Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

well brick top i can't hate you for taking the high ground after showing a marvelous lack of "knowledge" and a superb surplus of shit, and you are right this isnt a fourom or thread in which a debate is really acceptable, so after i am sure you have given this a read over i will happily delete and fill with bud porn i have a RIGHT to show other people.

I have read your message so delete away ... and again I apologize for having exercised my; "RIGHT" to show puppies like you some of what you were so terribly unlucky as to totally miss out on. (If you feel the need to argue; "RIGHT" please do it in PMs rather than further mucking up a thread for pictures.)

Have a nice day ...... message ends.
As I said, not all strains were great back then. The average strain of today is better than the average strain of the past. And in some areas people did not have equal access to certain strains that others had. But the best of them from the past could stand toe to toe with anything from today, and some would come out on top taking the Pepsi challenge.

The biggest difference in strains of today compared to the past is variety. You can get some sativa high mixed with some indica stone, and that is something we did not have. But when talking pure potency, there never was the massive increase in potency that most people today believe occurred.

Most people today do not know how the way THC levels were tested was changed and it resulted in a false major increase in levels of THC. What's more, they don't want to know because the puppies of today want and need to believe they are smoking the most potent pot that has existed to date.

Since this is a thread for showing frosty bud and not discussing things I suggest that before it turns into a discussion thread that people just go back to posting frost on the pumpkin ... and I apologize to any and all for having attempted to show them a bit of history, something from the past that they would, and could, never imagine existed. I just thought some might like to see how a roughly 40 year old strain would compare to the pictures of modern strains. Evidently I was wrong in believing some might be interested.
Thanks again, i was unaware of this!
brick top,
It is is proven that weed is much better these days then back in the 60's. I do not feel the need to argue with someone who is to retarded to see that. By the way I've been growing since 93 and am not a kid. i never said there was not good weed back then, I know there was, just not as good as now. I am from northern cali where there has always been fire ass weed since I have been alive.
brick top,
It is is proven that weed is much better these days then back in the 60's. I do not feel the need to argue with someone who is to retarded to see that. By the way I've been growing since 93 and am not a kid. i never said there was not good weed back then, I know there was, just not as good as now. I am from northern cali where there has always been fire ass weed since I have been alive.

How about explaining to all of us how the way THC levels were tested for were changed and how it affected advertised percentages of THC since the change.

You are familiar with the way THC levels were tested in the 60's and 70's and how the testing procedure was later changed and the results, right?
As I said, not all strains were great back then. The average strain of today is better than the average strain of the past. And in some areas people did not have equal access to certain strains that others had. But the best of them from the past could stand toe to toe with anything from today, and some would come out on top taking the Pepsi challenge.

The biggest difference in strains of today compared to the past is variety. You can get some sativa high mixed with some indica stone, and that is something we did not have. But when talking pure potency, there never was the massive increase in potency that most people today believe occurred.

Most people today do not know how the way THC levels were tested was changed and it resulted in a false major increase in levels of THC. What's more, they don't want to know because the puppies of today want and need to believe they are smoking the most potent pot that has existed to date.

Since this is a thread for showing frosty bud and not discussing things I suggest that before it turns into a discussion thread that people just go back to posting frost on the pumpkin ... and I apologize to any and all for having attempted to show them a bit of history, something from the past that they would, and could, never imagine existed. I just thought some might like to see how a roughly 40 year old strain would compare to the pictures of modern strains. Evidently I was wrong in believing some might be interested.

lol you still preaching that same old bullshit huh???? ahh the great strains of the 60-70's... they were soo great that there not around no more lol..... not in true form atleast.. though the better traits of some were used into breeding the newwer sicker dank...
How about explaining to all of us how the way THC levels were tested for were changed and how it affected advertised percentages of THC since the change.

You are familiar with the way THC levels were tested in the 60's and 70's and how the testing procedure was later changed and the results, right?

Since you are so familiar with it bricktop, YOU enlighten us, please.

You said it yourself, the average of today > the average of "back in the day" so...the weed today is better than the weed of days past, thank you for coming around.

As I said, not all strains were great back then. The average strain of today is better than the average strain of the past.

At the risk of sounding like an "arrogant angst filled teenager" (of which arrogant might be the only somewhat appropriate adjective)...EXPERIENCE does not ALWAYS = A wealth of GOOD knowledge. You eat everything bricktop says with a spoon, ever stop to think why it's pureed?
Originally Posted by Brick Top
How about explaining to all of us how the way THC levels were tested for were changed and how it affected advertised percentages of THC since the change.

You are familiar with the way THC levels were tested in the 60's and 70's and how the testing procedure was later changed and the results, right?

Since you are so familiar with it bricktop, YOU enlighten us, please

Thank you for proving that you do not have a clue about it, that you never heard about it or how it altered advertised levels of THC.

Since I have already explained it MANY times here already, use the search function and learn what you have proven you do not have a clue about.

You said it yourself, the average of today > the average of "back in the day" so...the weed today is better than the weed of days past, thank you for coming around.

The average grade weed is of higher quality now than the average grade weed of the past, but the top strains, the most potent strains are no better now and some of the old ones were very likely more potent.

At the risk of sounding like an "arrogant angst filled teenager" (of which arrogant might be the only somewhat appropriate adjective)...EXPERIENCE does not ALWAYS = A wealth of GOOD knowledge.

Someone like you wouldn't know true growing knowledge if it bit you on your ass.
Thanks for totally shitting up this thread fellas.

I apologize. I only wanted to give people who were not alive and or toking i the 60's and 70's a chance to see what a strain from the past is like, but it seems as if some refuse to accept it for what it is and took offense to my having posted it.

I will not make the same error again.
ive got to say i recently ran panama which is an old sativa and it knocked evryone i gave it to for a 6 no probs. no body just all soar cant sit still shit. i was a hybrid fan previouly but sativa is more my cuppa now

I apologize. I only wanted to give people who were not alive and or toking i the 60's and 70's a chance to see what a strain from the past is like, but it seems as if some refuse to accept it for what it is and took offense to my having posted it.

I will not make the same error again.

i didnt mind the pics man. i find it interesting that a strain for wayy back then is still around and doing well competing with all the new strains we have out nowadays.. i have "stolen" ( i guess is wat u would call it ) a few pics from other sites and what not, just because they were amazing looking buds and i felt that i should share them with other people.. if i know the strain and who grew it i gladly post that info along with the strain. i would be honored if sum1 was to take pics from my grow and post it sumwhere else and talking about how great it looks. lol.

and i dont mind you sharking your knowledge at all.. as long as people are still posting pics... i dont mind you writing useful stuff. Im not gettin involved tho... lol. cuz idk shit baout older strains.. i am still very young.. only 22. but i do know a good amount about growing... i have been reading up on it and researching if for the last few years.. and have got a good amount of successful grows under my belt now. I just find it hard to actually be able to tell which strains are better.. the older strains or the newer strains.... since alot of the older "original" strains are not around. or if they are theyre ahrd to find.. soo its hard to compare.. I know alotta people will argue that todays weed is MUCH better that weed from the 60's/70's/80's due to the new science and taking CBD and CBN levels into consideration when creating new strains.... but again... theres not really much proof or tests done to prove that either weed is better/worse.

i feel like this will be an ongoing argument that will never really get settled... such as the question... "Should you cut off your fan leaves during Flowering, or leave them on?" again... you'll here pro's and cons from both sides... but i feel liek its a personal preference... but your always gonna have people that argue one way is better than the other... as with this.. you'll always have people saying weed from the 90's and above is better/stronger than weed from the 60's-80's.....

soooo bottom line.... Bricktop.... i dont care if you post pics of older strains.. or stolen pics.. or w.e. they were called. lol. i just like having beautiful plant/bud pics on my thread... regardless of wether or not they from the 60's,70's,80's,90's, or the 2000's... lol. and wen u posted the pics.. u clearly stated they werent urs...s aid who they were from.. and even gave a quick history on the strain... it was a little uncalled for. for that person to call you an 'orrible cunt and bash you for no real reason at all... but what can ya do.. i had sum asshole come on here talkin shit cuz i misspelled the thread title itself.... lmao. i forgot the R in fRostiest.... but i mean.. for him to go out of his way and post sumthin on here talkin shit because i forgot a letter... is just rediculous... but some people have nothing better to do with their time other than to just come on here starting trouble with people for no reason talkin about shit that they know nothing about...... but whats new..

just had to get my opinion out there..... lol. now.. lets get back to sum pictures!! =D
I'm on charlie Sheen ...... so STFU EVERYONE !!!! have you ever tried Charlie Sheen??????/ I'm WINNING !!!!!!


Bud porn .... WIN

dirt.... WIN

Seeds...... WWWIIIINNNN>>>>
hhahaha thanks man it was a mission at 6 months in flower but im now a full blown sativa convert. anyway this is the frost thread....



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