Need Help Involving Parents


Well-Known Member
Then youll bring your woman to your house n mom will all be like let me see your new purse and then both of em are going to bee raging
say you bought $80 cronic and you rented video game and movies and


Active Member
tell yer mom sis was drunk n dont know what the hell shees talkin about! n have your sis check out THIS smiley!:finger: i despise snitches!!!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
not good when designer purses start at about $150-200
or at least the ones my wife looks at....yeah thats it....
what ever you do, if your gonna try and pull a fast one on her. Make sure you know your story inside and out or your screwed. Moms have built in bull-shit detectors, and take my word for it they are good. Your probably better off telling her the truth.
"Yes mom, I bought $200 worth of weed. I did this because it will last me for a long time. The reason that I bought so much at once is that it is cheaper that way."

Something to that affect will be much better than a BS story that she will see through in about 2 seconds...
Good Luck

mr j2

Well-Known Member
I (the compulsive liar that I am) would NEVER admit to something like this. There is NO evidence on you. If she's rat'ing all the time then just say she is lying and that you never bought $200 worth of weed. Borrow $200 from a friend like someone said earlier and show it to her and say SEE I STILL HAVE THE MONEY. Or you can say you wanted to sound cool around your sister and told her that but really you got mugged or lost the money and didn't want your mom finding out you lost $200. But if you do get pinned for buying the weed (and depending on your parents and what you've been caught with before) you could try to pull something like "i fronted my friend the money so he could buy it and sell it then he was going to give me back $220" or "i'm only selling it to my close friends to make a few bucks, i dont smoke--or i dont smoke that much". I RARELY got in trouble when I lived at home and it was mainly because my parents would catch me with crap like this but then they would have no proof that I ever actually did anything so they wouldnt ground me or anything. good luck:peace:

mr j2

Well-Known Member
or if you admit to buying it, say that it's because it's cheaper, you share with people, etc. Say something like "Okay so I did spend my birthday money on weed but i only bought that much because it's a lot cheaper that way and will last awhile so I won't have to risk dealing with dealers. I really dont smoke that much, it wouldve lasted me a few months"


Well-Known Member
Steal $200 from her purse and then tell her you still have the $200 that way you got $200 worth of weed and...$200 to spend on other shit.


Active Member
Well my mom confronted me about the $200 and since I had only about 45mins to prepare an answer I couldnt borrow $200 from a friend so I went to the Tennis club I play at and got a demo racquet. I told her it was $180 on sale and I spent the rest on food. She belived me but was specticale because I'm sponsered by a diffirent company that gives me equipment for free but I told her that I was going to just try it out and return it if I dont like it.

Thanks for all the suggestions.


There's treachery afoot
damn shame your brand new raquet was stolen tomorrow out of your locker during gym class...wink...wink... nudge...nudge....


Well-Known Member
if your 18 you shouldn't have to worry about it. tell her you're an adult and you will do as you please. :)


Well-Known Member
Yes! tell them the truth. Eventually they will except it. my parents know that I smoke and I have a much better relationship with them because of that. I haven't lived with them in a couple years but they knew about it long before I moved out. You just have to let them know that it is your decision and not theirs. they should respect that.


New Member
Just get your mom high, she will forget what she was going to ask. if she won't smoke then make her a good batch of cookies or brownies or something. Get her real trashed then tell her what you did with the money. After she gets high she will understand why you want to get high too...


Well-Known Member
tell your rents something worse about your sister.
i.e. you caught her huffing gas...:)

j/k don't do no dumb shit like that. STL's idea holds as the best so far.
Tell them you bought a super rare, really expensive comic book or some shit. Thats believable

Until she asks for the receipt anyway.
LMAO...Huffing gas...Good One

mr j2

Well-Known Member
I was with someone who was tripping on shrooms, on xanax, smoked twice, and was drinking and he mistakenly thought the bottle of fuse he was drinking was his own but it was the bottle that about ten people were using as an ashtray and to spit in. The funniest part was that he drank it and sat there for a good ten seconds with hardly any reaction haha