Mayday, Mayday, Code Blue, One Adam 12, One Adam 12!


Well-Known Member
Well I find myself in quite a pickle and am turning to RIU for a much needed sense of direction…
In order to make a long story short, let me simply state that my present security (grow-wise) has been fatally and inextricably compromised.
I am now forced to decide which part of the USA to move to in order to resume my interest in growing ganja without immediate fear of being incarcerated.
I have been growing in the Northeastern US for six years now (outdoors and indoors). I must relocate ASAP in order to get ready for an outdoor crop in a new locale.
I am looking for some input from outdoor growers regarding pros and cons of outdoor cannabis growing in varying regions of the US.
I am only considering the so called Sun Belt states as they simply have longer growing seasons. I am leaning heavily towards South FL(I grew mostly indoors there for about twenty seven years) or possible central FL as the preferred areas for my move. The NE US is a tough climate in which to avoid nasty bud mold and powdery mildew, I am looking for an area which would be less conducive to these obstacles…
Any and all suggestions (from experienced outdoor growers) would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!!!


Well-Known Member
Well fdd I have to ponder this, I like Disneyland...I have not been there since about 1962 or so, I used to live in West Covina, but I never experienced an earthquake!
At least with hurricanes, you get about a weeks warning that it may be headed your way. I do not think there is any early warning system in place for earthquakes that is similar!
The idea of growing legal buds is most enticing however:mrgreen:!!!!!

I will have to decide in about a week or so as I have to get out of Dodge...lololol!

Thanks fdd!:joint:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Keep in mind that Florida specifically south florida dade county are very active in looking for all drugs grown and transported they have entire division just for this kind of thing so that makes that state a very bad choice. Plus Florida sucks I just got back from a week in Miamai south beach and would never go back.The sunbelt overlaps the bible belt which those state have very harsh drug laws.You want a middle ground were you can do it outside but if worst case scenario you dont get life.Your gonna find a bunch that you should avoid as I have been to most of these and have friends in prison in most. Avoid Fl,Alabama,Miss,Georgia,Southern or east ARkansas,kentucky,oklahoma,missouri,and just for extar states stay out of Arizona and neveda.texas is real lean on punishment but that means you have to live in Texas enough said.The safest areas are north and northeast but you loose that extra grow time you want.just some thoughts from expirence in these states


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input Filthy,
I would also avoid Dade County, I was thinking about western Broward. Or Maybe Monroe county as I love the Keys?
The Orlando area also intrigues me...
TX I have been contemplating, I have spent time in Houston and did not like it, but TX is a big ass state, is it all bad???
I have heard mixed opinions on AZ...I am considering GA also?
This is gonna be a tough call!


Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
come to northern cali
great weather, great life and best of all great bud
also, we have tons of acreage for growing
cannabis clubs...speaks for itself


Active Member
ya its got great weather but the taxes suck, half the people i know in vegas, including myself were born in cal and have now moved.


Well-Known Member
Wow, thanks for all of the responses!
I am not overly concerned with the law, considering the fact that I have been in violation of this absurd prohibition on every one of my grows.
My primary concern is climate, I am tired of losing buds to the inevitable PM and Bud Blight(mold) I have battled every fall in the NE!!
Thanks again!:joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey man no worries sounds like you have a lot of shit on your plate right now.
Hope it all works out for you,i cannot offer any advice as i don't live in the USA.
I can however send you some good vibes:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
Dude I've lived/grown in California, Arizona, Alaska, Florida, Washington state, Hawaii and i gotta say the best place for outdoor is in Hawaii. the worst would be in arizona because of the bullshit zero tolerance laws there. and if for some reason u dont wanna deal with living on an island, washington would be the second best place no doubt.


Wow, thanks for all of the responses!
I am not overly concerned with the law, considering the fact that I have been in violation of this absurd prohibition on every one of my grows.
My primary concern is climate, I am tired of losing buds to the inevitable PM and Bud Blight(mold) I have battled every fall in the NE!!
Thanks again!:joint:
aside from the humidity, we have awesome climate for growing down here in LA.


Well-Known Member
people, people open your eyes the best drowing is in the southwest. here are the reasons,

1. More sunshine than anywhere else

2. Desolate no one lives here there is plenty of room, and land is cheap

3. It is dry, no mold, but you do have to keep up on watering

4. no earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes ect.

5 we have peaks at 14,000 and the deserts are still high at about 4500-5500 ft. do you know what that intense light does to the plant? good things.

Any questions oh the badpart, bad market for selling but if you have the ability to export well then your set.