you can buy them here:where the hell do you get seeds for those.
what did you have to do to it to be smoked?
what color and substance did it turn into?
thanks fdd
no, i havent done it yet... bout to order my seeds this week. since you will be scoring the pods, they are illegal, so plant them like they are mj, hidden.thanks man, youve done this/
i've never grown poppies in my life.
i thought you said you did. that pic you posted, thought it was a personal pic. my bad
oh wow i didnt relize they were illegal...nevermind
Hell dude why wait, blaze that shit up nowmy oz of dragons blood came today.. one big brick rock type thing.. I will try it out in the morning on top of a bowl in the bong and let you know if I can feel anything off of it.. I can take pictures of it to if anyone is interested..