Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment


Well-Known Member
hahahah nice i remember smoking that master kush i was coughin my loungs up probably one of the strongest i smoked yet.
my old homie smoked that,and he said he had bob marley lungs,turned out he passed out in the rain and hit his head lmao

I honestly haven't smoked any yet. I had a chance to buy some, but I decided I would wait until I finished my grow and bought something different. I want the first taste of MK I get to me the fruit of my labors. ;-)
Gardening is ALL about patients.


New Member
sweet i know u going to tease us with some bud porn when they flower and pk nicely done


I honestly haven't smoked any yet. I had a chance to buy some, but I decided I would wait until I finished my grow and bought something different. I want the first taste of MK I get to me the fruit of my labors. ;-)
Gardening is ALL about patients.


Well-Known Member
sweet i know u going to tease us with some bud porn when they flower and pk nicely done
Of course ;-) Wouldn't dream of denying you.

has anyone done shrooms in here? :)!!!!!!!
I've done it many times. I've had amazing trips, i've had horrible trips. Where you want nothing more in the world then for the trip to just stop. You'd give anything. And there are times when your just so happy and entwined in the events around you that you can't contain your glee.
It's ALL about WHO YOUR WITH, and WHERE YOU ARE. You have to be VERY comfortable with both or you risk a bad trip. But it's DIFFERENT FOR EVERYONE, no one can tell you what to expect. After you try them, you'll understand why.
Not a huge fan myself though, done them enough times to be satisfied with the experience.


Active Member
Ok I had a very grizzly ramble going there lol so deleted! My entire like has lost organization I need to find it again that or another grower!
See, here's what you do... You find a man, one who will worship as you deserve. He becomes your sex slave, falls madly in love with awesome you. Now, you just teach him exactly how to take care of your girls. Then, after one of your typically long days, you come home, get a nice back rub and get some sleep. Your newly trained sex slave becomes plant slave and will take care of putting up the light and feeding the girls when you can't! I would offer you the use of mine, but I'm just not that generous!


Weed Modifier
See, here's what you do... You find a man, one who will worship as you deserve. He becomes your sex slave, falls madly in love with awesome you. Now, you just teach him exactly how to take care of your girls. Then, after one of your typically long days, you come home, get a nice back rub and get some sleep. Your newly trained sex slave becomes plant slave and will take care of putting up the light and feeding the girls when you can't! I would offer you the use of mine, but I'm just not that generous!
Now that's some great advise! ;)
hhmm can't wait to here her reply to this !!! :p


Active Member
Im going shopping for some soil, i cant find a hydro store near by to get some fox farm or happy frog soil,so im just looking at what miracle gro to go with,but i
dont want to use that no more cuz its not ment for hydro plants
I've never heard about using soil with a hydro system. I just use rock wool and hydroton. What kind of system do you have?


Active Member
has anyone done shrooms in here? :)!!!!!!!
I do Shrooms maybe once a year or so, just prefer weed to anything else. My Hubby likes Shrooms a lot and can't smoke often because of random drug testing at work, he does Shrooms which are out of your system in 72 hours. He just started growing them. Yay, free CO2 for me!

Hey guys, how do you quote more than one post in a reply? Sorry, Rene, didn't mean to flood your thread with responses, I am almost completely computer illiterate! LOL. I had to have MsBBB give me detailed instructions on how to put a link to my journal in my sig. Guess I also need instructions on this, too!

Have a great day! I hope you are able to get a little time to just chill, for a change!


Weed Modifier
I've never heard about using soil with a hydro system. I just use rock wool and hydroton. What kind of system do you have?
I gave him a chastising on his visitor messages. I'm thinking I could have sent a pm, but now every time he goes to his own page, he gets to see all the friends he's making. It must just warm his tiny little heart.
I do Shrooms maybe once a year or so, just prefer weed to anything else. My Hubby likes Shrooms a lot and can't smoke often because of random drug testing at work, he does Shrooms which are out of your system in 72 hours. He just started growing them. Yay, free CO2 for me!

Hey guys, how do you quote more than one post in a reply? Sorry, Rene, didn't mean to flood your thread with responses, I am almost completely computer illiterate! LOL. I had to have MsBBB give me detailed instructions on how to put a link to my journal in my sig. Guess I also need instructions on this, too!

Have a great day! I hope you are able to get a little time to just chill, for a change!
Click on far right button(multi-quote) it will add a check mark to posts you want to quote... and just keep checking ones you want to quote like this....then reply with quote and bam....just add text wherever you like.