Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment


Well-Known Member
Im way to stoned hah kinda crossed eyed anyone game on the pc of i guess more importantly do you have COD black ops and want to play zombies im in the mood to kill some shit:fire:bongsmiliebong hits

And did i miss something im feeling not so much love going around?
Fabs making me be social lol and man I miss killin some zombies :(

ok no u ladies are just trying to show old fab up
make me look like a noob:sad:
Its not rocket science ;)

they should multi quit! huh fab.
What's up kmk seen the harvest :clap:


Well-Known Member
hahahahah ok now im somewhat caught up hahahah they were picking fun at you just like females geezzz either talking shit or telling us what to do:-)


Moderatrix of Journals
oh fabbie, you got me all wrong, my first multi quote is actually an epic fail. it doesn't look like it's supposed to anyway, it should be all quotes with 'ten characters' at the bottom. which is what i was saying about the cut-off bits of code fucking it all up. :hug: <- i know, it has no arms but it's a 'hug'... ?


New Member
well just cus u miss killing something dont look at me and yes boys i forced her to come out of her shell before i pm lummi for his turtle picante with favre beans recipe and some chianti

Fabs making me be social lol and man I miss killin some zombies :(

Its not rocket science ;)

What's up kmk seen the harvest :clap:


New Member
no cuz fdd actually liked something i said
he never has liked anything fab says even before the likes system was added
and it was a hot thread

Whos address did you give us hahahahah and dont be scared bro you will heal just try to enjoy the whooping she'll stop then hahahahahah


Active Member
I wasn't gone before, just in toke n talk. On racerboy's thread 'what's wron with kids today. I stopped back to say good night. Hate the can't sleep thing, but staying on here won't help! Another hit of my quickly dwindling stash and bedtime for this old momma.

Big Hugs, Rene. Have a great night!


Well-Known Member
I wasn't gone before, just in toke n talk. On racerboy's thread 'what's wron with kids today. I stopped back to say good night. Hate the can't sleep thing, but staying on here won't help! Another hit of my quickly dwindling stash and bedtime for this old momma.

Big Hugs, Rene. Have a great night!
Thanks sweetie :hug: goodnight :bigjoint:


New Member
same thing i say and next i know it is 4 am
i got a blunt rolled stay and toke

I wasn't gone before, just in toke n talk. On racerboy's thread 'what's wron with kids today. I stopped back to say good night. Hate the can't sleep thing, but staying on here won't help! Another hit of my quickly dwindling stash and bedtime for this old momma.

Big Hugs, Rene. Have a great night!