Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

kinda scary(brings on a little bit of MORE paranoia) is that through all this chatter we haven't heard from kitty at all. Not really disproving anything. HMMMMM.......makes you wonder if something is wrong, or the leo's are involved.
All speculation, but who knows could happen, if your growing that large WTF telling everyone, security rule number #1 tell no one, now if your legal that's different but you could get jacked. Anyway's she was nice to have around but, woman are like buses, there will be another one in 15 minutes. If they were coming for you, you would not be posting right now it would all be over but the crying. If it is a sting shame on all of us for taking part, over a woman, lesson here guys, quit thinking with your dicks.
there are not cops its not a her its a them she posted a pic with riu for hottest riu member how the fuck would the cops just happen to have this?
there are not cops its not a her its a them she posted a pic with riu for hottest riu member how the fuck would the cops just happen to have this?

Dude if they confiscated her camera(s) you think she wouldnt have had some sexy pictures of herself on it in addition to the growing pics?? Hell on my PC alone (and digital cameras) I have tons of personal pictures. Its not much of a stretch to say they would use any and all photos to give "her" online personality credibility. Posting sexy pictures is actually perfect in that sense. As someone said upthread us guys tend to think with our dicks, so who is gonna question the sexy girl? Makes perfect sense actually.
She already said that her icon pic that we all drool over is NOT her.
Secondly, I recently saw her posting in other threads either here or on the farm
so I think she's ok. She seems like a real smart cookie. So I'm not overly worried for her.
She hasn't posted here since April 1st and it was in this thread and you can look that up in her profile. I hope your alright kitty.
She hasn't posted here since April 1st and it was in this thread and you can look that up in her profile.

Agreed, and she said that that pic WAS her, in this thread. Looks like someone is trying to do some damage control now that the secret is out. Why am I not surprised.
All speculation, but who knows could happen, if your growing that large WTF telling everyone, security rule number #1 tell no one, now if your legal that's different but you could get jacked. Anyway's she was nice to have around but, woman are like buses, there will be another one in 15 minutes. If they were coming for you, you would not be posting right now it would all be over but the crying. If it is a sting shame on all of us for taking part, over a woman, lesson here guys, quit thinking with your dicks.

Dont know about you guys but I followed this thread cause of the massese of fucking weed they were growing haha, I can go look at porn if I wanna see random women naked.

Agreed, and she said that that pic WAS her, in this thread. Looks like someone is trying to do some damage control now that the secret is out. Why am I not surprised.

The pic the other guy was talking about was the picture of the hello kitty she had for ages, not the actual picture.

People take breaks from the boards pretty often but these big grows tend to take longer breaks.
^^true that!^^

Bet you they're just ridiculously busy with all those plants and pipes to make! Give them a break
^^^ Nope... Who ever it was posting is still posting somewhere. Fourm junkies just don't quit.

I would say I might be addicted to RIU....
I spend more time smoking and reading on RIU then growing.thats for sure.
My flower room has been empty for more than a month.
Damn weed and RIU!

Where are you Mr & Mrs Kitty?
Dude if they confiscated her camera(s) you think she wouldnt have had some sexy pictures of herself on it in addition to the growing pics?? Hell on my PC alone (and digital cameras) I have tons of personal pictures. Its not much of a stretch to say they would use any and all photos to give "her" online personality credibility. Posting sexy pictures is actually perfect in that sense. As someone said upthread us guys tend to think with our dicks, so who is gonna question the sexy girl? Makes perfect sense actually.

I have a suggestion, give the conspiracies a break man. Your out there bro, I mean how do I know you not a cop?
She already said that her icon pic that we all drool over is NOT her.
Secondly, I recently saw her posting in other threads either here or on the farm
so I think she's ok. She seems like a real smart cookie. So I'm not overly worried for her.

Yea a real smart cookie that grows hundreds of plants, a lot of mushrooms, post it on the internet, and lets us know she lives in Canada.

What a smart cookie.
all i can say is if she has gone to the joint, then she is definately gunna be some stank ass burly gals bitch for sure.......... the plot thickens.......EEEEK
i hope shes not in the pen i havent herd of anything on the news or on anysites that sound like her grow leo,s could have got her put nothing past them they sometimes blow my mind with how they bust people but ususlay its a rat some one who has a reason to hate rk and who would or could hate her and those pics could be any one i mean what do u have just word that they are her any one know her personaly or tryed to contact her? and see whats realy up.
I have a suggestion, give the conspiracies a break man. Your out there bro, I mean how do I know you not a cop?

Riiiight, because a cop would totally be warning everyone to be careful about this site and not share any personal information. Have you even seen my personal security threads? Maybe if you took a look at what ive posted and WHY Im so paranoid you would understand. Doing over 7 years in prison and hearing so many stories of so many people fucked over by so many undercovers...yeah Im fucking paranoid. And this thread stinks of LEO.
Riiiight, because a cop would totally be warning everyone to be careful about this site and not share any personal information. Have you even seen my personal security threads? Maybe if you took a look at what ive posted and WHY Im so paranoid you would understand. Doing over 7 years in prison and hearing so many stories of so many people fucked over by so many undercovers...yeah Im fucking paranoid. And this thread stinks of LEO.

Well I can understand your concern, but I have been growing since 08 and posting on this site and I have yet to have a problem. So maybe its not posting on this site that gets you in jail but doing stupid shit that put u behind bars.

Thanks for the whole the sky is falling routine though, just because u went to jail doesn't mean everyone else will. I have been smoking pot since 1999 and I haven't even had an encounter with the police involving marijuana.

Again how do I know your not a cop?
Riiiight, because a cop would totally be warning everyone to be careful about this site and not share any personal information. Have you even seen my personal security threads? Maybe if you took a look at what ive posted and WHY Im so paranoid you would understand. Doing over 7 years in prison and hearing so many stories of so many people fucked over by so many undercovers...yeah Im fucking paranoid. And this thread stinks of LEO.

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