Mushroom Dose?


Well-Known Member
so im getting an ounce of mushrooms this week. splitting it with some friends so im getting a quarter. Gonna go to this hiking trail that my friend goes on all the time while tripping. supposed to be a real cool hike. Gonna have 3-4 ppl tripping including myself, all somewhat experienced except one first timer for mushrooms. All very close friends. ive done them before and loved it, i took an eighth, although i took them at night in my house and i really wanted to go do something the whole time but all my friends being lazy stoners lol just ignored me, so i figured id do them outside this time. So this is my second time and i definitely want it to be another amazing experience. Do you guys think i should take like 4g and save the 3 for another time or just say fuck it and eat the whole 7g? I DONT want to be disappointed. Share you experiences and opinions please. :)
the higher you go the more the trip changes HIGH HIGH plateau trips can be INTENSE i suggest taking the 4 maybe 5 it should give oyur third eye a good squeegeee but 7 could push you over

ive done 9g of pcubes in a sitting on a empty stomach and it was the most intense thing ive ever done i had a mini bike and i drove around the city looking for my friends and i had to turn down a certain street but every time i crosed the T intersection that i had to turn at i would be in a though process and drive by it so i would turn around and head back up the street and got back into the same thought process about how i couldnt read the sign ( my mechanism for sybolism being completly gone ) i ran that intersection 8 times before turning
for the first timer i say 2g to a eight depending on how well you guys can sit a person
the higher you go the more the trip changes HIGH HIGH plateau trips can be INTENSE i suggest taking the 4 maybe 5 it should give oyur third eye a good squeegeee but 7 could push you over

ive done 9g of pcubes in a sitting on a empty stomach and it was the most intense thing ive ever done i had a mini bike and i drove around the city looking for my friends and i had to turn down a certain street but every time i crosed the T intersection that i had to turn at i would be in a though process and drive by it so i would turn around and head back up the street and got back into the same thought process about how i couldnt read the sign ( my mechanism for sybolism being completly gone ) i ran that intersection 8 times before turning
ya i thought it might be pushing it.... my friend is taking 3 eighths 10.5g :), we'll see how it goes...

I'd say split it for 2 ocassion's,,,3.5 gram's will do it,,,If not just keep chomping?
ya thts the sensible solution, probably gonna eat 4g (not sure how potent they are going to be...) and see where it goes from there... there supposed to be happy, giggly, not weird or confusing. but tht can easily depend on the person right?
you better watch your freind close im use to being that out of it so it wasnt bad for me to be alone but he might need help
you better watch your freind close im use to being that out of it so it wasnt bad for me to be alone but he might need help
last time he took a quarter and really didnt trip tht much, while i took an eighth and was in a different universe... he has a fat tolerance though. seen the dude chug about 3/4 a handle of whiskey and be fine... hes takin acid that has sent my brother flying, while he would barely get a buzz... hes pretty confident about it. although i still am pretty anxious about his dose. believe me ive warned him plenty of times...
aww pussies! take them ALL. i guarantee you will have fun.

Hell yeah! Fuck it!

The first time I did any hallucinogen I took 4 hits of good acid. The peak was so intense and confusing I had no idea where I was (I was in my own front yard) and I was trying to talk on the phone but kept rambling on out loud thoughts that would come into my head but after the peak calmed down I had the best fucking time of my life! Just remember its the drugs making you feel the way you're feeling, and the drugs will wear off, things will get better.

Enjoy! :eyesmoke:
ya i thought it might be pushing it.... my friend is taking 3 eighths 10.5g :), we'll see how it goes...

ya thts the sensible solution, probably gonna eat 4g (not sure how potent they are going to be...) and see where it goes from there... there supposed to be happy, giggly, not weird or confusing. but tht can easily depend on the person right?

My Hubby does Shrooms a lot. He says if you eat more after the initial dose it doesn't do anything. I rarely do them myself, just once in awhile, so I usually don't eat more than 2-3 grams and it f**ks me up good.
yall should eat the whole thing even the newbie let him get an 8th and eat the whole thing and drink oj youll be lovin it i jus eat 8ths when i do the last ones i had where malaysian somthin but they where DA BOMB
i think she means like if you take a eighth then 3 hours later try and take 2 more grams it wont be noticible really you would have been better off taking the 5.5 lol