So Those People That Knock On Your Door


Well-Known Member


Same difference.

'When a colleague says: 'I just got my ass eat out by the boss.'

It's identical to: 'I just got my ass chewed by the boss.'

Must be a Southern thing.
no and wrong. getting your ass chewed and your ass ate out are two entirely different things.
thanks for the laugh though.


Well-Known Member
and to the OP: i just politel;y let them know that i AM Jesus and i would appreciate them not going around talking about me behind my back.


Well-Known Member
I am familiar with Grammar Nazis.

But Metaphor Nazis?


Try not to get your thongs all tied up in knots over an obscure Southern colloquialism.

Fuck me running! (Not really. It's just an expression.)


King Tut
Speaking of Hermis my plants decided to become transexuals. Damnit!

I've been fortunate to not have had that happen yet, surprisingly. I moved during my last grow and had MANY environmental issues with my new room until I got it balanced out.


Well-Known Member

I've been fortunate to not have had that happen yet, surprisingly. I moved during my last grow and had MANY environmental issues with my new room until I got it balanced out.
Mine were grown from dank bagseed so I am sure they were genetic herms. Wish I had the funds for real seed.


Active Member
Ok step back and look at this WHOLE retarded back and forth bull shit for one second . . ." I did NOT come in here to troll, debate, argue, insult or piss people off. YOU are the only one that has taken offense to me offering the other side to the story/door. Sorry if you didn't like it but welcome to public forums man.
You miss read Klosetking. He is curious about creation, but his life style keep getting in the way. He was offended by that comment you made about homosexuality causing your skin to crawl. This hurt him real bad, because he's either a butting or full-blown homosexual. His name bares it all.

This is his business, however, you/we shouldn't have to explain to him or anyone else why homosexuality make our skin crawl. He should already know that many find this act disgusting, to say the least and Romans 1:26,27 condemns it.


King Tut
You miss read Klosetking. He is curious about creation, but his life style keep getting in the way. He was offended by that comment you made about homosexuality causing your skin to crawl. This hurt him real bad, because he's either a butting or full-blown homosexual. His name bares it all.

This is his business, however, you/we shouldn't have to explain to him or anyone else why homosexuality make our skin crawl. He should already know that many find this act disgusting, to say the least and Romans 1:26,27 condemns it.
Agreed Bro. i should NEVER have to explain why i feel a certain way. If i were gay and that was my priority, i would shout it from the rooftops. i'm not, but i AM a smoker. So i shout THAT from the rooftops. And get some negative reaction sometimes. But if they attack ME, not the issue, Ad Hominem. And they become an invalid voice.


Well-Known Member
You miss read Klosetking. He is curious about creation, but his life style keep getting in the way. He was offended by that comment you made about homosexuality causing your skin to crawl. This hurt him real bad, because he's either a butting or full-blown homosexual. His name bares it all.

This is his business, however, you/we shouldn't have to explain to him or anyone else why homosexuality make our skin crawl. He should already know that many find this act disgusting, to say the least and Romans 1:26,27 condemns it.
Say what you want dude, but all you and Slojo are, are pro spinners and bigots. Keep trying to use your silly tactics to get a rise, but its as plain as the nose on your face through this entire thread that you have no intelligent discussion to offer, just spins and slants on the facts. How many questions in this thread have you successfully not answered yet? I could quote them all again if you like...

But, all you can do is resort to more homosexual insults and childish nonsense. Grow up man, your making the entire society of the faithful look retarded.


Well-Known Member
to say the least and Romans 1:26,27 condemns it.
LOL. Dont get me started. If things were still run the way your great book says it should be, we would still be killing gays, lynching negroes, enslaving populations and murdering non-believers.

Your book is a joke, your opinions are a joke, and again, you have nothing to offer but verses out of a book that has been repeatedly called into question, all such questions being ignored by you.

You should run for office or something, you would fit right in with politics.


Well-Known Member
You miss read Klosetking. He is curious about creation, but his life style keep getting in the way. He was offended by that comment you made about homosexuality causing your skin to crawl. This hurt him real bad, because he's either a butting or full-blown homosexual. His name bares it all.
So how is that not an insult? Ha. You assume you know me, my thought processes, sexual orientation, my state of mind and moral integrity. Then proceed to tell others your opinion as if it is fact (funny, sounds like your book in a way!). Doing so? Its insulting. Keep calling me a dodger dude, but like i said, all anyone has to do is read the thread and they know who the real fools and closed minded bigots here are.