science cant accept the fact that there are creatures in the universe that are more intelligent as them, and there's nothing they can do about it.

how would normal humans react to this? the people who are supposed to be the smartest people in existence cant explain something?!?!?!

if aliens exist, that means we aren't the smartest creatures.. and we are very very very far from it. if aliens exist we are so low in the intelligence totem pole we would be considered 1celled organisms compared to these supercomputer brains the aliens must have in order to do the things they (supposedly) do.

how degrading is it not only as a person, but as a species in general to think that we are only an experiment, or that maybe were being used for some reason we don't know about. theirs just too many people that wouldn't be able to accept that. too much ego in humans.

all i know is that something is def. different about humans compared to everything else on this planet... but our dna is so undeniably similar to everything else on the planet <--very weird to me. and that Ive been getting this feeling lately that Ive never felt before, like that something big is going to happen in my lifetime. weather it has to do with aliens, world war, famine, i have no idea.

i just love to think about this stuff you know, great topic i hope it keeps going and Ive interested in reading what everyone has to say.
what you mean if?

the odds on us being alone in this ,at least bordering on, infinite universe,

are beyond astronomically small.

but the odds on them having capabilities of reaching us and then finding us are bit small too
THey do exist... Spend some time and look up "the disclosure project". Those are all reputable sources of information.

As to the whys??? I dont know, just fathom a guess...

I assume that they dont just show themselves as it would drastically change the social evolution of the entire planet... I think of it like this : You dotn want to take a child and expose them to everything that the world has to offer because they end up being damaged adults. Perhaps we need to evolve socially before they show themselves.

Also, google "Dr. Roger Leir" He has been removing alien implants and sending them out to elite labs for analysis... very interesting stuff
Yes WE are the alians them selfs

How hard is it to understand that we have been lied to in our history do you really buy that shit that man just apper out of the blue? Of course not I don't I'm sure humans have already gone trought this civilizetion ONE.
THey do exist... Spend some time and look up "the disclosure project". Those are all reputable sources of information.

As to the whys??? I dont know, just fathom a guess...

I assume that they dont just show themselves as it would drastically change the social evolution of the entire planet... I think of it like this : You dotn want to take a child and expose them to everything that the world has to offer because they end up being damaged adults. Perhaps we need to evolve socially before they show themselves.

Also, google "Dr. Roger Leir" He has been removing alien implants and sending them out to elite labs for analysis... very interesting stuff

http://www.worldpuja.org/conversations.php. The disclosure project is made by this douche bag not buyin it.

I think theres life out there but that guys a douche.
i'm way too high to read all that but i promoise i will later. i just wanted to say that i think aliens are real and there's probably ones that are intelligent enough to have visited us. we could just be some alien's petri dish for all we know. maybe that's why stuff seems "planned out" sometimes. yeah, im pretty high. but dead serious. i bet they don't know as much about us as they presume.
Or they live INSIDE earth and its not all hot and lava like its a fucking party oasis with weed and women and booze and more women.
There he goes...homeboy fucked a martian....