Well-Known Member
omfg...ive been looking for this for years...had this on cassette back in the early 90's never knew who made it...this takes me back
Glad I could find it for ya

omfg...ive been looking for this for years...had this on cassette back in the early 90's never knew who made it...this takes me back
a very oldie but goodie (for stoners)
y'all remember this?
Hey RM3 I've noticed this for awile but haven't asked but are you not flowering in 5g anymore ? I didn't miss something did I ?
got a question for you rm3 can you expand a little on the way you top your last plant during vegg to get a better yield. was it the hedge row you did it to?
Wasn't topped, was defoiled, at 5 nodes (from seed) I removed all but the top 2 leaves, this resulted in the plant replacing the leves with branches, at 10 nodes I did i again, only drawback was an extra 2 weeks of veg to make new leaves
sorry man but what plant did you do it to i want to go back and try to fallow her life from the start of the tread.
I have to apologize to all of you as I have been holding back a lot of my research and ditty's with the notion that I would publish them at the new site, well as some of you know the new site is not developing as planned but this has not stopped my experiments or research but still I am holding back for now, some things to look forward to will be dittys ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Hermies are your friends
Are you a pot snob?
and effects of dew on plants
These I'll wait on for awhile but there is one I'm working on that I can't do the experiments on cause my garden is not suitable for itso I need to shout out to some of you and my thoughts lean to Bonzi who we all know is very good at helping folks with ventalation issues and calculating fan cfm as they apply to sealed gardens and Daniels who is just a great diy experimentor
but all are welcome to explore my notion
This all started from me trying to understand what a major difference is in garden conditions and how it affects plant vigor, I think I have it figured outI have 2 friends that I talk with a lot both have sealed gardens with controled ventalation and odor control, one of them has air cooled 1000 watt HPS and grows hydro, the other has a 400 watt CMH that is open. My garden is open (not sealed) I have no odor so I have no odor control and my lights are not sealed or cooled and that is the only difference between mine and my friends garden, he uses the same medium, and same nutes (I had a 25lb bag so I shared) has the CMH so same light, lives in the same area (generally) so similar ambient conditions and similar tap water, he makes it rain and does things very similar to me BUT his buds are never as big as mine (not even half as big) and his yields are also much lower than mine, I should add that yes we grow the same strains as well and we trade them back and forth he was where the GDP (aunt martha) came from, when he saw it in my garden it pissed him off as he asked why don't mine grow like that? I'm doing everything that you do? My response at the time was only difference is my garden is open and yours is sealed???
Both myself and Uncle Ben have said that an open garden is better for the plants, that proper spacing between the plants is also important. At some point we that grow for medical have to get rid of the blackmarket thinking and techniques in order to maximize the medical properties of the plant. I have said over and over that happy plants don't stink and if conditions are right there is no need for odor control, if your plants are stinkin than there is a condition that is off and causing stress (note this is not always true because some strains have been bred to stink, I don't grow these strains as smell has nothing to do with medical benefits) (also has nothing to do with the percieved high or how it affects us, rather it is a human perception thing as we are attracted to smells & taste and we associate these experiences in our view of things) but I digress as this is more related to the pot snob ditty
The answer is Barometric Pressure and the beauty of this is there is a lot of research on it because of NASA trying to figure out how to grow plants in space, they are actually genetically altering the plants to grow smaller (very interesting) For those of you interested in experimenting with this it is not complicated and only requires the purchase of 2 barometers one to put in your garden and one outside your garden so you can see and adjust the effects of sealed ventilation on the BP, you can also play with finding the optimum BP for best growth conditions and yes it does affect growth and vigor
Here is the research,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I'm including this link cause I found the fact that this super exspensive grow chamber uses incandesent lights very interesting
http://books.google.com/books?id=xs...ed=0CD4Q6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=wue plants&f=false
http://www.usu.edu/cpl/PDF/TrackingTranspiration_Electronic Scales090406.pdf
http://books.google.com/books?id=3w...ects of barometric pressure on plants&f=false
Hopefully this will lead to those with sealed gardens getting better yields and happier plants, if you play with this please let us know the results???