Techna's First Grow


Well-Known Member
Well just picked up my clones, right now hey are under 2 150W CFL's when they get bigger i will be adding another, they will be flowerd under a 400W HPS. Let me know what you think and please as this is my first grow, please feel free to add input. i dont take anything to heart if im doing something wrong let me know.

Strain is Hindu Kush
Soil is Scotts Premium
Water is Tap Water Set out for 48 Hours
Lights are 150w CFL's (3)




Well-Known Member
alrite man pulled up my chair and my bag of popcorn with a beer n hand and ready for the show.....good luck man ........:joint:


Well-Known Member
koo koo just came back from the hydro store ......was gonna buy all the stuff but ill wait till next week when i get the light then ill throw em in 12/12 so i just picked up some sticky papers and some mosqito dunks....BTW kool ass dog .....very nice shiny black coat and nice jetta.....:joint:


Well-Known Member
haha nice man... scotty is a cool dog lol hes a weirdo sometimes though... hey whats your temp and humidity at?


Well-Known Member
Ok sweet, just trying to make sure im in similar conditions.. Im going to take pictures everyday i like to watch the changes...


Well-Known Member
Day 2

So i need to add some better ventilation i need to bring the temp down just 1 or 2 degree's. The plant on the left has streightend out and both seem to be doing great. today i will measure them, and everyday here after i will measure.

Heres the new shots for today.




Well-Known Member
Well i am officially frustrated.

Ive been to about 5 stores for the past 3 hours looking for what plant food to buy. What is a good food for a small plant? What are you all using? where did you get it? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Day 2

Well its just before bedtime for the babies. i cleaned the pots up a bit, evened out the soil, and measured them for the first time. Also got some closer detailed pictures. Now i can track growth better. i only wish my camera could focus better.




Well-Known Member
Anyone know anywhere to get mylar? I couldnt find it at Home Depot, and i dont have any local Hyd Shops.


Well-Known Member
AHHHH MAN too bad you werent still over here or i could have rolled with you with to the hydro store the one i was tellin you about he sells his for 17 bucks and thats 25ft.....also you can use flat white paint on the walls that works good too man for the yellowing on the leaves are you ph-ing the water????? i too got some clones that have yellow leaves but what i read was that the yellowing is caused the plant using energy to work on the roots thus taking energy from the leaves......:joint:


Well-Known Member
ahh ok... its not real bad, just very slightly changing.... i just want to catch any problems before they happen.. no i havnt ph'd the water yet but i do let it sit out for 2 days.... i ordered a ph meter it should be here either tomorrow or wed.


Well-Known Member
Day 4

Yellowing continues, appears to be only on the two large fan leaves., Root system has extended to fill the small pots now, Plants were thirsty and got some water, perked up very shortly after, appears i need to watch Moisture more closely, PH meter and Moisture meter should be here today if not tomorrow.




Well-Known Member
Day 6

Big Day for my babies.

Today they are Getting New Soil.... Im done with Scotts... Picked up some Fox Farm Ocean Forest. PH was right at 6.5 with scotts i was over 7. And becuase i was changing soil i figured it was time to go to bigger pots and add 1 More light. We now have 3 150W CFL's.

Heres the new pics.



Well-Known Member
Damn those clones rooted fast man.........good thing u ditched the scotts soil man and went with the fox farm dont have to feed the plant for a month since it has all that blend in it you should switch out the light for a 6500k cfl keep up the good work.........hows that snow cap????.......:joint: