Marijuana Withdrawal

5-htp, it says in that article that its over the counter? how likely are they to give it to someone like me (20 years old, long hair, obviously a smoker)?

Ive been having tolerance issues, cant get high anymore. Then yesterday I work up next to my pipe (i toke right before i go to bed so its on my nightstand) and i got a whiff of ashes from the ash tray and for some reason the smell overpowered me and I just started puking. Now the smell of ash makes me want to puke and I have no clue why. Im deciding to take this occasion (obvious sign+no weed) to quit for a while but im having a pretty hard time with it. Sick Stomach mostly, cant sleep, cant concentrate. It just overall sucks. I feel really sick all over and STILL want to smoke (wtf) so finding something that might help with withdrawl would be a god send.

any info you can give me on that chemical/drug would be much appriciated. like whats it called? if i ask for 5-htp are they going to know what im talking about?

5 htp you can pick up off the shelf it's a natural drug that comes from some tree in southeast Asia. It's actually very very close to serotonin if you look at the molecule. The other close relative is tryptophan. The drug in turkey that makes you sleepy and feel good after thanksgiving. Most people don't even know what 5 htp is, don't worry about any weird looks buying it.

Here's how it is..
THC increases serotonin levels in the brain
5-htp increases serotonin levels in the brain.

I just pop two at a time and you will definitely feel it, it's not a placebo.. You feel ... High. It's just really smooth and even feeling.

If you have to quit 5 htp is the way to go hands down. With anything in life moderation is key, if you start going through bottles of it your liver and kidneys would probably be really mad.

I think it's 10$ for a bottle.
I hear gardening is a good hobby... :)

I already grow outdoors once a year,, takes up a lot of time when you're doing it, but it really doesn't fill in all the blank space... there's probably about 1-2 hours of work on a cannabis garden per day, or less usually.
Every day toker for the last six months, I just started a t break on Tuesday until my harvest comes through 5-6 weeks from now and I definitely am noticing withdrawl symptoms. I don't really have an appetite to eat anything, general mood has been pretty low and I started having crazy dreams again.
5 htp you can pick up off the shelf it's a natural drug that comes from some tree in southeast Asia. It's actually very very close to serotonin if you look at the molecule. The other close relative is tryptophan. The drug in turkey that makes you sleepy and feel good after thanksgiving. Most people don't even know what 5 htp is, don't worry about any weird looks buying it.

Here's how it is..
THC increases serotonin levels in the brain
5-htp increases serotonin levels in the brain.

I just pop two at a time and you will definitely feel it, it's not a placebo.. You feel ... High. It's just really smooth and even feeling.

If you have to quit 5 htp is the way to go hands down. With anything in life moderation is key, if you start going through bottles of it your liver and kidneys would probably be really mad.

I think it's 10$ for a bottle.

ok thanks for the info man! Im not looking for anything to get me high though, just something to stop symptoms of withdrawl, so i doubt id take much, and probably only for the next 2-3 days till im back to normal (my withdrawls end pretty quick theyre just really harsh). My only question is what receptors does 5htp use? for example, some people smoke spice when they quit, but spice uses the same b1-b2 receptors so even tho they quit cannabis they are still increasing their tolerance (specially since tolerance to jwh rises QUICK). I just wanna make sure what im doin is actually productive you know? dont want to gain another vice.
Qutting cannabis is never a good experiance for me whatever i do about it so i just quit completely. Only measure i take is i start smoking cigarettes for a few days afterwards just so i dont miss puffing smoke and dont get nicotine withdrawals along with cannabis.

But oh yea, weird dreams, too much thought about stupid things and depression etc.. My biggest complaint is on the first 3 days when my mind just races at night and doesnt want to go to sleep. Its fine by me but i just have to get up early and sleepless next day and fuck my day up because of it.
Its day three and my stomache has decided it to destroy me from the inside. I woke up in so much pain i couldnt get out of bed. It obviously didnt go away on its own tho so i had to eventually get up and do something. I remember people talkiing about hot showers for withdrawl. It worked wonders. within almost seconds of the hot water spashing down my back I felt better. I layed a towel down on the tub floor and just sate there letting the water hit me untill i ran out of warm water (maybe 40 min) then I dried off and sat in front of my space heater sipping on water (water for some reason helps, its odd too because it only takes a few gulps and my stomach settles down for a good 5-10 min, i just carry a 3ltr cammel back blatter bag in my backpack now that i just suck on the whole day. ANYWAYS, the whole point to this story was I feel better now, obviously (im on RIU) so for anyone else who may be having severe stomach issues

warm-hot shower (sit down! dont stand its just ganna take longer to feel better) and pay attention to the water, FEEL IT.
sip on water (doesnt seem to matter temp)
and keep some sort of physical feeling going.... for example i use my space heater, when i sit in front of it, it blows warm air across my back and neck and gives me something that feels GOOD to think about/focus on than my stomach. Like meditation for cheaters.

now, its two hours later, and i actually feel like i can tackle my day.
also, I managed to get to sleep last night very easily with 3 benedryl and a shot of sailer jerry.
(ps, on a normal party night I can put away 5-7 shots of rum/vodka without being TOO sick the next day, What im feeling this morning is NOT due to my shot of sailer jerry. I just want to clear that up now cause i know some people are going to claim it is. I drink sailer jerrys alot, and I know my body, this WASNT from drinking. And i mean seriously, 1 shot? )
Its day three and my stomache has decided it to destroy me from the inside. I woke up in so much pain i couldnt get out of bed. It obviously didnt go away on its own tho so i had to eventually get up and do something. I remember people talkiing about hot showers for withdrawl. It worked wonders. within almost seconds of the hot water spashing down my back I felt better. I layed a towel down on the tub floor and just sate there letting the water hit me untill i ran out of warm water (maybe 40 min) then I dried off and sat in front of my space heater sipping on water (water for some reason helps, its odd too because it only takes a few gulps and my stomach settles down for a good 5-10 min, i just carry a 3ltr cammel back blatter bag in my backpack now that i just suck on the whole day. ANYWAYS, the whole point to this story was I feel better now, obviously (im on RIU) so for anyone else who may be having severe stomach issues

warm-hot shower (sit down! dont stand its just ganna take longer to feel better) and pay attention to the water, FEEL IT.
sip on water (doesnt seem to matter temp)
and keep some sort of physical feeling going.... for example i use my space heater, when i sit in front of it, it blows warm air across my back and neck and gives me something that feels GOOD to think about/focus on than my stomach. Like meditation for cheaters.

now, its two hours later, and i actually feel like i can tackle my day.
also, I managed to get to sleep last night very easily with 3 benedryl and a shot of sailer jerry.
(ps, on a normal party night I can put away 5-7 shots of rum/vodka without being TOO sick the next day, What im feeling this morning is NOT due to my shot of sailer jerry. I just want to clear that up now cause i know some people are going to claim it is. I drink sailer jerrys alot, and I know my body, this WASNT from drinking. And i mean seriously, 1 shot? )

hows your apetite been? have you been able to drink some juice or eat small things? water alone cannot sustain you.
Had some fries on tuesday (first day i quit) and I had a hot dog yesterday. I dont have juices, i wasnt planning on quitting, so it caught me off guard. And on a normal day the only liquid that can be found in my fridge is liquer and milk. lol. Hopefully ill get a decent meal in me today. You think that may be the cause of my stomach issues?
Had some fries on tuesday (first day i quit) and I had a hot dog yesterday. I dont have juices, i wasnt planning on quitting, so it caught me off guard. And on a normal day the only liquid that can be found in my fridge is liquer and milk. lol. Hopefully ill get a decent meal in me today. You think that may be the cause of my stomach issues?

lots of milk will reduce your acidity so yeah I'd drink WAY less milk bro.

keep it at less than a gallon a week... get some good juices.... get some tea, fruit, crackers, nuts, etc.
Another wierd thing im experiancing is some memory issues, they could be COMPLETELY in my head though, it hasnt happened enough to convince me that its for srue real. But since i quit smoking, ill be talking and MID sentance (I mean LITTERALY) ill forget the next word i was about to say, then ill try and remember the appropriate word and forget what the entire conversation was about in the first place. Then i look really stupid because im talking normal, then suddenly im completely quiet with a confused look on my face, then im asking wtf we where talking about. The only other times ive had an issue like this is when i first started smoking, and even that was only when i was high. It was very hard to carry on a convo when high for the first 2-3 months i smoked because of this issue.
Its probably happened 1-2 times a day since i quit, it already happened once today (i was writting a post and had to re-read it because i forgot the point i was trying to make.
Another wierd thing im experiancing is some memory issues, they could be COMPLETELY in my head though, it hasnt happened enough to convince me that its for srue real. But since i quit smoking, ill be talking and MID sentance (I mean LITTERALY) ill forget the next word i was about to say, then ill try and remember the appropriate word and forget what the entire conversation was about in the first place. Then i look really stupid because im talking normal, then suddenly im completely quiet with a confused look on my face, then im asking wtf we where talking about. The only other times ive had an issue like this is when i first started smoking, and even that was only when i was high. It was very hard to carry on a convo when high for the first 2-3 months i smoked because of this issue.
Its probably happened 1-2 times a day since i quit, it already happened once today (i was writting a post and had to re-read it because i forgot the point i was trying to make.
well you're adapting to a new norm for your brain so things like this would be expected...
is you got a plant pluck leaves off and dry them and smoke em its not the same but its better than nothing
Im not sure if thats really going to accomplish what we are looking for though. We are trying to quit, not get high.
But I should say that i fucking love ur sig beyond reason. Im glad to know others feel this way. +rep.
Another wierd thing im experiancing is some memory issues, they could be COMPLETELY in my head though, it hasnt happened enough to convince me that its for srue real. But since i quit smoking, ill be talking and MID sentance (I mean LITTERALY) ill forget the next word i was about to say, then ill try and remember the appropriate word and forget what the entire conversation was about in the first place. Then i look really stupid because im talking normal, then suddenly im completely quiet with a confused look on my face, then im asking wtf we where talking about. The only other times ive had an issue like this is when i first started smoking, and even that was only when i was high. It was very hard to carry on a convo when high for the first 2-3 months i smoked because of this issue.
Its probably happened 1-2 times a day since i quit, it already happened once today (i was writting a post and had to re-read it because i forgot the point i was trying to make.

Brother, I have the EXACT same problem!! Dont worry about it, it will go away on its own. It always has for me but im never the best person to stick to my conversation lol Stoner mentality all the way!!
Ive noticed i get irritated easily since i quit (i guess thats obvious). Just got in a fight with my BEST friend who i havnt faught with in forever, and we fought about like 4 different things right in a row :/ and theres this other thread in the forum advocating using guns in the cannabis movement to get the point across, and its making me really mad that people would think that way, or that cannabis (even with the advances and victories we are gaining) is worth employing guns, and its kind of fuckin my day up :/
hmmm looks like they sell it at GNC and its pretty cheap. I might try this



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Hmmm I have been smoking on and off for 25+ years and I never had withdrawal, ever. The only thing I ever had was trouble sleeping because I had too much energy but just rub one out to take care of that. lol
And the dreams you get are how you are supposed to dream. Cannabis stops us from entering a certain stage of sleep deeply and prevents us from having normal dreams.( I am a stoner get some details on google or here?

The trick to get over the psych out is to not quit smoking weed if you are out of weed. You need to have a bag stashed away so you know you can always smoke if you want to but you can hold out if you need to. Do this and you will not have withdrawal because withdrawal is only imaginary from cannabis.

Another possible thing is maybe there is something else wrong with you and puffing kept the symptoms away.