First Indoor Grow


Hey they are looking great! I'm interested in the leds so I'm sub'd :)
thank you... yeah i have been kinda lazy with updates just gotta remind me need to get ahold of a camera again but aurora is a lanky bitch i cant wait to see her all grown up lol


Well-Known Member
Well then get it! Haha why even ask I'd been like what do ya want for it.. That's how I got my mh was getting my tat and my guy mentioned it we stopped during the tat and went dug it out it was mine couple weeks later :)


lucky you hopefully it wont take that long to get it from him.....who am i kidding it will he is a stoner lol


Well-Known Member
Lol exactly that was the problem with this guys couldn't keep him on track even during the tat but it worked out and I got an awesome tat for cheap..