The Grow Shack


Well-Known Member
Well Cheesequake is coming back around .Seems by the damage done it was either over nute , or neem oil . Mabey a combination of the 2 . Plushberry just had slight damage and looks great now . Going to let them dry out good and just give them water to see how they do and will continue nutes once they look hungry .

As for the topping goes they both only seem to have 2 main heads , which I'm training down so the other 2 can catch up . I did not like letting 6 nodes show then top above the 2nd . It seemed stressful and the hole in the stalk takes a bit to close up . Next time I'm not topping any more than 2 nodes above the current growth.It's harder to clone the whole big top also .

Veg Notes
Seedlings - water with 1tsp/g 2nd nodes are out .
Clones - appear to be taking hold .
ISS - Trimmed up bottom third and did some training . Supercroped branch is shooting up new ones .
Flo-Just trimmed up a little around the bottom.



Well-Known Member
Flower notes :
Feed - BE and PF 3/8 Jacks ,1/8 All purp. 1/4 Bloom
Watered - MB and PE ,H20 and 1tsp/G mollasas .Topped MB off with same nutes as above.She is looking pale .

PE is getting close she's showing more amber and is darkening up from the top down.
Had to raise MB up closer to the light and opened her up some . Many red hairs and she is frosting up and continuing to flower more .


Well-Known Member
Nice close up pic, looks really good. How much longer?
As long as I can hold out ! LOL Probaly cut it this weekend . That will be the last small plant I have so I'm ready for it to go .Right now it's all cloudy and showing some amber so it's definatly mature .

Delta Bella

I had a big problem with fungus gnats . Usally a layer of sand stops them from laying eggs in your soil , but makes watering alot slower , so I have been testing out using a layer of Perlite .Seems to work also . I had the gnats bad though. I even started layering the bottom of my pots aswell since them bastard was going through the drain holes and laying eggs. Got em fought off now though. I guess with a soiless medium such as sunshine mix you dont get gnats . I have used all the top brands of soil and had gnats with them all. The sand does stop them bitches dead in there tracks though , highly recommended for any one having this problem .

It does float but my can doesnt water fast enough to keep up with drainage so no floating .I,ll quit using it in flower when I start running Sunshine Mix.:leaf:
thank you so much , i have been reading and looking for why my seedlings died..I found i had the Gnats.. the bastards are very small and pesky..reading more i now know what to do to prevent them from coming back and why they didt get my last two Great i got a container inside another and the other has a saucer under it..
KOQ i found you tonight from your Tomatoes plants , they look good too , im mostly flowers and veggies but i want to try growing another kind of flower , so here im looking for the free help..have a great weekend !!


Well-Known Member
Well you are def in the right place to find free help....Do you have your MMJ Card and what part of Cali are you in? I am in SoCal.

KOQ I did the perlite layer on my veg plants and I like it, what else I like about the top layer of perlite is that if your soil starts to have any kind of build up or salts the perlite will start browning, and when you flush or water the Perlite goes back to being bright white.




New Member
Well you are def in the right place to find free help....Do you have your MMJ Card and what part of Cali are you in? I am in SoCal.

KOQ I did the perlite layer on my veg plants and I like it, what else I like about the top layer of perlite is that if your soil starts to have any kind of build up or salts the perlite will start browning, and when you flush or water the Perlite goes back to being bright white.


Actually BKB it is not buildups you are seeing in the "browning"... It is the microherd flourishing which causes a good thing becomes white again as there is no way for them to attach themselves to the glass...really all perilite is is blown glass bubbles


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the teachings, I was always under the impression it was a salt build up in the soil. What exactly does microherd flourishing mean? Thanks bro!


New Member
Thanks for the teachings, I was always under the impression it was a salt build up in the soil. What exactly does microherd flourishing mean? Thanks bro!

The microherd are the bacteria, fungi, etc. that live in your medium and work in symphony with the plants to feed it and it them...when they are really active they will color the perilite a golden a good thing in my experience

That help?



New Member
thank you so much , i have been reading and looking for why my seedlings died..I found i had the Gnats.. the bastards are very small and pesky..reading more i now know what to do to prevent them from coming back and why they didt get my last two Great i got a container inside another and the other has a saucer under it..
KOQ i found you tonight from your Tomatoes plants , they look good too , im mostly flowers and veggies but i want to try growing another kind of flower , so here im looking for the free help..have a great weekend !!
Diatomaceous Earth


Well-Known Member
thank you so much , i have been reading and looking for why my seedlings died..I found i had the Gnats.. the bastards are very small and pesky..reading more i now know what to do to prevent them from coming back and why they didt get my last two Great i got a container inside another and the other has a saucer under it..
KOQ i found you tonight from your Tomatoes plants , they look good too , im mostly flowers and veggies but i want to try growing another kind of flower , so here im looking for the free help..have a great weekend !!
Not a problem your welcome !


Well-Known Member
The microherd are the bacteria, fungi, etc. that live in your medium and work in symphony with the plants to feed it and it them...when they are really active they will color the perilite a golden a good thing in my experience

That help?

This explains why the perlite on the top of my pro mix is always so dark. I use humic acid and fish emulsion every feeding and oregonism every other feeding. I MIR (RO Water) with 2x - 3x my feed volume in between every feed (thanks to smart pots helping my root-balls dry faster). They also get 2 doses of Guano: 1 dose of grow at week 1 flower and 1 dose of bloom at week 4 flower.