MDPV, Screw all the hate on it


Well-Known Member
For all of your clever rhetoric, Crypt, why must so much of it be derogatory, hmm? Enjoy the linguistic offerings of our fellow members. In all their flawed glory :D Imagine this place filled with gramatically precise sentences.. Where's the fun in that?!

*Braces for response* ;)


Well-Known Member
That's quite a generalizing vantage point, no? Between the lines is usually where genious lies, not in the great wide open, Friend. Messages hidden in the literature are the real treasures, methinks.
You're missing out.


Well-Known Member
Between the lines usually lies "spit and shit" for the Cryptkeeper. He needs to be in one stable place or the whole house gets torn down!


Well-Known Member
You guys are really missing the point and shooting for misplaced feelings of grandeur aren't we now?
Nah, I love your input, but I feel you could enjoy yourself more if you loosened up a bit, that's all. A happy, cackling corpse, full of positivity! Maybe it's just nastalgia from the hbo show, but I yearn to see you happier.. You're posts were much more pleasant, not but three months ago. But i digress, you are who you are.. and we all respect and enjoy your presence here nonetheless.. Just the way you are ;D


Well-Known Member
Nah, I love your input, but I feel you could enjoy yourself more if you loosened up a bit, that's all. A happy, cackling corpse, full of positivity! Maybe it's just nastalgia from the hbo show, but I yearn to see you happier.. You're posts were much more pleasant, not but three months ago. But i digress, you are who you are.. and we all respect and enjoy your presence here nonetheless.. Just the way you are ;D
I may be part to blame for his dormant behavior. Whenever I show face he tends to speak with a big ruler ;)


Well-Known Member
Ah, either way it's enjoyable to attempt to decipher each other's online personas.. because that's exactly what we are.
As sincere as we may try to be, our honest selves will always evade our grasps, no matter what we try to present online. But yeah, I am missing the point :D I'm lost now, aren't I :lol:
Bullshittin' and bustin' balls is what it's about, I guess. Just like in RL. We try to mirror it here.. though in a more 'safe' manner ;) Yep, I'm way off point now :lol:
I often find it easier to paint truer colors in the context of faceless text. So long as the vocabulary is present.