Beginning of a Magic. Outdoor Grow 2011


Well-Known Member
Fantastic week everyone, glad to be back to the forums to start a growing journal, and hopefully get some help along the way.
This is my 2nd attempt for an outdoor grow, the last one was considered by successful as I sowed only at august (!!!), and actually got a final product that was pretty much awesome, below the main (and only) cola :)



This was AMS Bob Marley sativa, good stuff, very energizing high, almost trippy high even.

This year started with 2 Swiss Cheese from Nirvana and 1 AMS Bob Marley, germinated about 3 weeks ago (yeah, end of march is already sunny here). Both cheese had died due to dehydration, which wasn't my fault, a friend promised to water all 3 while I was in Amsterdam, and didn't, I actually managed to revive Bob using a straw and much love. Came back, germinated 5 more AK47 (supposedly, came from a bagseed that was claimed to be AK47, the high was very Akish so we'll call it that). They've been growing for around 2 weeks now, except that Bob that is around a month old.
I also have F G13 Haze from Barneys and F WW from Seedsman, my plan is to germinate them around end of May, I don't want em to get very tall.

I will try to keep the first batch as low and small as possible, I really don't wanna spend time in jail. anyhow, this is first pics from Bob, AK are still small with only 2 sets, pics will be posted later.




Well-Known Member
Oh btw, if some of you haven't figured, I kinda need some help on that brown spots, all info online doesn't seem to match the optional causes, ofcourse, no fert used as of now.
Water is leveled to around 6.5-7 PH using the drop test kit, tap water that's been standing in open air at least 30 hours before put in bottles.


Well-Known Member
dont know about those brown spots i am also growing 50 swiss cheese's from nirvana outside this year started them indoors had similar looking spots on mine but i had them to close to the light and burnt them a little but my spots were on the edges of leaves not in the middle.your plants look great though i think


Well-Known Member
thanks man, all brown spots seem to have disappeared.

little update, wheather seems to be a little weird lately, a lot of dust in the air, yesterday was around 31c(!!!) and no sun at all! this is however seems to be changing to nice springy summer sun, at least according to wheather reporters.
Anyhow, apparently all AK (not really ak for sure, but seeds from an awesome bud that was claimed to be AK), came from a fem mother cause they're all showing pre flower signs of female except one that looks like a hermie from upclose, not sure yet tho. this was a nice surprise.

just added 2 auto fem easy ryders to the bunch, popped 2 days ago.
pics to come as soon as i get back from work.

one more very weird thing, i noticed the little pistils that indicates fem about 3-4 days ago, i said, okay, those are fem - that's cool. i did tons of reading and got to realization that those signs don't mean that they're going to flower yet. however, i can clearly see that pistils begin to get big (well not really big, but they're forming on bud sites and getting a bit longer).
one question, how the fuck does a plant starts flowering (or maybe not?) in may?!
weird wheather that's causing yet? still not enough sunlight per day?
sun rises at 5:50 and sets at 19:30, maybe i planted too early?
this whole photoperiod things can get confusing, im going nuts.

any comments and thoughts much appreciated. happy growing.


Well-Known Member
as promised, pictures.


last plant has been topped above the 2nd node for 4 main colas according to uncleben's tutorial, im not sure i did it properly (1st time topping for me).

big one has been fimmed and recovers great.
if anyone has comments/suggestions, i'd really love to hear em.
one more thing, i shot the pistils i was talking about, u guys think they're flowering? hairs do seem to get longer, i wish they'd revert back to veg to grow more, even tho i wouldn't reject an early harvest this time of year (however, i did buy auto fems for this purpose, so that'll be a waste of money).


Well-Known Member
DUDE!! DUDE!! FUCK!@$%*@%&(*
i accidently dropped my biggest girl today when i was watering them! i grabbed the pot from the roof and accidently dropped it on the side, worst thing is.. i could a little root ball parted from the plant, i repotted her in a 3gallon pot (i needed to do that anyways).
IM TOTALLY FREAKING OUT, she's so beautiful, you guys think she'd survive?!


Well-Known Member
oh btw, i've been searching threads relating to using mineral water for watering, ppl's posts are kinda controversial, so i kinda got confused regarding the whole mineral water thing.
i've been using tap water but noticed that even when i give them 1/4 strength veg nutes, and these are bio bizz organic grow that aren't supposed to harm the plants in this doses, the plants act a little weird, leave tips are yellowing and burning, so i guessed that this is because water in here is pretty hard. mineral water seems to do good to the plants.
also, i've noticed on the label that they contain a nice amount of mg and ca which are supposdly good for cannabis. i really am confused, i got to the point where i'm thinking that this whole water/ppm/ec which most of i don't even understand is kinda too much for me, i mean, plant food and stuff are cool but ppm meters and all that other shit is not for me, im growing for my own pleasure and actually succeeded the 1st time after kind of absuing the plant, i got a pretty awesome bud.
however, knowledge is power and i do love learning about this plant. just saying it IS a weed, and it WILL grown reagarding of what ppm or how high the ec in water is.

i'd be happy if someone could shed some light on this whole mineral water thingie.
happy growing everyone!


Well-Known Member
i can't get replies from you guys so im just gonna continue with what im doing haha :)
do you guys think that transplanting to a double sized pot once a plant induced flowering is big enough a pot? most people say that an average plant will double in size so i thought this made sense..?


Well-Known Member
yea man your girls are lookin great, nice grow you got goin.ive got me a outdoor grow going this year and will be following yours so maybe i can share some pictures of my grow here. good luck this year and stay green


Well-Known Member
thanks alot man, good luck with your grow, feel free to enlighten this thread with a piece of life or maybe simply some live cannabis porn.

anyways lil update on the ladies, i know this is preferably not what i was supposed to do, but.. it's either transplanting the flowering ladies now that they've started, or letting them get root bound and produce lil popcorn buds, and i don't want that, so i transplanted to a double sized pot today and most of them looking good, 2 ladies are already getting hairy, started with bloom nutes ofcourse, lil bit of that bloom and topmax by biobizz.

if i could get an answer to my big lady problem that'll be great.
it seems she's recovering from that horrible accident, but all leaves and kinda droopy and weak, anything i could do to help her besides water and prayers?

Active Member
About the momma you dropped. I wouldn't trip out about it much. I'm unsure how much of the root-ball was lost, but you need to take her out from under any lights right now until she recovers. The problem being that when under lights, the plant will need to take up more water since the transpiration rates will be increased. Take her out from the lights and you will effectively slow the transpiration rate and she will have time to recover. Good luck


Active Member
thanks alot man, good luck with your grow, feel free to enlighten this thread with a piece of life or maybe simply some live cannabis porn.
bongsmilieHere is some cana-porn....She is 2 Feet 10 inches, slim, white hairs at node, lives in 5 gallon grow bag and goes by the name Leda Uno. She was born March 3, 2011. She isn't "legal" yet, but in a few months I will have my way with her. She loves to drink Fox Farm nutes(Trio and has her roots in a custom potting mix(mycorrhizal fungi(amazon), evergreen cow compost(lowes), azomite(amazon), dolemite lime(lowes), pansy mate(Kricket Krap inc.), and evergreen potting mix(lowes)). I expect her to be atleast 8 feet tall or more given she is almost 3 feet and has 3 more months to veg. This pic was taken a week ago so I know she is taller now. As you can see, she come to my waste coming up from the grow bag and I am 6'4...

Uploaded with


Active Member
About the momma you dropped. I wouldn't trip out about it much. I'm unsure how much of the root-ball was lost, but you need to take her out from under any lights right now until she recovers. The problem being that when under lights, the plant will need to take up more water since the transpiration rates will be increased. Take her out from the lights and you will effectively slow the transpiration rate and she will have time to recover. Good luck
How can she recover with out any energy? She needs to photosynthesize for adenosine triphosphate. Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP will give her the energy she needs to recover. Without energy how can she reconstruct what needs to be mended? I think she needs no nutes and water only for a while. She will recover naturally on her own. Taking her away from the lights is crazy talk. The lights is what she needs to heal.


Well-Known Member
haha, no, maybe it could be if you smoked a lil bit of that bud :)
no seriously, my g/f thought its cool so.. whatever.

thanks thrower, this is actually what i do right now, she seems like she's fine, getting only water ofcourse, just tried to use my common sense with that girl except for when i dropped her at the ground so yeah.. i've got good hands :D

just caught another girlish signs today at one of those ak, who btw all seems to start flowering.
im actually so proud of myself compared to last year even tho i started late as august (!!!) and actually managed to harvest the nice bud at the 1st pic in the thread.

im gonna take a pic of my prettiest girl tomorrow after work, she's quite small (around 12" probably) but oh so pretty.

thanks for the comments. peace out.


Active Member
No prob dude. A little common sense goes a long way. I know alot of people that damage their plants on purpose so they can grow back stronger. If she was big to begin with then your love and care will be just fine. After a week or two she should be healthy enough to get nutes again. Can't wait to see the pics man. Happy Growing!


Well-Known Member
well again, as promised - pictures!

starting with the 1st flowering lady, it was kinda windy today so she has been bent down a lil bit. this flowering in may thing still confuses the hell outta me, but with every day passing im getting to realize that she's probably an offspring of an auto flower strain, due to the fact that the bud she came from said to be an ak47, but wouldn't trust it even tho it smoked hella good.


now comes another pretty lady with some more pubic hairs on her, she's prettier tho.
btw, both are in 3gl pot, potted them 2 days ago, now starting to mix my biobizz with biobloom and lil bit topmax, planning to try my bloombastic sampler on later stages. now for the pics:


next one is my big lady, who seems to be recovering with every day passing by, this plant is amazing!


topped one:


and the pretty girl, IMG_2854.jpgIMG_2850.jpgIMG_2851.jpg

there are also 2 dr. joint auto fem easy ryder, but they're just seedling so ill keep the pics of them for when they get a lil bigger.
any tips? suggestions? assumptions as to why all those ak(?!) are flowering?

thanks for any comments.


Well-Known Member
if a plant starts flowering when it's about a ft high, how big can it be when it ends flowering?
can i expect an oz from it? or is it too small for that amount?


Well-Known Member
growers who harvest at beginning of summer plant out in feb/mar and take the risk with frost. The days are getting longer even at this time of year but the long nights are enough to trigger flowering ,continue flowering untill mid may where if not harvested the buds will re-veg. Also the buds harvested this time of year are not as heavy as summer buds.
im kinda confused about the whole before frost after frost, late summer/fall harvest and early summer harvest.
as you can see, i currently have like 5 budseed that seems to be flowering, but probably started 10 ago (!!!), i think they're getting around 14 hours of natural sun a day since they're on a roof in an open space, all planted towards the end of march-beginning of april, by looking at them now they seems like they're in full bloom (2 surely are, all other 3 starting to develop pistils with every passing day), so i know im stressing like a bitch and outdoor plants can never be expected, but anyone thinks they're gonna reveg on me?! it all seems and sounds as people are throwing tons of false info about the growing cycle outdoor, when actually they can never expect and control it like an indoor plant can be controlled.

anyways, probably nothing but time can answer my question, but if anyone has any useful info that could be helpful, i already got used to the fact that im gonna harvest in like 7 weeks.
but yea, im too stressed with the plants, i think i care too much :|


Active Member
im kinda confused about the whole before frost after frost, late summer/fall harvest and early summer harvest.
as you can see, i currently have like 5 budseed that seems to be flowering, but probably started 10 ago (!!!), i think they're getting around 14 hours of natural sun a day since they're on a roof in an open space, all planted towards the end of march-beginning of april, by looking at them now they seems like they're in full bloom (2 surely are, all other 3 starting to develop pistils with every passing day), so i know im stressing like a bitch and outdoor plants can never be expected, but anyone thinks they're gonna reveg on me?! it all seems and sounds as people are throwing tons of false info about the growing cycle outdoor, when actually they can never expect and control it like an indoor plant can be controlled.

anyways, probably nothing but time can answer my question, but if anyone has any useful info that could be helpful, i already got used to the fact that im gonna harvest in like 7 weeks.
but yea, im too stressed with the plants, i think i care too much :|
The AK may have been thrown off by light hours. If you are lucky they may go back into veg. I had a few that went into flowering and have went back into vegging. You can't get that much bud from a small plant. No one can give a ball park figure because it's really up to the plant. When people talk about the last frost they are only talking about when the weather isn't too cold for starting plants. "Late summer" is late July and early August. Early "summer harvest" is when most harvest Autos or plants that flowered early. I have a Diavolo II, a White Dwarf and a White Widow that will be ready around the beginning of June. Fall Harvest are plants that are started from Feb. to May that veg for a good bit and complete the annual cycle which is usually between Sept-Nov.