Highlife seeds scam? Or is Attitude starting to "sell" our private info?

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I received one as well.

The first thing that caught my attention was the Subject Line: Your seed order #37189.

I knew I did not have any orders hanging fire anywhere currently. First red flag. :-?

The second thing is they are referencing Austin. I left Austin a few years ago. But I did place at least four seed orders while living there. All with different companies. And I did not start using Attitude until after I moved away.

I have a pretty good idea which company provided the information to this shady company. And it ain't the Attitude.

don't leave us hanging!!!!
you must be one of those "bin laden has been on ice for 3 years guys " eh

No not at all...just a privy to some info that is not available to everyone as I read what this fellow said and he stated he was going to bring riu and the Tude down and he possesses the skills knowledge intelligence and resources to do so

I know it sounds nuts cause it is...But mark my words this is what is happening

You are missing that the this is an attack on RIU/The Attitude being done by an outsider to destroy both...highland is the scapegoat used to perpetrate the fall....while our personal ifo to a point has been hacked, we are not the targets but rather the instrument...He has induced paranoia, causing everyone to freak out and stop using the tude...then as it was only RIU members which werre targeted with these emails makes it seem that RIU contributed and believe nothing kills a weed growing site faster than the revelation of the identities of its members

Seems his plan is working splendidly


First of all i don't miss anything i am watching every single post on this thread since yesterday, Second, if you really do have a hypothesis based on fact, why don't you make this board and all of us, including yourself, a favor and name "Him"

Anyway i don't see a reason keep posting in this thread, all we do is talking while i'm determined to take action

Cheers guys, next time think twice on trusting any f*** with your data, don't get sc***d like us.

And of course BOYCOTT anyone trying to get you arrested while they should be and WILL!!

Fuck. I feel bad for all the growers who are shitting bricks over this. And rightfully so.

To have a room full of flowering plants and know that some unknown group or individual has all of your personal info.

I still can't decide if this really is just another seed bank who somehow (probably from an ex employee of Attitude) got a contact list or something entirely different.

This is a huge deal.
hopefully, there will be some mod statement at some point
understand it may take some time to sort out, but there seems to be a strong belief that there is a riu/attitude connection of some sort on this
400 000+ members, 17 000 of them active? do the math. as if somewhere within those 380 000-odd inactive members there isn't going to be ONE with enough hatred, time, energy, wherewithal, to FUCK with this site. and, if what i've read in the support section is any sort of pertinent example, a LOT of said animosity SPAWNS DIRECTLY FROM riu's refusal to delete user accounts. (how many of you would've signed up if they'd warned you that they don't delete accounts?) (esp. considering they OFFER to do it if you're in violation of tou's).

IF, for instance, i was a hacker and concerned enough about whatever info i'd shared on this site, the next thing that would come to mind would be "well then what if i just put the entire site outta comish?"
Wait, you are using her email here on RIU and she still got the email from Highlife? That only backs up the story even more, lol
No. He used his girlfriends email for Attitude, and his personal email for RIU. His personal didn't get the spam, but his girlfriends did.
400 000+ members, 17 000 of them active? do the math. as if somewhere within those 380 000-odd inactive members there isn't going to be ONE with enough hatred, time, energy, wherewithal, to FUCK with this site. and, if what i've read in the support section is any sort of pertinent example, a LOT of said animosity SPAWNS DIRECTLY FROM riu's refusal to delete user accounts. (how many of you would've signed up if they'd warned you that they don't delete accounts?) (esp. considering they OFFER to do it if you're in violation of tou's).

IF, for instance, i was a hacker and concerned enough about whatever info i'd shared on this site, the next thing that would come to mind would be "well then what if i just put the entire site outta comish?"
LMAO. I'm not even a hacker and I can already take RIU down. As long as I continue a hacker program on my computer and keep my computer on all day. :D But that's pretty unreasonable.
No. He used his girlfriends email for Attitude, and his personal email for RIU. His personal didn't get the spam, but his girlfriends did.

He never mentioned Attitude in his post.

No have my own email to RIU& TUDE also. I also got an email from them as well.

So what exactly is it that you use your girls email for? Sorry, you're just not making any sense to me, it could just be that I've had 2 beers and a few bowls and it's only 10am...

LOL! Don't worry, I'm not going to fly off on anyone for posting anything within this thread. I'm going direct all my wrath towards everyone who is causing needless suffering on the reason marijuana is illegal. Us. And The Attitude and Subcool are a microcosm of who we are as a community - lazy, apathetic, selfish while smiling at others through shit eating grins.

I'm tired of marijuana being illegal, but it is going to remain so until there is a change of guard of philosophies. This is a battle of philosophies, not of money, not for power. There can be no compromise - either we grow up and respect others, care for others, or they will continue to treat us like the insane.

The will cause us Needless Suffering.

As I am going to do unto The Attitude.



Folks I'm using this thread to build my battlements and fill my armoury for Bastillia for the coming EPIC .BATTLE which will be equally blood and senselss. And unstoppable.

Just sit back and enjoy for awhile, laugh a bit if you can. Until I get a couple of videos finished and do up a few hundred more posters I'm going to let the pressure build until I can't control it and The Wind will will be relentless. Marijuana WILL be legal. And in one manner or another, you will serve The Wind. I'll let each of you decide your own manner.

We have ALL lied to ourselves for so long that we think we are telling the truth when nonsense spews from our pie holes. I was talking to the marijuana businesses but if someone finds deeper meaning in what I wrote ... run with it, I'll take credit even though I have no idea what you are thinking.



There you go ..apologies as my stoned ass took all this time to recall and find it

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