Once You Put Them Outside


Well-Known Member
what part of pa im waiting a few weeks yet. if you put them out before natural plants start growing deer rabbits ect seem to eat the shit out of them just wait tell everything starts growing alittle and there plenty of food.


Well-Known Member
what part of pa im waiting a few weeks yet. if you put them out before natural plants start growing deer rabbits ect seem to eat the shit out of them just wait tell everything starts growing alittle and there plenty of food.

very good point. ;)



Well-Known Member
Ya we had something try to dig plant up last year little bastards!!...Ya soon as frost is over I'm getting impatient weather has been shit.


Well-Known Member
pa is a few hours from me i go may 15th every year id rather know its frost free and animal free


Active Member
im on the md pa line,and what do you all do,put them in ground or buckets.I'm putting mine in ground but i just wanted to know how deep the whole has to be and what soil to use.last year i dug pretty deep holes and filled up with my own soil but it took so much soil to do and i wasnt tryin to use all that again,so i was just wondering if i even have to have them that deep or not


Well-Known Member
i like to get em as deep as possible i feel the deeper the roots are the less chance they have of drying out

because i try not to visit my plants very often maybe every two weeks sometimes longer depending on rainfall

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
im on the md pa line,and what do you all do,put them in ground or buckets.I'm putting mine in ground but i just wanted to know how deep the whole has to be and what soil to use.last year i dug pretty deep holes and filled up with my own soil but it took so much soil to do and i wasnt tryin to use all that again,so i was just wondering if i even have to have them that deep or not
try wide holes instead of deep holes. a few feet deep is plenty.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
what kind of soil do you all fill it back up with?
When putting them strait into the ground I do a thin mixed layer of compost, Alaskan humus, llama manure, and rice hulls at the very bottom. Then I do a layer (bottom half) with a mix that's kind of complicated as shown here:


Then I mix all that together, put it on the bottom half. Then on the top half I do strait fox farm ocean forest. But if you're planning on using bottled nuts, just dumping a bunch of ocean forest or roots organic should do the trick quite nicely.

When putting plants strait into the ground, be sure to pay attention to what the dirt surrounding your hole consists of. If you've got soil that is towards the clay end of the spectrum and holds water really well, you should consider doing a layer of perlite at the bottom of your hole, if it's more towards the sand end of the spectrum, skip that and choose a soil with less aeration (less perlite, rocks, etc).


Well-Known Member
i do a bunch of differnt thing depends on my hike. and time. bone meal for sure. i dig 2 feet in clay. a foot in gravel. i line the bottom with alfalfa pellets for feeding rabbits cows there very good. sometimes alot and sometimes not depends. i also plant in the same place alot of the time so i just dig right next to last yrs hole. making it 2 times the size evey yr. skip some yrs and work on the spot during the summers to. triming brush planting brush, stickers, i scout areas in the summer and sometime dig the holes early spring feb march. i even took dirt in one time in the middel of a snow storm on a sled. worked great.


Well-Known Member
if its clay dig deep and use some sand. and plant them on a mound. the holes fill with water and the plant just sit in the bowl. if you mound the soil at least the top wont be in the water.

Dr. Greenthum

Well-Known Member
im from Ohio...I usually shoot for the last week of May...Also i was told from an old friend that has been growing for years to watch your grass in your lawn. If it is growing well,and you have to mow it, then your plants should be just fine! :)


Well-Known Member
im from Ohio...I usually shoot for the last week of May...Also i was told from an old friend that has been growing for years to watch your grass in your lawn. If it is growing well,and you have to mow it, then your plants should be just fine! :)
i agree but this year its not even may 1st and im thinking im about ready to start planting outside....as for soil i dont have time to lug out soil i just use what is in my spot


Active Member
what part of pa im waiting a few weeks yet. if you put them out before natural plants start growing deer rabbits ect seem to eat the shit out of them just wait tell everything starts growing alittle and there plenty of food.
Really thats a great point ..
I m agree with you !!!

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
miracle grow has come out with a fully organic soil so im going to try that this year...its alot cheaper than happyfrog and foxfarm...i dont know if it will compare as far as quality but the price was right.

im up in the NE and ive already put a few sprouts outside and there still alive..


Well-Known Member
I'm going to put them out in a few weeks probably late may. I had one outside in a pot when there was little vegetation and it was gone in a day... lesson learned, don't put them out too early lol.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to put them out in a few weeks probably late may. I had one outside in a pot when there was little vegetation and it was gone in a day... lesson learned, don't put them out too early lol.
i put mine out may long weekend! Woo yeeaaa im stoked to be goin outdoor again :D

i live in BC, canada, and mine go out on atound may 23'rd


Active Member
im a little farther north and im bringing a few plants at a time out (Dont put your eggs all in one basket) i figure i can see how they do but we have a 30-50% chance of frost till memorial day lol but i planted a week ago and they have made excellent transition to there new home but the problem is i lost 2 to deer and 1 to slugs so just be aware of your surroundings , i did not do much to prevent there losses but thats my fault so when ever you think your ready to do what needs to be done and as long as you are not growing like 500 plants i think you can prevent any frost damage if you watch the news and weather and see a frost coming you can run out to your plot and cover them with little homemade greenhouse domes (soda pop bottles) and they will be fine