Why Fox News Let Glenn Beck Go ?


Well-Known Member
I am not a viewer of Glenn Beck but I see fox is offering Mr Beck the Highway.

Why Fox News let Glenn Beck go

This was neither a commercial nor a political call. Fox wants to keep its brand mainstream and Beck is popular but 'out there'

  • Political commentator Glenn Beck appearing on stage in Anchorage, Alaska in September 2010; on Wednesday 6 April, Fox News announced the end of his show on the network. Photograph: AP Photo/Michael Dinneen

    While a possible government shutdown, a proposed budget, and Libya still in the news, word that Glenn Beck would be leaving his popular daily Fox News show still managed to prove a huge story this week.
    It also raised speculation about why Beck and Fox News would part ways. After all, his show enjoys very good ratings, and it hasn't been on all that long. (It first aired the day before Obama's inauguration. Just as Bill Clinton outlasted House speaker Newt Gingrich, it is interesting that Obama will also outlast his nemesis Glenn Beck.)
    So why would Fox News make this decision?

Please see the link for the full story


Active Member
His show used to be a little entertaining now it sucks. If I wanted a lecture I’d go to class. not watch a tv program.


Well-Known Member
don't care why..just glad...:clap::clap::clap: but you know its a part of me that will miss seeing just how dumb one can be....oh well still got RIU politcal forum...some of these guys still have me saying WTF :shock: ...


Well-Known Member
I hope they give Alex Jones his slot, I will miss G.B. though, I've been getting into it.
I hope he's just freeing himself up for a presidental run.


Well-Known Member
I think the Trump is showing up in the polls already. he leads tea party like minded folks with 20% favoring him.... he has 17%, just behind Mitt nationally.... The Hair may be a contender.


Well-Known Member
I think the Trump is showing up in the polls already. he leads tea party like minded folks with 20% favoring him.... he has 17%, just behind Mitt nationally.... The Hair may be a contender.
I will vote Trump if Paul, Ventura, Deakin, Broun, and Duke are out


Well-Known Member
It would be awesome if trump could beat him just too see if he would walk up to obama and say "your fired". Maybe the next apprentice will be competing for VP slot?? haha