New Tent 4 Strain Grow


Well-Known Member
i put a speed controller on mine and dialed it down to where i get good negative pressure and is very quiet. without the controller it was very noisy...
was just looking but cant find pic of speed controller, got it from harbor freight for like a 20.
if you need the mdl# or to see its on page 1 post #3 of my journal


Well-Known Member
you can build a thin ply box and use spray foam to insulate for noise reduction too, i just didnt need as mine is quiet, its also a 6in vortex


Well-Known Member
i thought about a controller but im leaning to the box when i flower i have a feeling im gonna need it runninng full speed.


Well-Known Member
you will need a second fan only to blow on plants then, a osacilating fan works good. that will do the rh and circulate air in tent, believe me you will not need that much exaust just enough for neg pressure and a timley air exchange. full blast willsound like dragging a garb age can down the road lmao


Well-Known Member
Mine isnt a vortex its just an inline and my temps r already in the 86-88 range and i wanna add those 2 150w in for fans i have a tower fan osacilating to move air around as well as a fan blowing directly on my plants


Well-Known Member
76f is og did better at flowering around 82.but u cant go wrong with 76.the girls look great btw.


Well-Known Member
When do you guys usually top if you do last time was like 18days from sprout and id like to do it earlier to get more vrg time after the topping


Well-Known Member
i havent topped before just lst, but there is uncle buds tutorial you could read and get the answer. really some interesting reading i recomend..


Well-Known Member
I went by uncle bens method last time but i felt like i wasted alot of time letting the plant get to 4 or 5 nodes before cutting as he suggested...ive considered LST but for some reason i cant find a thread that i can understand enought to feel comfortable doing it.


Well-Known Member
So ive given the ladies a very light dose of my technaflora nutes(1/4 strength and not a big volume of it) plus a bit of superthrive, well that was 2 days ago now.
My temp range is 64-81 as the weather warms up it wont go down so much.oh and i should mention my soil is a 0.07-0.03-0.01 mix.

What im really wondering now is whats gonna give me my best yeild out of my space lights and 4 plants. Last grow i topped but i didnt get a lot of strech in flowering i dont know if i didnt give them enought time to recover after topping or if my lights were just too close so they didnt stretch.Id like to keep my veg time at around a month so im not sure if topping is my best option.

That leaves me with doin nothing and just letting them grow but that could get crowded and might hurt my yeild.(i grow for personal use but yeild is very important as i only get 1 grow a year)

Or maybe LST but honestly for some reason it confuses the shit out of me haha and my girl usually takes care of my crop near the end as i go back to work and she doesnt really wanna do anything other than feed and raise the lights if need be.

Any thoughts always appreciated guys



Well-Known Member
i think genetics has more to do with stretch than lights too close. ive some gdp that just dont hardley stretch but are loading up whats there, then i got wild child thats trying to climb the light and stil stretching giong into 5 weeks of flower.
find a plant that does what your looking for in the way your growing.
a light is not too close unless its burning the tops lol jmo


Well-Known Member
lst can be beneficial to get light to otherwise shaded bid sites, its just training the growth to where you want so more buds get more light. any form of securing the plant to the shape you want will work. you can tie them down with string, pipe cleaners,wire, anything to keep vertical growth in check. lol if you look close at mine i used fishing weights in different weights to shape mine. hung like christmas ornaments. easy to move or add more weight if needed. i also did a few places where i pinched and bent the limb over, kinda like breaking the stem but not really breaking it just damaging the tissue so it would bend where i needed it to, putting a kink in it. kinda scary at first but amazing how fast it repairs the damage. mine did not even wilt or change at all. fact is i have one top i broke unintentionally and only had 30% or so of cambrium attached and its doing just fine. that wae 3 weeks ago or so. its reallh hard to kill off a limb as long as some part is still attached. sounds cruel and kinda scary but it works. try a little experimenting and see what becomes of it.