second attempt 400 watt NL & BS


Well-Known Member
Hey RUI, well this is my second attempt at growing... my first attempt went fine but all five of my plants turned out to be male! My set up is a small 2x5 closet with a 400 watt HPS lamp in a cool tube and use a 4 inch vortec fan and carbon filter. I had 4 Dr. Atomic northern lights seed left from my fist attempt and started those about 3 weeks ago, and they are now about six inches and looking good. I have to say though, I’m disappointed with the northern lights seeds because I bought 10 seeds for 7.50 each and 2 seeds didn’t even grow and 5 of the 8 that did were male so far. The three NLs I’m growing now better be all females! But the other day I found 9 plump juicy seeds in a quarter I bought, good weed too I’m pretty sure it was some kind of kush by the taste and smell. I planted all of them and so far 8 of the 9 have sprouted, and they seem strong too. I will probably run out of room with 11 plants going but I’m willing to try, I need to make up for my first attempt failing and produce some results soon (hopefully). Feel free to drop a line, any advice is appreciated

the bag seeds are in party cups and NL are the other three.. bags seeds at 3 days NL at 3 weeks



Well-Known Member
Hey RIU, so my Northern Light (the three big ones) are now about 5 weeks old and check out the growth since my last post! And my bag seed plant are about 2 weeks.. I recently realized that I fucked up pretty good by planting the bag seed when I did because the northern lights are ready to flower and the bag seed I just transplanted yesterday. I guess I will veg for another 2 weeks or so, and hopefully the bag seed catches up a bit. So I have 10 plants in there now (not including the two in party cups, I’ll have to give those away, no room) and its very tight in there, it will be a lot of work watering them when they get big and thirsty. But since they are from seeds I’m sure I’ll have to chop a few down anyways if there are any males so I’m not worried about the limited room with 10 plants going. Check back in a week or so for more pics





Well-Known Member
OK so just a quick update plants are looking good check out the pics and feel free to comment.. any thoughtS on the bag seeds strain? they are the smaller ones I'm guessing by the fat leaves the its mostly indica, and the smoke it came from tasted like a type of kush but I'm not for sure on that..



Well-Known Member
So I set all my timers to 12/12 today and I am lookin forward to seeing bud start to grow!:leaf:
I'm a little worried I started to veg a little to late for the northern lights, because they are so big now they could get root bound.. they are in decent sized pots but they are 17" tall now! And the bag seed I think I could have vegged a little longer for sure but I think they hopefully will be fine.

Above is 2 northern lights at 46 days

This is the bag seed at 29 days

Another bag seed

above shot



Well-Known Member
Well very good news! I have females! I have confirmed 3 so far are ladies, and the rest are not showing any sex yet, so no male so far:mrgreen: This is great because my last grow they were all male so now I'll have a mother to take clones, I am very happy about that!


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU readers here's a weekly update, I have confirmed 5 females now!!:-P All three of the northern lights are female and 2 bag seeds so far one being the largest bag seed plant at 16 inches and the NL plant are at 22 inches. So thats 5 out of the 10 so far female not bad and all the big ones so I'm happy, I just smoked some hash so I excuse any bad grammar. enjoy my plants pics



Well-Known Member
Hey sticky here with a quick update, I had to take 2 plants out due to having no room as you can see, so I'm down to 8 plants, all confirmed FEMALES!!:weed: The big one are sittin at over 2 feet now! how much bud do you think I could get off these??



Well-Known Member
Hey RUI so today my northern lights are 60 days old, and the bag seeds are at 46 day, I'm on day 14 of flowering and can already see bud like growth on a few of the girls. My biggest plant is up to 2 foot 5 inches! Its still crowded in there even after taking 2 plants out, they just filled in the extra room in a week, they are growing hella fast but I guess thats a good thing.
here's some pics and stay high:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Hey sticky here with some fresh pics (bud porn.. pretty much:clap: lol) So I was away for a few days out of town, it was the first time I've left the girls and I honestly missed them a bit and was a bit worried I would pull up and they'd be dead, busted or some shit, but I got back and they were fine, bud growth is growing fast on the three northern lights, the bag seed is growing but way slower, all of the bud close up pic's here are the northern lights I'll get some of the bagseed next time.. So before I went on my trip I gave the girls a good watering and used molasses for the first time after hearing mostly positive things about it in soil grows and why not use it its cheap and organic..

looking good mate! glad you god some fems this time around.
Thanks, ya last time all males this time all female! lol what are the odds?

and here's the pics



Well-Known Member
Hey here is another update, bud is growing nicely! The bud leaves are getting nice and frosty, I'm thinking 5 more weeks of flowering... I'm not an expert though but time will tell.. One of the plants in the middle grew too close to the light so it looks kinda sad but I raised the light up and its looking better already.
So in five or so weeks if everything goes good I plan on keeping my two favorite plants and re-vegging them after harvest to be mothers for my next crop. Since this closet space is my only space to grow in I will have to take clones then destroy the two mothers after they root. unless there is a better way. Any closet growers out there with the same problem? what do you do? I'd rather not start from seeds again. One other thing I may try is taking a clone from the flowering plant just before harvest and if they root I wouldn't need a mother. right? I've seen a few threads here where people have cloned flowering plants so why not..



Well-Known Member
Hey RUI its been a week or so, but not too much happening.. bud growth isn't as noticeable now but is growing. Its getting really tight in there and is getting to be a pain to water the plants in the back, I have to pull 3 of the front plants out to water them. Next time I'll grow 5 plants or less. They are getting way too thirsty too, I use tap water so I let it sit in a 5 gal bucket for a day or two before using it, but that's not enough water anymore I have to water 4 plants one day the other 4 the next:wall: oh well no one said this would be easy..

most of the close ups here are of the northern lights, they have nice colas and are looking like they will produced a lot of bud per plant

below is my favorite NL it just looks the best and seems happy and healthy :weed:

Below is my bag seed, it smells as good as she looks.. not bad for bag seed


Well-Known Member
Hey fellow growers got an update and a few questions. So I noticed about 3 or 4 days ago one of my plants pistils going orange, about 15% or more so far.. So my question is do I harvest this plant before the other two? (of the same strain) They have almost no orange hairs. And how much longer do you do you think these one will take? I don't have a microscope yet.. + rep for any help



Well-Known Member
Hey sticky here and I'm hoping someone out there can help a newbie out.. So I'm on week 7 of flowering and two of my girls seem to be very close! I'm worried because I haven't started to flush them yet, SO is it too late? or too soon? should I flush now? how much longer to go for this one? (see pics below)



Active Member
Hey man...I love your grow! Can't wait to see your harvest. Here's some info I found while searching around about harvesting. (This one has the best info but requires a magnifier.) (This one has some info referring to % of hairs for harvest but this is not an exact way to tell...more an educated guess.)

The best possible way to tell when to start watering water only is to pick up a 30x Jeweler's Loupe (like $8-$20 shipped) or a pocket magnifier from Radio Shack (I think you can get like 100x for $25 or $30). I have read that you should start flushing when you're at 25% orange hairs all the way up to 40% so it seems fairly up for debate. On the other hand I've seen pretty frequently that you should start non-nute watering when you're about 50% clear and 50% milky-white trichomes so that seems the more reliable or "conventional knowledge" method. Keep in mind, though, that I'm on my first grow too hehe. This is all just stuff I've read. Conventional knowledge seems to say that as long as you start non-nute watering 1.5-2wks before you plan to harvest you should be good. Also, I haven't actually heard that flushing as in top-watering before harvest necessarily does anything more positive than water only unless you're using nutes until 4 or 5 days before the harvest and using some sort of flushing agent.

Your buds look awesome! If I calculated right you're at like day 46 or 47 of flowering. From my uneducated opinion I would say give it 4 or 5 more days as you're doing on the plant with more orange hairs to it and then start water-only watering. For the others, maybe wait until they are about in the same spot and do the same. In the meantime get yourself a magnifier of some sort so you can see the trichs! You'll know exactly when to pull them depending on the high you want and you can figure out backward whether or not you need to flush sooner or not for your next batch. Then you just have to have enough self control to stick to the full drying/curing cycle and not smoke that shit too early :) I think either way you are going to have some stellar buds.